Plex Playlist Pusher (Python Re-write)
Looking for the original Bash version? Find it here
A simple Python 3 script used to automatically:
- load .m3u playlists from a local directory (maybe your MusicBee library... Can't be the same directory as your PPP installation!)
- load music playlists from Plex
- compare the two, merging any new tracks or entire playlists
- push the updated playlists back to Plex using the Plex Playlist API (
- copy the updated playlists back to your local directory
This will keep Plex playlists and local playlists synchronised. If you want to delete a playlist or song from a playlist, it must be removed from BOTH local and Plex playlists.
- Install Python 3.X if you haven't already
- Open with a text editor
- Change the below variables to suit your use case
- Save and run the file
the url of your Plex server, as seen by whatever you're running PPP on [e.g.]
find it here: [e.g. P6X4rFdFhcTssbA6pXoT]
path to the local playlists you want to use, relative to whatever you're running PPP on [e.g. /mnt/Playlists]
install directory
path to your PPP install directory, relative to your PLEX MACHINE (which may be different to the machine you run PPP on) [e.g. D:\\Media\\PPP]
the library section which contains the music you are adding to playlists (Google will help you find it) [e.g. 11]
see below
see below
\\uluru\Uluru\Media\Music\Andrew Huang\Love Is Real\Love Is Real.mp3
\\uluru\Uluru\Media\Music\Ben Howard\Noonday Dream\A Boat To An Island On The Wall.mp3
D:\Media\Music\Andrew Huang\Love Is Real\Love Is Real.mp3
D:\Media\Music\Ben Howard\Noonday Dream\A Boat To An Island On The Wall.mp3
In the examples above, local_prepend
is \\\\uluru\\Uluru\\ and plex_prepend
is D:\\
Why are there so many backslashes? You need to double any backslash, because normally it's a special 'escape character' which would break the code. You need to 'escape' the 'escape character' (
Want to run this automatically every X amount of time? Use crontab. You may need to apply this fix.
Example crontab:
* * * * * cd /path/to/PPP && /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/PPP/ >> /path/to/PPP/PPP.log 2>&1