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File metadata and controls

704 lines (526 loc) · 24.3 KB

Breaking Changes

This is a comprehensive list of the breaking changes introduced in the major version releases of Crayons.


  1. Version 3.x
  2. Version 4.x

Version 4.x



fw-timepicker: changed the default value of format from hh:mm a to locale based format. min and max time will be based on locale time format


  • CSS Variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --fw-tabs-margin-l renamed --fw-tabs-margin-inline-start (Left margin if direction is left-to-right, and Right margin if direction is right-to-left for the tab items)
    --fw-tabs-margin-r renamed --fw-tabs-margin-inline-end (Right margin if direction is left-to-right, and Left margin if direction is right-to-left for the tab items)
    --fw-tabs-padding-left renamed --fw-tabs-padding-inline-start (Left padding if direction is left-to-right, and Right padding if direction is right-to-left for the tab items)
    --fw-tabs-padding-right renamed --fw-tabs-padding-inline-end (Right padding if direction is left-to-right, and Left padding if direction is right-to-left for the tab items)

Version 3.x

Global Styles

Below are the changes w.r.t global css variables in v3

Old Variable Status New Variable
--color-milk removed
--color-elephant-900 removed
--color-elephant-800 removed
--color-elephant-700 removed
--color-elephant-600 removed
--color-smoke-700 removed
--color-smoke-300 removed
--color-smoke-100 removed
--color-smoke-50 removed
--color-smoke-25 removed
--color-jungle-800 removed
--color-jungle-500 removed
--color-jungle-100 removed
--color-jungle-50 removed
--color-azure-800 removed
---color-azure-100 removed
--color-azure-50 removed
--color-persimmon-900 removed
--color-persimmon-800 removed
--color-persimmon-100 removed
--color-persimmon-50 removed
--color-casablanca-700 removed
--color-casablanca-300 removed
--color-casablanca-100 removed
--color-casablanca-50 removed
--border-color removed
--border-success-color removed
--border-info-color removed
--border-danger-color removed
--border-warning-color removed
--bg-dark removed
--bg-success removed
--bg-info removed
--bg-danger removed
--bg-warning removed
--radius removed
--radius-small removed
--font-stack removed
--font-weight-300 removed
--font-weight-400 removed
--font-weight-500 removed
--font-weight-600 removed
--font-weight-700 removed
--font-size-10 removed
--font-size-12 removed
--font-size-14 removed
--font-size-16 removed
--font-size-18 removed
--font-size-20 removed
--font-size-24 removed
--text-default removed
--text-secondary removed
--text-success removed
--text-info removed
--text-danger removed
--text-warning removed
--text-link removed
--icon-primary removed
--icon-primary-hover removed
--font-size-20 removed
--font-size-20 removed
--font-size-20 removed
--font-size-20 removed
--font-size-20 removed
--font-size-20 removed

To check about the css variables used in each components please check the official documentation page for the components here

Input Control Events

Below are the breaking changes in Input Control Events

  • fw-input: fwChange event will no longer be emitted.
  • fw-textarea: fwChange event will no longer be emitted.
  • fw-radio-group: fwChange event will no longer be emitted on changing value programatically.
  • fw-checkbox: checked field will be a part of meta field in the event detail for fwChange. Now it can be accessed using event.detail.meta.checked instead of event.detail.checked.
  • fw-select: selectedOptions field will be a part of meta field in the event detail for fwChange. Now it can be accessed using event.detail.meta.selectedOptions instead of event.detail.selectedOptions.
  • fw-list-options: selectedOptions field will now be part of meta field in the event detail for fwChange. Now it can be accessed using event.detail.meta.selectedOptions instead of event.detail.selectedOptions.



  • Properties

    expand property has been removed. To create a block level button, use the below:

    <fw-button style="display: block;">Span full-width</fw-button>
  • CSS variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --btn-primary-color removed
    --btn-primary-bg removed
    --btn-primary-bg-dark removed
    --btn-primary-border removed
    --btn-primary-border-active removed
    --btn-secondary-color removed
    --btn-secondary-bg removed
    --btn-secondary-bg-dark removed
    --btn-secondary-border removed
    --btn-secondary-border-active removed
    --btn-danger-color removed
    --btn-danger-bg removed
    --btn-danger-bg-dark removed
    --btn-danger-border removed
    --btn-link-color removed
    --btn-link-bg removed
    --active-box-shadow removed
    --btn-link-bg removed


  • Events

    fwChange: This event will longer be emitted on changing value programatically. Instead it will be emitted only on changing value by mouse click/ Keyboard event. The checked field will be a part of meta field in the event detail for fwChange. Now it can be accessed using event.detail.meta.checked instead of event.detail.checked.

    fwBlur and fwChange events are emitted in the below format:

    Component Before After
    fw-checkbox fwBlur.emit() fwBlur.emit({ event, name })
    fw-checkbox fwChange.emit({ value, checked } fwChange.emit({ event, name, value, meta: {checked} })


    <fw-checkbox id="checkbox">
          .addEventListener('fwChange', (event) => {


    <fw-checkbox id="checkbox">
          .addEventListener('fwChange', (event) => {


Datepicker has been refactored to remove moment-mini dependency and now is replaced with date-fns

  • Properties

    dateFormat property has been removed. Instead use displayFormat property (Format in which the date values selected in the calendar are populated in the input box. Defaults to the locale specific display format). Check here for date-fns valid formats.

