flensed Project Licenses
All flensed projects are licensed as open-source under The MIT License External Link. This license basically grants you the right to use, modify, redistribute, sell or otherwise benefit from this software or any portion thereof. However, the only thing that is required is that you maintain the entire permission and license reference in the source code or any distributed or resulting derivative work.
Let me just add that while not expressly written into the MIT license, I expect and request that anyone who finds and uses the projects in flensed will do so in a manner that is becoming of, and consistent with the best interests of, web developers and the web community as a whole. In no way, shape, or form should flensed be used to propogate deceptive, harmful, illegal, or otherwise unsavory technology usage in any website or in any software product. Doing so not only invalidates your license from Getify Solutions, Inc. and the flensed project, but generally brands you as a bad person. Basically, please use flensed for good, not evil.
For your reference, all human-readable (non-compiled, non-compressed) source code files contain in the header a permission statement similar to the following, which is what must be maintained/included upon modification or redistribution:
[project name] [version] <[project-url]>
Copyright (c) 2008 Kyle Simpson
This software is released under the MIT License
Portions of this code were extracted and/or derived from: