Present: Zane Dax, Kevin O'Brien, Heather Turner, gwynn gebeyhu
R streams at PyData (notes from Kevin O'Brien)
- PyData NYC is taking place between Wed 6th November and Friday 8th November in the Microsoft Conference Centre in NYC (42nd and 8th, near Time Square): There might an R track on one day if there is enough CFP. They reportedly have a room to spare so can try it out.
- From R's point of view, it would be great to have a strong showing in a Microsoft hosted conference. It might encourage them to sponsor useR! conferences in the future. (Both KOB and Steven Kell were working with useR! this year - Steven is now working with PyData NYC)
- Apropos of the fact that is a PyData Conference - language interoperability (i.e. combining R, Julia and Python) would be perfect.
- Steven Kell and KOB were discussing PyData Global Conference - an online event in December. We are not sure what NumFocus's plans are for it yet, but I am going to pitch an R track for it. (Assuming the timing suits)
- General difficulty of getting things running again in person (meetups and conferences), plus general "data science winter", could be good to join again.
- Contacts in New York: (, also Liz Hare has given talk there and is New York.
- Potential to link 1-day R events with PyData. Possible way forward as satRdays have petered out (R Consortium became custodian of brand, but have not been proactive in organizing/promoting).
R on Linkedin (notes from Kevin O'Brien)
- Essentially a substantial part of the R framework that we knew in the last decade has collapsed.
- Twitter - absolutely useless even if we do decide to keep using it
- Meetup Website & RUGs
- Corporate partnerships (i.e. Sponsors for Confs & Hosts for Meetups)
- We have to begin anew. Mastodon is fine, but it is intentionally designed in such a way that limits brand development (i.e. Corporate Outreach). LinkedIn is the main play here.
- Pages of interest on LinkedIn: - RCollab - A community of R Markdown enthusiasts posting anything related to #RStats, especially #RMarkdown, #QuartoPub and #Bookdown: - R User Community: more for sharing events - Why R? Linkedin page: Propose to reconfigure as a page for technical content: need to find contributors. Promote what R can do to help general perception.
- Suggestions from Zane re potential Why R? content
- Showcase highlighting how R can do diverse things, it's cool to use. Maybe 30 second videos of "make a linear regression in X steps" and show the fancy customization. Reach out to science enthusiasts, undergrads.
- Make content that talks to Excel users that use pivot tables and show how R is much better, can be automated, Rmarkdown etc. E.g. "do you use pivot tables but want to go to the next level? then R is the answer"
- YouTube channel that shows how to in R, great channel:
- Blog by "coolbutuseless" another good example:
- Essentially a substantial part of the R framework that we knew in the last decade has collapsed.
Multilingual webinar Screen Reader Accessible Tools and Resources for Learning and Working with R (announcement from Yanina Bellini Saibene)
- Tuesday, 10 September 2024 17:00 UTC
- with rOpenSci’s Champions Alican Cagri Gokcek and Liz Hare
- Alican Cagri Gokcek organized the webinar in collaboration with Engine Yilmaz from Boğaziçi University (Turkey). More info + add to your calendar + link to join:
Why R? Slack - repurpose as a R User Community Slack, could be used by conferences
Open Source Community Collider: - see also #community-team channel on Slack.
Next meeting: September 27th at 2pm ET
Louis De Silva (Johannesburg), Sayantika Banik
gg: Would be good to connect African R User Groups, e.g Cameroon (
WOMBAT conference and OceaniaR hackathon
Discord R group: discoRd. Invite:
ZD: reaching out to people beyond current R users, those who haven't heard of R.
Meetup alternatives