HomeSpan includes two dedicated classes that provide for easy control of "addressable" RGB LEDs. The Pixel() class is used for RGB and RGBW LEDs that require only a single "data" control wire, such as this 8-pixel NeoPixel RGB Stick or this single-pixel NeoPixel RGBW LED. The Dot() class is used for RGB LEDs that require two control wires ("data" and "clock"), such as this 144-pixel DotStar RGB Strip or this 60-pixel RGB LED Strip.
Both classes allow you to individually set each of the "pixels" in a multi-pixel LED strip to a different 24-bit RGB color (or 32-bit color, if using RGBW LEDs). Alternatively, the classes allow you to simply specify a single 24-bit (or 32-bit) color to duplicate across all pixels.
The methods for both classes are nearly identical, which allows you to readily interchange code written for single-wire devices to use with two-wire devices (and vice-versa) with only minor modifications.
Creating an instance of this class configures the specified pin to output a waveform signal suitable for controlling a single-wire, addressable RGB or RGBW LED device with an arbitrary number of pixels. Such devices typically contain SK6812 or WS2812 LEDs. Arguments, along with their defaults if left unspecified, are as follows:
pin - the pin on which the RGB control signal will be output; normally connected to the "data" input of the addressable LED device
pixelType - controls the order in which color data is transmitted, as well as whether the device contains 3-color (red/green/blue) or 4‑color (red/green/blue/white) LEDs. Pre-defined values for pixelType are provided in the PixelType namespace. Choose from one of the following twelve formats:
- PixelType::RGB, PixelType::RBG, PixelType::BRG, PixelType::BGR, PixelType::GBR, PixelType::GRB
- PixelType::RGBW, PixelType::RBGW, PixelType::BRGW, PixelType::BGRW, PixelType::GBRW, PixelType::GRBW
Pixel myDevice(26, PixelType::BRGW);
creates a 4-color RGBW device attached to pin 26 where the colors are transmitted in the order blue, red, green, and then white
Note that pixelType is optional. If left unspecified, the default value is PixelType::GRB.
Since it is often not obvious which type of LED your specific device may have, HomeSpan includes a sketch designed to help you determine the correct value of pixelType. See File → Examples → HomeSpan → Other Examples → PixelTester under the Arduino IDE for detailed instructions. Please use this tester sketch if you find the colors of your Pixel device are not matching what appears in the Home App.
The two main methods to set pixel colors are:
void set(Color color, int nPixels=1)
- sets the color of a pixel in a single-pixel device, or equivalently, the color of the first nPixels in a multi-pixel device, to color, where color is an object of type Color defined below. If unspecified, nPixels defaults to 1 (i.e. a single pixel). It is not a problem if the value specified for nPixels does not match the total number of actual RGB (or RGBW) pixels in your device; if nPixels is less than the total number of device pixels, only the first nPixels will be set to color; if nPixels is greater than the total number of device pixels, the device will simply ignore the additional input
void set(Color *color, int nPixels)
- individually sets the color of each pixel in a multi-pixel device to the color values specified in the Color array *color, of nPixels size, where the first pixel of the device is set to the value in color[0], the second pixel is set to the value in color[1] ... and the last pixel is set to the value in color[nPixels-1]. Similar to above, it is not a problem if the value specified for nPixels does not match the total number of actual RGB (or RGBW) pixels in your device
In both of the methods above, colors are stored in a 32-bit Color object configured to hold four 8-bit RGBW values. Color objects can be instantiated as single variables (e.g. Pixel::Color myColor;
) or as arrays (e.g. Pixel::Color myColors[8];
). Note that the Color object used by the Pixel class is scoped to the Pixel class itself, so you need to use the fully-qualified class name "Pixel::Color". Once a Color object is created, the color it stores can be set using one of the two following methods:
Color RGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w=0)
- where r, g, and b, represent 8-bit red, green, and blue values over the range 0-255, and w represents an 8-bit value [0-255] for the white LED. The white value may be left unspecified, in which case it defaults to 0. Also, the white value will be ignored by set() unless the isRGBW flag was specified as true in the constructor
- example:
sets myColor to bright yellow
Color HSV(float h, float s, float v, double w=0)
- where h=Hue, over the range 0-360; s=Saturation percentage from 0-100; and v=Brightness percentage from 0-100. These values are converted to equivalent 8-bit RGB values (0-255) for storage in the Color object. Note the w value is treated separately and represents a percentage of brightness for the white LED (from 0-100) that is also converted into an 8-bit value from 0-255 for storage in the Color object. Similar to above, the white value may be left unspecified, in which case it defaults to 0
- example:
sets myColor to fully-saturated green with 50% brightness
Note both methods above return the completed Color object itself and can thus be used wherever a Color object is required: For example: Pixel p(5); Pixel::Color myColor; p.set(myColor.RGB(255,215,0))
sets the color of a single pixel device attached to pin 5 to bright gold.
