This server provides route instructions for a few select modes of transportation. It uses free and open data from the collaborative OpenStreetMap project with the routing engine OSRM. The servers are sponsored by FOSSGIS.
Map related questions are best asked at one of the places mentioned on
For questions about the routing engine software, OSRM, there is the mailinglist osrm-talk
You can contact the system administrators at [email protected]
Your request for a route is sent to our server (because the route is calculated on the server and only displayed in your browser) and is saved in the server log file. Please see Datenschutzerklärung for more information on privacy.
The full usage policy can be found on the fossgis website in German. Here a short excerpt:
- Display the required attribution and display a link to "fix the map".
- Use a valid user agent and, if applicable, a correct referrer.
- One request per second max.
- No scraping, no heavy usage.
There are three servers, one is continuously preparing the routing graph and fetching the most recent OpenStreetMap data, while the two others are serving routes from the precalculated graphs.
The three servers have 6 cores and 256GB ram each.
Most software running on the servers is available as open source. Debian 10 is used as operating system.
Currently running v5.23.0
- hints are disabled, because they can crash the server
- The frontend was hacked to include a profile switch (car, bike and foot)
- Includes the configuration of background layers and routing engine URLs
The routing profiles used for these servers. They differ from the profiles included with the OSRM-backend sources, especially the bike and foot profiles.
- car: worldwide
- bike: worldwide
- foot: worldwide
The routing data are updated daily. There may be delays in the internal processing and creation of the routing diagram.
The server configuration is available as chef scripts in a github repository, too. There you can also find auxiliary files like this page.