Here are my dotfiles. Everything is made to be consistent accross applications and devices. I use the Firark colors everywhere, that you can find here :
Installation can be easily managed with the
More pictures can be found on Imgur.
- Bspwm for the Window Manager
- Picom for animations (ibhagwan/picom)
- Dunst for notifications
- Fish for the shell
- GTK and QT for windows
- Polybar for the bar
- Sxhkd for the hotkeys daemon
- Urxvt for the term
- Rofi for the menu
- i3lock with a custom script for the lock
- Sddm for the Display manager
- Plymouth for the boot screen
And more than that, I use for code :
- Vim
- Pycharm
Here is what I use for the visual of the theme :
- Firark colors
- Arc Theme modified
- Arc Icon Theme
- Moka Icon Theme
- Clairvoyance SDDM theme modified
They are also important :
- Lato for titles
- Raleway for subtitles
- Fira Code from Nerd Fonts in the terminal and as monospaced font