DataTables for jQuery with styling for Bulma
This package contains distribution files required to style DataTables library for jQuery with styling for Bulma.
DataTables is a table enhancing library which adds features such as paging, ordering, search, scrolling and many more to a static HTML page. A comprehensive API is also available that can be used to manipulate the table. Please refer to the DataTables web-site for a full range of documentation and examples.
npm install
var $ = require( 'jquery' );
require( '' )( window, $ );
You should import on your styles the .css file in order to visualize everything correctly.
Example on a .sass file:
@import "";
This software is released under the MIT license. You are free to use, modify and distribute this software, but all copyright information must remain.
Note: This code is highly based on the Bootstrap integration for Datatables.