- attack : all attack should be put here separately
- defense : all defense should be put here separately
- config : all config file in yaml (all attack and defense config should all be put here separately)
- data : data file
- models : models that do not in the torchvision
- record : all experiment generated files and logs (also important for load_result function)
- utils : frequent-use functions and other tools
- aggregate_block : frequent-use blocks in script
- bd_img_transform : basic perturbation on img
- bd_label_transform : basic transform on label
- dataset : script for loading the dataset
- dataset_preprocess : script for preprocess transforms on dataset
- backdoor_generate_pindex.py : some function for generation of poison index
- bd_dataset.py : the wrapper of backdoored datasets
- trainer_cls.py : some basic functions for classification case
- resource : pre-trained model (eg. auto-encoder for attack), or other large file (other than data)