Present: Heather Turner, Isabella Gollini, Joyce Robbins, Liz Hare, Kevin O'Brien, gwynn gebeyehu Absent (read notes after meeting): Zane Dax, Ella Kaye.
Membership review
Stepped down (some assumed):
Teaching team: Emily Dodwell, Ritwik Mitra
Community team: Sam Toet
Conferences team: Yanina Bellini Saibene (co-leader), Noa Tamir (co-leader)
Surveys team: Andrea Sánchez-Tapia (co-leader), Claudia Huaylla
On-ramps team: Jyoti Bhogal, Allison Vuong
Current members (19):
* Chair: Heather Turner * Admin: gwynn gebeyehu * Accessibility: gwynn gebeyehu (team lead), Jonathan Godfrey (team lead), Zane Dax * Conferences: Julie Josse, Liz Hare * Community: Kevin O'Brien (team lead), Ella Kaye (team lead), * On-ramps: Mike Chirico (team lead) Michael Lawrence, Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal (team lead) * Teaching: Emma Rand (team lead), Di Cook, Isabella Gollini, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Maria Prokofieva, Joyce Robbins * Surveys: Pao Corrales
Member at large: Daniela Cialfi
Project ideas from membership review - mostly covered in specific sections below
- General Quarto-related work, e.g. workshops, website (Mine)
Taskforce structure
- Will drop formal team structure as people don't have time to taking a leading role, so it hasn't been that effective in spreading the load or keeping up momentum. Also several people work across different areas. So will revert to flat structure and work on project/task basis in our usual areas.
Meeting type/regularity
Accommodating people in Australia (Maria)
Slackathon has not been so effective. Means minutes are split up by month, not so easy to search
Maybe better to have collaborative notes on particular topics.
Work via GitHub issues (we do have this:
Enable GitHub discussions
Have monthly meetings alternating between two times to try to cover as many people as possible. Small groups can meet separate as if useful for particular projects.
Information about how to get involved in each project, possibly tasks that people can work on. Joyce can help set up.
- Use github channel on Slack to share info
- Could also link people with community projects
- Possibly supplement with blog post
From membership review:
Updating/extending R Package Development teaching materials (Ella, Maria, Daniela, Mine)
Teaching R to high school teachers. (Mike, Joyce, Isabella, Zane)
Data science for highschool kids with a focus on projects rather than math behind (Maria) R Girls:
Applying for a grant to work with a recent MSc graduate on Forwards teaching project (Joyce)
Alternative paid analysis work. Possible work on surveys data using some funds left over from Google Season of Docs.
Or R Consortium grants:, April 1 deadline, May 1 notification.
From membership review:
Helping with accessibility at useR! 2024 (Liz - if accessible platform is used for online part)
Plans to be reviewing the website
Working on accessibility statement, instructions for authors. gwynn can help with this!
Others directly involved:
- Kevin (social media)
- Ella (RainbowR)
DEI huddle Kick off! HT: will forward email invite
Link board
Reviving WhyR? Webinars to on ramp useR! Online team
Social program for useR!
useR! survey
What is current advice re: Visas for visting EU from UK, US, etc
R-Ladies Amsterdam looking for new organizers (Post by Janine Khuc)
PyData Chapter Leads Summit in Eindhoven On Friday 22nd March
officially for Pydata Chapters specifically - but I dont think they mind if a few stowaways come along
Contact: Jim Weiss from Numfocus
Ghana R User Conference (also possibly online: HT to share form)
- Monday March 18th - Wednesday March 20th in Kumasi
- Are going to run a Crowdfunder campaign to get sponsorship
- Heather, gwynn and Kevin are participating
SatRdays London is taking place on Saturday 29th April 2024 in Bush House in Central London
LinkedIn page - taking over Why R? company page for Forwards (
- KOB Opinion: Not very active yet, but good to "reserve" names to prevent cybersquatting
Maria Nanton is working on a blog post about translatathon at LatinR
Ongoing issue regarding mastodon widget + dark theme: forwards/
- Dev day prior to London satRday?
- Do poll for two time zones with calendly