Please explain the bug and include any details which might help reproduce the issue, for example:
Reproduction steps or example script (if possible)
Platform details (e.g. Operating System, CPU Type, Device Model)
Python version:
python -V
Installed packages:
pip freeze
Please detail the feature you would like to see in the library and include any relevant information, for example:
- Link to the relevant method in the API Specification
Please detail your suggested enhancement and include any relevant information, for example:
- Link to the relevant method in the API Specification
- Current library functionality (on the latest official release)
- Would this enhancement break compatibility? could this be resolved in any way (e.g. method proxies)?
Please ensure:
Your changes should be based on the develop branch, before starting development checkout the correct branch:
git checkout develop
You have installed the development dependencies if you plan to work on the build system or run tests without using tox
If you are using pipenv
pipenv install
Otherwise, you can install the 'test_requirements.txt' for running tests and 'build_requirements.txt' for building
To build a distribution, after you have installed the build requirements:
python -m build
Please ensure:
Tests pass, either:
Use tox to run tests against each version of Python and PyPy:
Test against your current version of Python:
Create your pull request, and wait for the test results to be posted by Travis CI. (this may take a few minutes)
No issues are reported by flake8, either:
Test coverage hasn't fallen (lines added without tests)
Use tox to run tests against each version of Python and PyPy:
Coverage details will be displayed in the "stats" task.
Create your pull request, and wait for the coverage details to be posted by Coveralls. (this may take a few minutes)
If you aren't sure how to write tests or are confused about any of the above steps, just post the pull request anyway. I'll either let you know what needs to be changed, or can just cleanup your code and write the required tests (if requested).