The flipt-client-python
directory contains the Python source code for the Flipt client-side evaluation client.
pip install flipt-client
In your Python code you can import this client and use it as so:
from flipt_client import FliptEvaluationClient
# "namespace" and "engine_opts" are two keyword arguments that this constructor accepts
# namespace: which namespace to fetch flag state from
# engine_opts: follows the model EngineOpts in the file. Configures the url of the upstream Flipt instance, the interval in which to fetch new flag state, and the auth token if your upstream Flipt instance requires it
flipt_evaluation_client = FliptEvaluationClient()
variant_result = flipt_evaluation_client.evaluate_variant(flag_key="flag1", entity_id="entity", context={"fizz": "buzz"})