- changes regarding default (modifier) keys: (1) to switch between windows of current mSpace: alt-a; references of a window alt-q; (2) to open mSpace Control: alt-tab; (3) to swap windows: alt-s
- EnhancedSpaces namespace is used for functions
- bug fixes
- bug fixes
- dock-related fixes and other bug fixes
- dock set to autohide as temporary fix
- mSpace Control: added visual improvements
- note: due to adjustments, it is necessary to change
in yourinit.lua
as pointed out
- mSpace Control: menu title added
- mSpace Control: windows in preview mSpaces clickable to directly switch there
- various fixes
- mSpace Control: general improvements
- mSpace Control: fixed focus of windows
- mSpace Control completely rewritten
- mSpace Control: fixed issue with reverse cycling
- mSpace Control: option to keep Hammerspoon Console window in check
- mSpace Control: improvements and bug fixes
- mSpace Control: improved capturing of mSpaces
- mSpace Control: you can cycle through mSpaces both directions by pressing additionally
- mSpace Control : new feature - cycle through mSpaces
- mSpace Control: currently active mSpace can be highlighted.
- new feature: mSpace Control
- fullscreen-related fixes and other bug fixes
- Windows that are pre-assigned mSpaces and positions (openAppMSpace) can now have different paddings, i.e. gaps, than the standard ones
- fixed issue that after force-closing a fullscreen window, newly opened windows would not open on pre-arranged mSpaces
- fixed error messages after force-closing windows
- keyboard shortcuts can be disabled
- in 'hammerspoonMenuItems', 'open' has been changed to 'config'
- corrected issue with switcher configuration (v0.9.35)
- added feature to change text for 'Hammerspoon' entry in main menu
- corrected typo
- fixed bug where windows weren't assigned correct mSpace when opened
added possibilities to (1) disable switching between the windows of your current mSpace and (2) disable swapping windows
added possibility to change appearance of switcher
- Added the launcher Albert to the list of applications to be disregarded.
Context menus of the application Telegram are correctly handled as dialogs rather than windows
Added option to add application that are to be disregarded by EnhancedSpaces, e.g., launchers and clipboard managers - see Windows To Be Disregarded by EnhancedSpaces
- fullscreen-related bug fixed
- fixed error when force-closing apps
- fixed issue with incorrect focus when swapping Terminal windows. In case you're running a previous version of EnhancedSpaces, make sure to update 'lib/window_switcher.lua'
in case you’re using a previous version of EnhancedSpaces, make sure to also update the folder ‘lib’ in
modified version of hs.window.switcher is used in order to remove delays at the start of EnhancedSpaces and to remove giving focus to selected window; switcher returns window instead for more flexibility
modified version of hs.window.filter is used in order to fix delays, among others, at startup (Hammerspoon/hammerspoon#3712)
other fixes
- added possibility to change key for dereferencing windows (var 'deReferenceKey'); additional improvements
- additional features for swap menu via modifiers; other improvements
- swapping of windows enabled (see documentation); bug fixes
- bug fix: menu item 'Get Window' works as expected
- bug fixes
- bug fixes
- bug fixes
- added option for startup commands
- ironing out some bugs
- added optional popup menus
- disable send/get in menu in case in case there are no windows on current/other mSpace(s)
- added option for choosing custom wallpapers for each mSpace
- added option to include Hammerspoon's menu into EnhancedSpaces'
*added possibility for changing (language of) menu titles
- added menu
- bug fixes
- improved assigning positions and spaces for windows at start
- fixed recovering of windows at start of EnhancedSpaces
- improved smothnesss when leaving fullscreen mode
- filter subscriptions for 'windowFullscreened' and 'windowUnfullscreened' added -> fixed calling assignMS() after leaving a window's fullscreen mode
- As the name SpaceHammer had already been used, this tool has been renamed.
- Code cleanup, added 'moveLeftMS = false' and 'moveRightMS = false' to doMagic()
- using 'hs.geometry.x2' and 'hs.geometry.y2' for manual resizing of windows
- 'dofile' instead of 'require'
- cycling: windows are sorted last window focused first
- using slighty adjusted version of 'window_switcher.lua': own table with windows for cycling through is used (windowsOnCurrentMSpace)
- using slighty adjusted version of 'window_filter.lua': 'local WINDOWMOVED_DELAY=0.01' instead of '0.5' to get rid of delay (instead of 'hs.timer.doEvery()')
- changed window position to middle of screen when unminimized after having been minimized my dragging beyond bottom screen border
- extended use of 'hs.timer.doEvery()' instead of filter subscription
- bug fixes
- added padding for manual resizing windows and moving up to 10 percent of windows past screen borders
- added option to work around time delay caused by filter subscription when moving windows ('init.lua': 'increaseResponsiveness = true, -- default: false')
- sensible focussing of windows
- snap: keep size of window and put in in center of screen ('a8')
- code cleanup
- code cleanup
- open windows on pre-defined mSpaces
- padding: gaps between windows and between windows and screen borders can be defined
- mSpaces: automatic backup/restore of mSpaces and windows (add 'backup = true' to 'init.lua') -> deprecated: use the option to open windows on pre-defined mSpaces instead
- pre-release