diff --git a/models/general/Food and Drink/en/Health_Fruits.txt b/models/general/Food and Drink/en/Health_Fruits.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61e3aa83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/general/Food and Drink/en/Health_Fruits.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+::name Benefits of Fruits
+::category Health and Fitness
+::language en
+::author Sanj99
+::author_url https://github.com/SanjanaSanikommu
+::description Gives Information about health benefits of fruits
+::dynamic_content Yes
+::image images/Fruts.jpg
+!example: Health benefits of banana| Bananas | Benefits of banana |What is the use of banana? | do you know Banana? | Do you know banana? | Give me health tips of banana | health benefits of banana|banana|bananas|Banana|health benefits of banana
+!expect: Banana is a fruit which is rich in fibre and is sweet in nature
+Eating Bananas could help lower blood pressure and reduce the risks of cancer and asthma.|Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that studies suggest plays a role in preserving memory and boosting your mood|A medium-sized banana contains about 3 grams of fiber,which may improve digestive health|Bananas contain anti-oxidants which reduces risk of heart disease.
+!example: Health benefits of apple | Benefits of apple |What is the use of apple? | do you know Apple? | Do you know apple? | Give me health tips of apple | health benefits of apple|Apple|apple|Apples|health benefits of apple|
+!expect: Apples are extremely rich in antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber
+Eating apple improves neurological health|Eating apple may reduce your risk of stroke | Apple helps in lowering levels of bad cholesterol
+!example: Health benefits of mango | Benefits of mango |What is the use of mango? | do you know mango? | Do you know mango? | Give me health tips of mango | health benefits of Mango|Mango|mango|Mangoes|health benefits of mango.
+!expect: Mango is the king of all fruits and is rich in vitamins,tastes swwet and creamy
+The antioxidant zeaxanthin, found in mangoes which helps in age related macular degeneration|Vitamin K is important for improving calcium absorption, essential for optimal bone health which is abundantly found in mango|Mangoes are also great for your hair because they contain vitamin A|
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/general/Food and Drink/en/images/fruits.jpg b/models/general/Food and Drink/en/images/fruits.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6898061
Binary files /dev/null and b/models/general/Food and Drink/en/images/fruits.jpg differ
diff --git a/models/general/Knowledge/en/Facts_on_numbers.txt b/models/general/Knowledge/en/Facts_on_numbers.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b911c0fb..00000000
--- a/models/general/Knowledge/en/Facts_on_numbers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# tells facts on numbers
-::name Facts on numbers
-::author Sanjana Sanikommu
-::author_url https://github.com/SanjanaSanikommu
-::image images/Facts.jpg
-::dynamic_content Yes
-::description Interesting facts on numbers,trivia,date
-tell me a math fact | tell something interesting about maths | Do you know any amazing maths fact | give me a maths fact | do you know any maths fact | tell me facts about maths |
-!example:Tell me something interesting about maths!
- {
- "url" : " http://numbersapi.com/number/type",
- "path":"$.type"
- }
diff --git a/models/general/Knowledge/en/Inventions.txt b/models/general/Knowledge/en/Inventions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4ff89c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/general/Knowledge/en/Inventions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+::name Inventions
+::category Knowledge
+::language en
+::author Sanjana Sanikommu
+::author_url https://github.com/SanjanaSanikommu
+::description Gives information about Newton,Einstein.
+::dynamic_content Yes
+::image images/science.png
+!example: who is newton? | Do you know who is newton? | What is newton famous for ? |Who is Issac Newton ? | do you know newton? | Who is newton? | who is Newton? | Who is Newton? | Newton | Issac Newton
+!expect: Newton is famous for his laws of gravity.
+Isaac Newton is known for his law of gravity | He laid the foundations for classical mechanics, explaining the law of gravity and the laws of motion | Newton was a polymath who made investigations into a whole range of subjects including mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy.
+!example: who is Einstein? | Do you know who is Einstein? | What is Einstein famous for ? |Who is Albert Einstein ? | do you know Einstein? | Who is Einstein? | who is einstein? | Who is albert Einstein? | Albert Einstein | Einstein | What did albert einstein do?
+!expect: Famous for theory of relativity.
+Einstein is famous for this theory of relativity | He won the Nobel Prize in Physics (1921) for his discovery of the Photoelectric effect which formed the basis of Quantum Theory.
diff --git a/models/general/Knowledge/en/images/science.png b/models/general/Knowledge/en/images/science.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8cd4f09
Binary files /dev/null and b/models/general/Knowledge/en/images/science.png differ