A struct based implementation of a pure Elixir ordered n-ary tree
Add the ordered_nary_tree
package to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ordered_nary_tree, "~> 0.0.4"}
# create a tree with a parent node as the root
parent = OrderedNaryTree.Node.new("parent")
tree = OrderedNaryTree.new(parent)
# create 2 children as descendants of the parent
child_1 = OrderedNaryTree.Node.new("child_1")
child_2 = OrderedNaryTree.Node.new("child_2")
{:ok, tree} = OrderedNaryTree.add_child(tree, parent.id, child_1)
{:ok, tree} = OrderedNaryTree.add_child(tree, parent.id, child_2)
{:ok, children} = OrderedNaryTree.children(tree, parent.id)
children == [child_1, child_2]
# create 2 grandchildren of the first child
grandchild_1 = OrderedNaryTree.Node.new("grandchild_1")
grandchild_2 = OrderedNaryTree.Node.new("grandchild_2")
{:ok, tree} = OrderedNaryTree.add_child(tree, child_1.id, grandchild_1)
{:ok, tree} = OrderedNaryTree.add_child(tree, child_1.id, grandchild_2)
{:ok, grandchildren_1} = OrderedNaryTree.children(tree, child_1.id)
grandchildren_1 == [grandchild_1, grandchild_2]
# create 1 grandchild of the second child
grandchild_3 = OrderedNaryTree.Node.new("grandchild_3")
{:ok, tree} = OrderedNaryTree.add_child(tree, child_2.id, grandchild_3)
{:ok, grandchildren_2} = OrderedNaryTree.children(tree, child_2.id)
grandchildren_2 == [grandchild_3]
# the root node is the original parent
{:ok, root} = OrderedNaryTree.root(tree)
root == parent
- Alex Kwiatkowski - [email protected]
is released under the MIT license