Bash: declare test_arr=(a b c)
POSIX-arrays:declare_i_arr test_arr a b c
Bash: test_arr[100]="this is a test"
POSIX-arrays:set_i_arr_el test_arr 100 "this is a test"
Bash: test_arr+=("this is another test")
POSIX-arrays:add_i_arr_el test_arr "this is another test"
Bash: echo "value for index 100 is $test_arr[100]"
POSIX-arrays: get_i_arr_val test_arr 100 value; echo "value for index 100 is $value"
Bash: echo "all values of test_arr are '${test_arr[*]}'"
POSIX-arrays: get_i_arr_values test_arr values; echo "all values of test_arr are '$values'"
POSIX-arrays (to get a sorted list): get_i_arr_values -s test_arr values; echo "sorted values of test_arr are '$values'"
Bash: echo "all indices of test_arr are '${!test_arr[*]}'"
POSIX-arrays: get_i_arr_indices test_arr indices; echo "all indices of test_arr are '$indices'"
POSIX-arrays (to get a sorted list): get_i_arr_indices -s test_arr indices; echo "sorted indices of test_arr are '$indices'"
Bash: echo "test_arr has '${#test_arr[@]}' elements"
POSIX-arrays: get_i_arr_el_cnt test_arr el_cnt; echo "test_arr has '$el_cnt' elements"
Bash: indices=( "${!test_arr[@]}" ); echo "max index of test_arr is '${indices[-1]}'"
POSIX-arrays: get_i_arr_max_index test_arr maxindex; echo "max index of test_arr is '$maxindex'"
Bash: echo "last value of test_arr is '${test_arr$[-1]}'"
POSIX-arrays: get_i_arr_last_val test_arr lastval; echo "last value of test_arr is '$lastval'"
Bash: declare temp_arr=("this array will be destroyed"); unset temp_arr
POSIX-arrays: declare_i_arr temp_arr "this array will be destroyed"; unset_i_arr temp_arr
declare test_arr=("no_whitespaces_value1" "no_whitespaces_value2")
for value in ${test_arr[@]}; do
echo "$value"
declare_i_arr test_arr "no_whitespaces_value1" "no_whitespaces_value2"
get_i_arr_values test_arr values
for value in $values; do
echo "$value"
declare test_arr=("i_don't_have_whitespaces" "i have whitespaces")
for value in ${test_arr[@]}; do
echo "$value"
POSIX-arrays (here we need to loop over indices rather than over values, to avoid whitespace issues):
declare_i_arr test_arr "i_don't_have_whitespaces" "i have whitespaces"
get_i_arr_indices test_arr indices
for index in $indices; do
get_i_arr_val "$index" value
echo "$value"
for index in ${!test_arr[@]}; do
echo "$index"
get_i_arr_indices test_arr indices
for index in $indices; do
echo "$index"
Bash: declare -A test_arr=([key1]=val1 [key2]=val2)
POSIX-arrays: declare-a-arr test_arr key1=val1 key2=val2
Bash: test_arr[key]="test value"
POSIX-arrays: set_a_arr_el test_arr key="test value"
Bash: unset test_arr[key]
POSIX-arrays: unset_a_arr_el test_arr key
Bash: echo "value for 'key': '${test_arr[key]}'"
POSIX-arrays: get_a_arr_val test_arr value; echo "value for 'key': '$value'"
Bash: echo "all values of test_arr are '${test_arr[*]}'"
POSIX-arrays: get_a_arr_values test_arr values; echo "all values of test_arr are '$values'"
POSIX-arrays (to get a sorted by key list): get_a_arr_values -s test_arr values; echo "sorted by key values of test_arr are '$values'"
Bash: echo "all keys of test_arr are '${!test_arr[*]}'"
POSIX-arrays: get_a_arr_keys test_arr keys; echo "all keys of test_arr are '$keys'"
POSIX-arrays (to get a sorted list): get_a_arr_keys -s test_arr keys; echo "sorted keys of test_arr are '$keys'"
Bash: echo "test_arr has '${#test_arr[@]}' elements"
POSIX-arrays: get_a_arr_el_cnt test_arr el_cnt; echo "test_arr has '$el_cnt' elements"
Bash: unset temp_arr
POSIX-arrays: unset_i_arr temp_arr
for value in ${test_arr[@]}; do
echo "$value"
get_a_arr_values test_arr values
for value in $values; do
echo "$value"
for key in ${!test_arr[@]}; do
echo "$key"
get_a_arr_keys test_arr keys
for key in $keys; do
echo "$key"