The Pixel class also supports the following class-level methods as a convenient alternative to creating colors:
static Color RGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w=0)
- equivalent to
- example:
Pixel p(8); p.set(Pixel::RGB(0,0,255),8);
sets the color of each pixel in an 8-pixel device to blue
- equivalent to
static Color HSV(float h, float s, float v, double w=0)
- equivalent to
- example:
Pixel::Color c[]={Pixel::HSV(120,100,100),Pixel::HSV(60,100,100),Pixel::HSV(0,100,100)};
to create a red-yellow-green traffic light pattern
- equivalent to
Finally, the Pixel class supports these additional methods:
int getPin()
- returns the pin number, or -1 if the instantiation failed due to lack of resources
boolean isRGBW()
- returns true if pixelType specified an RGBW LED, else false if just an RGB LED
void setTiming(float high0, float low0, float high1, float low1, uint32_t lowReset)
- the default timing parameters used by the Pixel class to generate the "data" signal needed to set the colors of an RGB LED device should work with most commercial products based on SK6812 or WS2812 driver chips. Use this method ONLY if you need to override the class defaults and replace them with your own timing parameters, where
- high0 and low0 specify the duration (in microseconds) of the high phase and low phase for a pulse encoding a zero-bit;
- high1 and low1 specify the duration (in microseconds) of the high phase and low phase for a pulse encoding a one-bit; and
- lowReset specifies the delay (in microseconds) representing the end of a pulse stream
- for reference, the Pixel class uses the following defaults: high0=0.32𝛍s, low0=0.88𝛍s, high1=0.64𝛍s, low1=0.56𝛍s, lowReset=80.0𝛍s
- the default timing parameters used by the Pixel class to generate the "data" signal needed to set the colors of an RGB LED device should work with most commercial products based on SK6812 or WS2812 driver chips. Use this method ONLY if you need to override the class defaults and replace them with your own timing parameters, where
If your LED colors are flickering, this is likely due to a mismatch in timing parameters. To solve, please search the web for a specifications document for the exact chip used by your specific device. These documents generally provide a table listing the durations of the HIGH and LOW periods required to transmit a binary 1 or binary 0. You can then use the setTiming
method above to set the timing parameters accordingly.
The Pixel class relies on the ESP32's RMT peripheral to create the precise pulse trains required to control single-wire addressable RGB LEDs. Since each instantiation of Pixel consumes an RMT channel, the number of Pixel objects you can instantiate (each controlling a separate multi-pixel RGB LED device attached to a specific pin) is limited to the number of RMT available as follows: ESP32 - 8 instances; ESP32-S2 - 4 instances; ESP32-C3 - 2 instances.
Also, the Pixel class is optimized to handle arbitrarily-long LED strips containing hundreds of RGB or RGBW pixels. To accomplish this efficiently, the Pixel class implements its own RMT driver, which conflicts with the default RMT driver used by HomeSpan's RFControl library. Unfortunately this means you cannot use both the Pixel class library and RFControl class library in the same HomeSpan sketch.
