Present: gwynn, Andrea, Liz, Mike, Maria Prokofieva Apologies: Di, Heather, Mine, Emma
- (Heather before meeting): Some ideas discussed for Google Season of Docs: rstats-gsod/gsod2022#5. The idea of converting R Journal articles/vignettes to HTML might end up being an Outreachy/Google Season of Docs project. Yihui might be working on a lighter version of rmarkdown with fewer dependencies.
Accessibility of ggplot add an item to the list that will describe the plots if BrailleR is libraried.
ACTIONS Write email to BrailleR users list to get more blind feedback. Follow up on meetings with Gary and others
Have had multiple meetings with AfricaR to reboot this program. RLadies has a board - unelected works in NYC RForwards has teams - nice structure AsiaR - giant useR! 2021 and started to spread the word across the countries
- slack space
- Yani and RLadies East Lansing organizers involved.
ACTIONS Ask LatinR people to come and share - conference based, then became community
Some work on translations - make a dashboard for R about completeness of translations Hungarian translation of R mostly done - but lost
ACTIONS Who should we speak to about translations of R? Hungarian translation of errors, warning, message, anything that goes through get text at C level. Send email to RCore Michael to complete Outreachy translation project descriptions: - -
Wanted to use the slackathon to finish the 2021 but did not finish. Have been in touch with
ACTIONS Andrea needs to communicate with the team when she has time. Wants to sit with the team, perhaps slackathon could be part of this?
Andrea will need to speak with Ana.
- Next Core Team meeting will be 2022-04-15.