Diversity asks "who is in the room?" Equity responds "Who is trying to get into the room, but can't?" Inclusion asks "Has everyone's idea been heard?" Justice responds "Who's idea hasn't been taken seriously because they are not in the majority?" — Dr. Dafina-Lazarus Stewart
(Provided by Noa Tamir)
Kevin O'Brien is involved in the Julia community, and proposed that there should be more sharing of ideas between the different communities on properly developing an inclusive community. There was a Birds of Feather session at JuliaCon 2018, to discuss ideas on how to consolidate diversity and inclusion initiatives in the Julia Community. The Chair of session reported on this meeting in the following blog post. https://julialang.org/blog/2018/09/juliacon2018
"Second, we need to train (or in some way, better prepare) the moderators of our Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions. We noticed unfortunate dynamics in some of our BoF sessions where individuals were repeatedly spoken over and not heard, including, surprisingly, during the BoF dedicated to diversity and inclusion. These sorts of dynamics are preventable with foresight and preparation: especially in multicultural and racially/ethnically/gender imbalanced environments, the terms of engagement in any discussion need to be set clearly up front. " (edited)
These meetings are a vital opportunity for people from URMs to have their say about the issues they face. The meeting chair needs to prioritize their opportunity to do this, and people who are not from URMs take on board what they are saying. (edited)