Streams are based on generators. They are immutable generator object wrappers.
Their operations are lazy and will be applied only once when stream
terminal operation like toArray
will be called.
Every non-terminal stream operation will produce new stream fork. No more than one fork can be made from stream object.
Stream can be created from any iterable. Additionally, there are fabric static methods.
use Fp\Streams\Stream;
->repeat() // [1, 1, ...] infinite stream
->map(fn(int $i) => $i + 1) // [2, 2, ...] infinite stream
->take(5) // [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
->toList(); // [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
use Fp\Streams\Stream;
->map(fn() => rand(0, 9)) // infinite stream of random digits
->intersperse(',') // [x1, ',', x2, ',', ...]
->tap(function () {
// constant memory usage
echo memory_get_usage(true) . PHP_EOL;
->take(50000) // make infinite stream finite
->fold('')(fn($acc, $elem) => $acc . $elem); // call terminal operation to run stream
use Fp\Streams\Stream;
use Fp\Functional\Option\Option;
* @return Option<float>
function safeDiv(int $dividend, int $divisor): Option {
return Option::condLazy(0 !== $divisor, fn() => $dividend / $divisor);
Stream::emits([0, 2])
->repeat(3) // [0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2]
->filterMap(fn(int $i) => safeDiv($i, $i)) // [1, 1, 1]
->take(9999) // [1, 1, 1]
use Fp\Streams\Stream;
* Several streams may be interleaved together
* It's zip + flatMap combination
Stream::emits([1, 2, 3])
->interleave(Stream::emits([4, 5, 6, 7])) // [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6]
->intersperse('+') // [1, '+', 4, '+', 2, '+', 5, '+', 3, '+', 6]
->fold('', fn(string $acc, $cur) => $acc . $cur) // '1+4+2+5+3+6'
use Fp\Streams\Stream;
Stream::awakeEvery(5) // emit elapsed time every 5 seconds
->map(fn(int $elapsed) => "$elapsed seconds elapsed from stream start")
->lines() // print element every 5 seconds to stdout
use Fp\Collections\ArrayList;
use Fp\Streams\Stream;
// Insert chunks of 5000 rows to 'events' table
->tap(fn(Seq $chunk) => $client->insert('events', $chunk))
->flatMap(function(ArrayList $chunk) {
return $chunk->filter(fn(Event $event) => $event->type === 'SOME_TYPE')
// Insert chunks of 5000 rows to 'events_of_some_type' table
->tap(fn(ArrayList $chunk) => $client->insert('events_of_some_type', $chunk))
use Tests\Mock\Foo;
use Fp\Streams\Stream;
use Fp\Functional\Option\Option;
use Generator;
use SplFileInfo;
final class Foo
public function __construct(
public readonly int $a,
public readonly bool $b = true,
public readonly bool $c = true,
) {}
function generateJsonLinesFile(string $path): void
->map(fn() => new Foo(rand(), 1 === rand(0, 1), 1 === rand(0, 1)))
->map(fn(Foo $foo) => json_encode([$foo->a, $foo->b, $foo->c]))
->prepended(json_encode(["a", "b", "c"]))
* @return list<Foo>
function parseJsonLinesFile(string $path): array
$chars = function () use ($path): Generator {
$file = new SplFileObject($path);
while(false !== ($char = $file->fgetc())) {
yield $char;
$file = null;
return Stream::emits($chars())
->groupAdjacentBy(fn($char) => PHP_EOL === $char)
->map(fn(array $pair) => $pair[1])
->map(fn(Seq $line) => $line->mkString(sep: ''))
* @return Option<Foo>
function parseFoo(string $json): Option
return Option::try(fn() => json_decode($json, associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR))
->filter(fn($candidate) => is_array($candidate))
->filter(fn($candidate) => array_key_exists(0, $candidate) && is_int($candidate[0]))
->filter(fn($candidate) => array_key_exists(1, $candidate) && is_bool($candidate[1]))
->filter(fn($candidate) => array_key_exists(2, $candidate) && is_bool($candidate[2]))
->map(fn($tuple) => new Foo($tuple[0], $tuple[1], $tuple[2]));