  • Events

    fwChange: value will be a part of event detail for fwChange. Now it can be accessed using event.detail.value instead of event.detail

    Component Before After
    fw-datepicker fwChange.emit(value) fwChange.emit({ event, name, value })


    <fw-datepicker id="datepicker">
          .addEventListener('fwChange', (event) => {


    <fw-datepicker id="datepicker">
          .addEventListener('fwChange', (event) => {

Dropdown button

Dropdown button component has been removed as part of v3 release. You can create dropdown buttons using popover component.

  • CSS variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --btn-primary-color removed
    --btn-primary-bg removed
    --btn-primary-bg-dark removed
    --btn-primary-border removed
    --btn-primary-border-active removed
    --btn-secondary-color removed
    --btn-secondary-bg removed
    --btn-secondary-bg-dark removed
    --btn-secondary-border removed
    --btn-secondary-border-active removed
    --btn-danger-color removed
    --btn-danger-bg removed
    --btn-danger-bg-dark removed
    --btn-danger-border removed
    --btn-link-color removed
    --btn-link-bg removed
    --active-box-shadow removed
    --btn-link-bg removed


Icons architecture has been redesigned and a new package @freshworks/crayons-icon has been created. To know more refer here

  • Properties

    name property's value must be a valid svg Name in the Crayons-Icon set. For the exhaustive list of icons and usage refer here

  • CSS Variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --icon-color renamed --fw-icon-color


  • Properties

    stateText property has been removed. Instead use hintText, errorText, warningText property. The corresponding text will be shown based on the value of state property.


    <fw-input state-text="This is required!" state="error"></fw-input>
    <fw-input state-text="This is a hint text" state="normal"></fw-input>


    <fw-input error-text="This is required!" state="error"></fw-input>
    <fw-input hint-text="This is a hint text" state="normal"></fw-input>

    autoFocus property has been removed. You can use setFocus() method to set focus on the input

  • Events

    fwChange event has been removed. Instead use fwInput and fwBlur

    fwInput and fwBlur events are emitted in the below format:

    Component Before After
    fw-input fwBlur.emit() fwBlur.emit({ event, name })
    fw-input fwInput.emit(event) fwInput.emit({ event, name, value })
    fw-input fwChange.emit({ value }) -


    <fw-input id="input"></fw-input>
      document.querySelector('#input').addEventListener('fwInput', (event) => {
      document.querySelector('#input').addEventListener('fwBlur', (event) => {


    <fw-input id="input"></fw-input>
      document.querySelector('#input').addEventListener('fwInput', (event) => {
        console.log(event.detail.event,, event.detail.value);
      document.querySelector('#input').addEventListener('fwBlur', (event) => {
        console.log('blurred', event.detail.event,;


    • CSS variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --label-padding-vertical renamed --fw-label-padding-vertical
    --label-padding-horizontal renamed --fw-label-padding-horizontal

    Radio Group

    • Events

    fwChange event will longer be emitted on changing value programatically. Instead it will be emitted only on changing value by mouse click / keyboard event.

    Component Before After
    fw-radio-group fwChange.emit({ value }) fwChange.emit({ event, name, value } - This event will be emitted only for certain keyup events such as 'ArrowDown','ArrowRight','ArrowUp','ArrowLeft','Space'.


    fwBlur event is emitted in the below format:

    • Events
    Component Before After
    fw-radio fwBlur.emit() fwBlur.emit({ event, name })


    • Properties

    stateText property has been removed. Instead use hintText, errorText, warningText property. The corresponding text will be shown based on the value of state property.


    <fw-select state-text="This is required!" state="error"></fw-select>
    <fw-select state-text="This is a hint text" state="normal"></fw-select>


    <fw-select error-text="This is required!" state="error"></fw-select>
    <fw-select hint-text="This is a hint text" state="normal"></fw-select>

    value property has been modified for multi-select. The value property represents the selected value. In case of single select the type of value should be string, but in case of multi-select the type of value should be an array of strings.


