Show Date: Thursday, January 5, 2017, 18:00 UTC
- Nell Shamrell-Harrington github, twitter, blog
- Nathen Harvey github, twitter, blog
- Brandon Burton github, twitter
Things posted to slack during the episode:
nathenharvey [1:17 PM] -
solarce [1:19 PM] - an example of the quality measures of a cookbook: (edited)
nathenharvey [1:20 PM] - Passing foodcritic and collaborators AND a partner cookbook 🙂
nathenharvey [1:20] - Other metrics we're looking to implement can be found here -
solarce [1:38 PM] -
nathenharvey [1:38 PM] -
nathenharvey [1:43] -
- ChefConf
- Awesome Community Chefs
- Community Summits
- Slack!
- Chef Board of Governance
- Chef Server HA- beta program and general release
- DCO for Chef Open Source Projects
- InSpec
- Habitat
- Chef Automate
- AWS Opsworks
- Brandon
- Nell (Referred to as a "grizzled veteran" of Chef for the first time, Shoulder injury, Naginata Black Belt)
- Nathen
- 97 - Configuration Management Camp 2016
- 98 - Design Thinking
- 99 - InSpec
- 100 - Habitat
- 101 - Awesome Community Chefs
- 102 - DevOpsDays DFW
- 103 - Policyfiles
Chef Conf
- highlights
Awesome Community Chef Awards - Mike Fiedler, Stuart Preston, Doug Ireton, Seth Thomas
Seattle Chef Community Summit
- Barry Crist announced that Chef will spend the next year working on refining products, rather than introducing more new ones like we did through 2016
- Inspec language support added to Atom and VS Code
- Top Chef Season 13 (10 years of Top Chef!)
- Star Wars Commander iOS game
- DevOpsDays Baltimore
- ChefConf
- Configuration Management Camp 2017 & the Habitat Hack following
- AWS Advent
- Thank you to Jennifer Davis, Seth Thomas, Soenke Ruempler, and all the editor and author contributors!
- SysAdvent
The Food Fight Show is brought to you by Nathen Harvey with help from other hosts and the awesome community of Chefs.
The show is sponsored, in part, by Chef.
Feedback, suggestions, and questions: [email protected] or