The workshop CLI is the primary interface to manage your cluster
> workshop
CLI interface for workshop. Create, manage & improve your automated trading strategies.
workshop [command]
Available Commands:
apps Commands to manage OTP applications
brokers List cluster brokers
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
lakes Commands to manage data lakes available to the cluster
marketdata Commands to manage market data
new Create a new workshop project
start Start all applications
-h, --help help for workshop
-v, --version version for workshop
Use "workshop [command] --help" for more information about a command.
> workshop apps
Commands to manage OTP applications
workshop apps [command]
Available Commands:
list List all applications
start Start applications
stop Stop applications
-h, --help help for apps
Use "workshop apps [command] --help" for more information about a command.
> workshop brokers
TODO> brokers
> workshop lakes
Commands to manage data lakes available to the cluster
workshop lakes [command]
Available Commands:
list List all data lakes configured in the cluster
remove Remove a data lake from the cluster
set Set the configuration for a data lake
-h, --help help for lakes
Use "workshop lakes [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Full documentation on marketdata subcommands
> workshop marketdata
Commands to manage market data
workshop marketdata [command]
Available Commands:
products Commands to manage product market data
sources List all market data sources available to the node
subscriptions Commands to manage subscription market data
-h, --help help for marketdata
Use "workshop marketdata [command] --help" for more information about a command.
> workshop start
to stop press Ctrl-C
2023/01/26 16:25:13 Application started with pid=<9993D758.0.1011>, app_name="marketdata", node_name="nodename@localhost"
2023/01/26 16:25:13 Application started with pid=<9993D758.0.1013>, app_name="orderbook", node_name="nodename@localhost"
2023/01/26 16:25:13 Application started with pid=<9993D758.0.1014>, app_name="process", node_name="nodename@localhost"
2023/01/26 16:25:13 Application started with pid=<9993D758.0.1015>, app_name="deliver", node_name="nodename@localhost"