Creating an instance of this class configures the specified pins to output waveform signals suitable for controlling a two-wire, addressable RGB LED device with an arbitrary number of pixels. Such devices typically contain SK9822 or APA102 LEDs, or an embedded WS2801 driver chip. Arguments, along with their defaults if left unspecified, are as follows:
- dataPin - the pin on which the RGB data signal will be output; normally connected to the "data" input of the addressable LED device
- clockPin - the pin on which the RGB clock signal will be output; normally connected to the "clock" input of the addressable LED device
The two main methods to set pixel colors are:
void set(Color color, int nPixels=1)
- sets the color of a pixel in a single-pixel device, or equivalently, the color of the first nPixels in a multi-pixel device, to color, where color is an object of type Color defined below. If unspecified, nPixels defaults to 1 (i.e. a single pixel). It is not a problem if the value specified for nPixels does not match the total number of actual RGB pixels in your device; if nPixels is less than the total number of device pixels, only the first nPixels will be set to color; if nPixels is greater than the total number of device pixels, the device will simply ignore the additional input
void set(Color *color, int nPixels)
- individually sets the color of each pixel in a multi-pixel device to the color values specified in the Color array *color, of nPixels size, where the first pixel of the device is set to the value in color[0], the second pixel is set to the value in color[1] ... and the last pixel is set to the value in color[nPixels-1]. Similar to above, it is not a problem if the value specified for nPixels does not match the total number of actual RGB pixels in your device
In both of the methods above, colors are stored in a 32-bit Color object configured to hold three 8-bit RGB values plus a 5-bit value that can be used to limit the LED current. Color objects can be instantiated as single variables (e.g. Dot::Color myColor;
) or as arrays (e.g. Dot::Color myColors\[8\];
). Note that the Color object used by the Dot class is scoped to the Dot class itself, so you need to use the fully-qualified class name "Dot::Color". Once a Color object is created, the color it stores can be set using one of the two following methods:
Color RGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t driveLevel=31)
- where r, g, and b, represent 8-bit red, green, and blue values over the range 0-255, and driveLevel represents an 5-bit value [0-31] used to limit the LED current from 0 (no current) to 31 (max current, which is the default). Limiting the LED current by setting the driveLevel to a value of less than 31 provides a flicker-free way of controlling the brightness of the RGB LEDs for each pixel.
- example:
sets myColor to yellow at half-brightness using a 50% duty cycle for the red and green LEDs (i.e. 128/256) - example:
sets myColor to yellow at half-brightness by limiting the LED current for the pixel to 50% of its max value (i.e. 16/32)
Color HSV(float h, float s, float v, double drivePercent=100)
- where h=Hue, over the range 0-360; s=Saturation percentage from 0-100; and v=Brightness percentage from 0-100. These values are converted to equivalent 8-bit RGB values (0-255) for storage in the Color object. The drivePercent parameter controls the current in the same fashion as driveLevel above, except that instead of being specified as an absolute value from 0-31, it is specified as a percentage from 0 to 100 (the default)
- example:
sets myColor to fully-saturated green at half-brightness using a 50% duty cycle - example:
sets myColor to fully-saturated green at half-brightness by limiting the LED current for the pixel to 50% of its max value
Note both methods above return the completed Color object itself and can thus be used wherever a Color object is required: For example: Dot p(5,6); Dot::Color myColor; p.set(myColor.RGB(255,215,0))
sets the color of a single pixel device attached to pins 5 and 6 to bright gold.
The Pixel class also supports the following class-level methods as a convenient alternative to creating colors:
static Color RGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t driveLevel=31)
- equivalent to
- example:
Dot p(8,11); p.set(Dot::RGB(0,0,255),8);
sets the color of each pixel in an 8-pixel device to blue
- equivalent to
static Color HSV(float h, float s, float v, double drivePercent=100)
- equivalent to
- example:
Dot::Color c[]={Dot::HSV(120,100,100),Dot::HSV(60,100,100),Dot::HSV(0,100,100)};
to create a red-yellow-green traffic light pattern
- equivalent to
Unlike the Pixel class, the Dot class does not utilize the ESP32's RMT peripheral and thus there are no limits to the number of Dot objects you can instantiate, nor are there any conflicts with using the Dot class and the RFControl library at the same time in the same sketch. Also, since the clock signal is generated by the Dot class itself, there are no timing parameters to set and no need for a setTiming() method.
A fully worked example showing how to use the Pixel library within a HomeSpan sketch to control an RGB Pixel Device, an RGBW Pixel Device, and an RGB DotStar Device, all from the Home App on your iPhone, can be found in the Arduino IDE under File → Examples → HomeSpan → Other Examples → Pixel.
For a more complete showcase of the Pixel library , check out Holiday Lights on the HomeSpan Projects page. This sketch demonstrates how the Pixel library can be used to generate a variety of special effects with a 60-pixel RGBW strip. The sketch also showcases the use of HomeSpan's Custom Characteristic macro to implement a special-effects "selector" button for use in the Eve for HomeKit App.
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