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Session A

General catch-up

Liz Hare

  • Data Visualisation event with MiR? Got delayed due to admin thing, hopefully will be next March. Looking for one more person to help organizer. Will put out a call for educators shortly to teach on accessible visualisation topic. Will have themed days. Hope to create materials that will persist on MiR website.
  • Gave talk on alt text to paleontology students. Will repeat at R-Ladies New York.
  • Has written a chapter on alt text in book coming out in the Fall.
  • useR! 2022: was not able to be there. Knows that Yani worked with team to try to implement inclusive practices, but the response wasn't so good. Chat, connections to video on conference platform did not have time to be tested.

Zane Dax - Co-RainbowR, #TidyRainbow

  • Has been doing some tidying up of the repo, including adding some data. A year of data ready to go for Twitter, posting for biweekly (or fortnightly!) tidyrainbow posts.
  • Had some issues with data from research papers behind a paywall that had to be removed.
  • Interaction nosedived a bit over summer.

Kevin O'Brien - Community Events

  • Mainly online events been helping out with, e.g. providing Zoom accounts for R User Groups, mostly in Africa (easy as they are in the same time zone as Kevin).
  • Also helping out with graphic design - Zane stepped up to help with this. Helps branding, looks more professional and helps the group be taken seriously. Thinks other groups might want this. Could get other people involved this way.
  • (on chat: Yani has been invited to give talks at several African RUGs)
  • Francophone satRdays, August 8. 4 speakers: 2 from Cote d'Ivoire, 1 from Senegal, 1 from Cameroon. Similar to WhyR event with R-Ladies Remote. Sets precedent for running events in non-English language.
  • Keeping online events going now regular conferences going back to in-person.
  • JuliaCon, an online conference, has proceedings. Might this be useful to scientists in Global South that might face visa problems, or help strengthen their CV?
  • Yani: There are proceedings for LatinR
  • Liz: Can sometimes get a journal to publish them

Yani Bellini - Conferences

  • How will this team continue? Doesn't feel that acting as leader as currently. Would like to pass on rather than just leave.
  • useR! 2022: working on YouTube videos, following up with emails. Team are working on lessons learned that they might contribute to knowledgebase. Hope to be able to process survey, to see what other people thought. Would not recommend to use accelevent platform: paid for captions but they didn't work. Was really hard if you have small screen. Tutors don't have access to platform in advance, so can't check if content is visible. Very short lead times, so no time to test things in advance. Hard to find things in platform. And it was expensive!
  • Liz: Cvent is a more accessible platform.
  • LatinR: a lot of work for small volunteer team. Currently doing review of submissions (~40), more proposals for tutorials this year.
  • 10 simple rules paper: a nice outcome from useR! 2021. Some authors have give related presentations: Yani gave keynote at CarpentryCon in Spanish that they translated and captioned in English and also had sign language. Yani, Liz and Rocio have been on associated panels, e.g. Turing Way event. So having impact outside the R world and outside useR!. So we should feel proud and keep advocating.
  • Hopes to process survey this month and add to infoboard.
  • Heather: as next useR! uncertain, a difficult time to onboard someone new. So just keep ticking over for now.

Heather Turner - R Contribution Working Group

  • The Collaboration Campfires that Heather and Saranjeet organized went quite well: had a diverse group of around 10-15 at each one, so pleased that outreach seemed to go well and that people were interested.
  • Bug BBQ satellite at useR! was a bit variable: best attendance at session in US timezone, low attendance at session in European timezone. But several members of R Core came and there were several folk that came and had a look at some bugs. Some of these have been progressed since to be fixed or for further discussion on R's Bugzilla.
  • In future would ideally follow-up a bit with people after event to keep up the connection. Part of the idea was that participants at the Collaboration Campfires would come to Bug BBQ, but that didn't happen.
  • Currently running Ideas Incubator: to generate ideas for next year. Might run a translations hackathon, or perhaps another series of Collaboration Campfires.
  • Yani: rOpenSci is going to have Community Call about translation, might invite someone RCWG to join this. No date yet, maybe October.

Session B: not scheduled

Session C:

s gwynn sturdevant

Ella Kaye - RainbowR update

  • See slides:
  • Kevin: potential for in-person meetup in London, 6-8 September
  • Issue with holding rstudio::conf in Florida next year, regarding LGBTQ+ rights and abortion rights. Need to balance benefit to individual vs impact of boycott. Kevin: corporate events really out of scope of the community to influence. Ella: Hadley Wickham responded on Twitter committing to an awesome hybrid programme.
    • Can Forwards do something to support LGBTQ+ folk attending online/in-person and/or to highlight the issue?
    • Discussion of pros/cons of boycotts, statements, Twitter posts etc. Conclude personal contact with Posit is best way forward to start with.

Claudia Huaylla - Latin America survey (note sent prior to meeting)

  • We are continuing to work on the blog, we hope to do the translation this month and send the blog for review and comments after that.

Didn't make it in the end: Emma Rand - Teaching up date Pao Corrales