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149 lines (113 loc) · 4.95 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (113 loc) · 4.95 KB

OpenMetroMaps Station Format

This is a draft!

Basic structure

The file should begin with this line:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

All data is contained within a omm-stations element:

<omm-stations version="1.0.0">

The omm-stations element contains a number of change, exit, and batch elements.


A change element defines a position on a station's platform that is optimal for changing to a different line.

The platform is specified via a triple of line, towards and at attributes. Attributes line and towards specify a line with a direction that it is going and at specified a stop on that line.

The change-line attribute then specifies a different line that can be changed to and the location attribute can be used to define the location on the platform that is optimal for a change to that line. See the section below for possible values of the location attribute.


<change line="U3" towards="Nollendorfplatz" at="Fehrbelliner Platz"
        change-line="U7" location="back"/>
<change line="U3" towards="Krumme Lanke"    at="Fehrbelliner Platz"
        change-line="U7" location="front"/>

When a position is valid for a number of change lines and you don't want to specify each one separately, repeating the location and other attributes, you can use the change-line-regex attribute instead of change-line. This allows you for example to match all trains 'S41', 'S42', 'S45', 'S46' and 'S47' with the expression change-line-regex="S.*":

<change line="U3" towards="Nollendorfplatz" at="Heidelberger Platz"
        change-line-regex="S.*" location="back"/>

Sometimes, it is necessary to specify the direction of the destination line. This can be done with the change-towards attribute:

<change at="Bundesplatz" change-line="U9" change-towards="Rathaus Steglitz"
        location="front" derive-reverse-from="true"/>
<change at="Bundesplatz" change-line="U9" change-towards="Osloer Straße"
        location="middle" derive-reverse-from="true"/>

The boolean derive-reverse-from attribute allows you to define changes for both directions of a line at a station in one entry if the situation is symmetric:

<change line="S46" towards="Westend" at="Neukölln"
        change-line="U7" location="front" derive-reverse-from="true"/>

is equivalent to defining these two entries:

<change line="S46" towards="Westend" at="Neukölln"
        change-line="U7" location="front"/>
<change line="S46" towards="Königs Wusterhausen" at="Neukölln"
        change-line="U7" location="back"/>


Similar to the change element, an exit element defines an exit from a platform, most commonly to some position on the street, but sometimes into buildings or elsewhere.

As with change-positions, thhe platform is specified with the triple of line, towards and also at attributes.

An exit should have a name that shortly identifies it among all other exits of the same stations, such as a cardinal direction, the suburb it leads to, or simply one or more of the streets you can reach from there.

As with change-positions, a location attribute specified the location on the platform. Also, the element can specify a boolean derive-reverse attribute that works similar to the change's derive-reverse-from for symmetric situations.


<exit line="S41" towards="Wedding" at="Hermannstraße" name="west" location="front"
      description="Escalator" derive-reverse="true"/>
<exit line="S41" towards="Wedding" at="Hermannstraße" name="east" location="back"
      description="Hermann-Quartier, Elevator" derive-reverse="true"/>


The batch element can be used to specify multiple change and exit records without repeating information that all of them share. This is useful for specifying a number of records for the same line where line and towards attribute don't have to be repeated over and over, instead they can be specified once on the batch element and then apply to all change and exit child elements of the batch.


<batch line="U7" towards="Rathaus Spandau">
  <change at="Neukölln" change-line-regex="S.*" location="front"/>
  <exit   at="Neukölln" name="north" location="front"
          description="Emser Straße, Saalestraße" derive-reverse="true"/>
  <exit   at="Neukölln" name="south" location="back"
          description="Lahnstraße, Silbersteinstraße" derive-reverse="true"/>
  <change at="Hermannplatz" change-line="U8" location="middle/middle back"/>
  <change at="Berliner Straße" change-line="U9" location="middle"/>
  <change at="Fehrbelliner Platz" change-line="U3" location="almost back"/>

Attribute values


The location attribute can have the following values:

  • front (1.0)
  • almost front (0.833)
  • middle/middle front (0.667)
  • middle (0.5)
  • middle/middle back (0.333)
  • almost back (0.167)
  • back (0.0)