Since GBX.NET 0.11.0, the base of parsing has been simplified.
To parse a GBX with a known type:
using GBX.NET;
using GBX.NET.Engines.Game;
var map = GameBox.ParseNode<CGameCtnChallenge>("MyMap.Map.Gbx");
To parse a GBX with an unknown type:
using GBX.NET;
using GBX.NET.Engines.Game;
var node = GameBox.ParseNode("MyMap.Map.Gbx");
if (node is CGameCtnChallenge map)
// Node data is available in map
else if (node is CGameCtnReplayRecord replay)
// Node data is available in replay
// C# 7+
switch (node)
case CGameCtnChallenge map:
// Node data is available in map
case CGameCtnReplayRecord replay:
// Node data is available in replay
To get GBX metadata or header chunks, use the node.GBX
To save changes of the parsed GBX file:
using GBX.NET;
using GBX.NET.Engines.Game;
var node = GameBox.ParseNode("MyMap.Map.Gbx");
if (node is CGameCtnChallenge map)
// Do changes with CGameCtnChallenge
else if (node is CGameCtnGhost ghost)
// Do changes with CGameCtnGhost
To save any supported Node
to a GBX file:
using GBX.NET;
using GBX.NET.Engines.Game;
var replay = GameBox.ParseNode<CGameCtnReplayRecord>("MyReplay.Replay.Gbx");
foreach (CGameCtnGhost ghost in replay.Ghosts)