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Christian Stritzke edited this page Jul 10, 2015 · 9 revisions


...using the Eclipse Marketplace

  1. Open your Eclipse installation and navigate to Help->Eclipse Marketplace... in the Menubar.
  2. Search for NetIDE, click Install and follow the instructions. After restarting Eclipse, NetIDE is ready to run.

...using the Update Site

  1. Open your Eclipse installation and navigate to Help->Install New Software....
  2. Enter for a stable installation or for nightly builds.
  3. Select NetIDE click Next and follow the instructions. After restarting Eclipse, NetIDE is ready to run. building from source

Check out the maven branch, navigate to the folder releng/eu.netide.parent and type mvn package. The build process can take some time.

Once it has finished, you'll find the contents of an eclipse update site as a zip file in releng/eu.netide.product/target.

Open your Eclipse Luna installation, go to Help->Install New Software->Add->Archive and specify the location of the zip file.

Select NetIDE from the list and follow the instructions. After restarting Eclipse, NetIDE is ready to run.


Follow the steps in the Readme file to check out the plugin code.

If you like to contribute to the project, please notice the following:

  • We have four maintained branches:

  • master: Contains the latest stable version and is only updated on a new release

  • development: The latest and greatest. New features are merged in here.

  • maven: Regularly pulls from the development branch. Maven metadata for plugins which contribute to the nightly builds is added here.

  • EclipseUpdateSite: Reflects the version of NetIDE which is currently available on the Eclipse Marketplace.

  • Please use Feature branches. Create a new branch for each feature and each bug fix and, when deemed mature, create a pull request to the development branch.

  • It is generally recommended to regularly merge the development branch into your feature branches. This can prevent a lot of conflicts and thus frustration once you decide to merge your feature branch into development.

  • .project and .classpath files as well as .settings folders have to be uploaded as well since they provide vital information for importing and building plugins.