This is an experimental repository that store different investigations carry out for getting a better understanding of the different scenarios that we wish to address into freeipa-operator.
The repository is divided into two big blocks:
- config: This directory store static configurations under the shape of Kustomize projects, which represent different static scenarios that we want to plan with freeipa-operator.
- incubator: This directory store many different proof of concepts developed for getting a better understanding of the scenarios to be handled before creating the static version into the above directory.
Once said the above, we will start creating any proof of concept by creating
a directory into incubator
directory. This MUST be easy to execute to see
the resulting states into the cluster; the way followed has been by creating
the following layout:
+- 999-proof-of-concept
+- Makefile Entry point for running the proof of concept.
+- Markdown documentation for the proof of concept.
+- HELP.txt Contain the content printed out by `make help`.
... Free form of
+- config [optional] If the proof of concept is including
infrastructure configuration, this directory will
contain it in the form of Kustomize projects.
+- poc-a
+- kustomization.yaml
+- ... *.yaml Infrastructure as a Code files.
+- poc-z
+- kustomization.yaml
+- ... *.yaml Infrastructure as a Code files.
For using a custom workload for the configurations, you only have to set
to the container image reference you want to be deployed.