    <fw-select id="multi-select" label="House Name" value="1" multiple>
      <fw-select-option value="1">Starks</fw-select-option>
      <fw-select-option value="2">Lannisters</fw-select-option>


    var multiSelect = document.getElementById('multi-select');
    multiSelect.value = ['1'];

    autoFocus property has been removed. You can use setFocus() method to set focus on the select

    • Accessibility Removed activating the fw-select component via space button, use can use Enter key instead.

    • CSS variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --max-height replaced --fw-popover-max-height
    --min-height replaced --fw-popover-min-height


    • CSS variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --spinner-color renamed --fw-spinner-color


  • CSS variables Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --tab-header-font-size removed
    --tabs-color-primary removed


  • Properties

    tabHeaderHtml property has been removed. Instead use, fw-tab's slotted content for html content for tab header and use fw-tab-panel for panel content


    <fw-tab tab-header-html="<a href='#'>Google</a>">Content</fw-tab>


    <fw-tab pane="one"><a href="#">Google</a></fw-tab>
    <fw-tab-panel name="one"></fw-tab-panel>
  • Events

    propChanged event has been removed.


  • Properties

    stateText property has been removed. Instead use hintText, errorText, warningText property. The corresponding text will be shown based on the value of state property.


    <fw-textarea state-text="This is required!" state="error"></fw-textarea>
    <fw-textarea state-text="This is a hint text" state="normal"></fw-textarea>


    <fw-textarea error-text="This is required!" state="error"></fw-textarea>
    <fw-textarea hint-text="This is a hint text" state="normal"></fw-textarea>

    autoFocus property has been removed. You can use setFocus() method to set focus on the input

  • Events

    fwChange event has been removed. Instead use fwInput and fwBlur

    fwInput and fwBlur events are emitted in the below format:

    Component Before After
    fw-textarea fwBlur.emit() fwBlur.emit({ event, name })
    fw-textarea fwInput.emit(event) fwInput.emit({ event, name, value })
    fw-textarea fwChange.emit({ value }) -


    <fw-textarea id="textarea"></fw-input>
      document.querySelector('#textarea').addEventListener('fwInput', (event) => {
      document.querySelector('#textarea').addEventListener('fwBlur', (event) => {


    <fw-textarea id="textarea"></fw-input>
      document.querySelector('#textarea').addEventListener('fwInput', (event) => {
        console.log(event.detail.event,, event.detail.value);
      document.querySelector('#textarea').addEventListener('fwBlur', (event) => {
        console.log('blurred', event.detail.event,;
  • CSS variables

    Below are the changes w.r.t CSS variables

    Old Variable Status New Variable
    --label-font removed
    --input-bg removed
    --help-color removed
    --error-color removed
    --input-disabled-bg removed
    --input-hover-color removed
    --input-focus-color removed
    --input-border removed
    --warning-color removed
    --input-color renamed --fw-textarea-input-color


Timepicker has been refactored to use date-fns instead of moment-mini

  • Properties

    The values for format property has been changed from 'hh:mm A' | 'HH:mm' to 'hh:mm a' | 'HH:mm'. Default to 'hh:mm a'


  • Properties

    visibility property renamed to is-open.


    <fw-modal visibility="true" title-text="Greeting">Hello world!</fw-modal>


    <fw-modal is-open="true" title-text="Greeting">Hello world!</fw-modal>

    custom-footer property has been removed. Use composition technique instead.


    <fw-modal title-text="Greeting" custom-footer>
      Hello world!
      <span slot="footer">
        <fw-button color="danger">Close</fw-button>


    <fw-modal title-text="Greeting">
      <fw-modal-content>Hello World!</fw-modal-content>
        <fw-button color="danger">Close</fw-button>

    success-text property changed to submit-text.


    <fw-modal title-text="Greeting" success-text="Close"> Hello world! </fw-modal>


    <fw-modal title-text="Greeting" submit-text="Close"> Hello world! </fw-modal>
  • Events

    onFwAction name changed to onFwSubmit.


    <fw-modal title-text="Greeting"> Hello world! </fw-modal>
      document.querySelector('fw-modal').addEventListener('fwAction', (event) => {
        console.log('value', event.detail);


    <fw-modal title-text="Greeting"> Hello world! </fw-modal>
      document.querySelector('fw-modal').addEventListener('fwSubmit', (event) => {
        console.log('value', event.detail);

    onFwClosed name changed to onFwClose.


    <fw-modal title-text="Greeting"> Hello world! </fw-modal>
      document.querySelector('fw-modal').addEventListener('fwClosed', (event) => {
        console.log('value', event.detail);


    <fw-modal title-text="Greeting"> Hello world! </fw-modal>
      document.querySelector('fw-modal').addEventListener('fwClose', (event) => {
        console.log('value', event.detail);