diff --git a/35_IntroToHPC/main.md b/35_IntroToHPC/main.md
index 1badb7a..726ba90 100644
--- a/35_IntroToHPC/main.md
+++ b/35_IntroToHPC/main.md
@@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which e
+### Which statement is generally true about what we mean by a "cluster"?
+- A. One very powerful computer
+- B. Many geographically dispersed computers connected via the internet
+- C. Network of CPU nodes with lots of RAM that are linked together with some kind of network
### Network/fabric
- Network/fabric - the means of communication between nodes
- Communication lines usually fiber/copper/wireless
@@ -112,6 +118,11 @@ Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which e
- Ethernet -- 0.1ms -- \~1-40 Gbit/s -- network
- Infiniband -- 0.001ms -- \~100-800 Gbit/s -- fabric
+### Which statement is false?
+- A. Latency is the time between sending and receiving messages
+- B. Bandwidth is the rate at which messages can be sent
+- C. Infiniband fabric has relatively 'high' latency and 'low' bandwidth
### Compute nodes
@@ -137,6 +148,12 @@ Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which e
- Cores typically slower than laptop/workstation cores, but more of them and more cache/RAM
+### Which statement is true about nodes and cores?
+- A. There is one node per supercomputer
+- B. Each node has multiple CPU cores
+- C. Cores in supercomputers are typically faster than laptop cores and have less RAM
### Compute node architecture -- `lstopo`
- Cores also sometimes have extra groupings in `NUMA` (non-uniform memory architecture) domains
- Tells what hardware has direct access to what memory
@@ -205,6 +222,12 @@ Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which e
- A handful of GPUs for special purposes
+### Rusty/popeye storage -- local
+- All worker nodes have fast `NVMe` storage local to the machine
+- Usually about 2 terabytes in the `/tmp` path
+- Automatically deleted at job completion!
### Rusty/popeye storage -- home
- `/mnt/home/$USER` AKA `$HOME` -- default path
- Put your source code and software installs here!
@@ -244,6 +267,13 @@ Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which e
+### Which statement is true about file systems at FI?
+- A. I should put many small files ina single directory on ceph
+- B. I should put large files in my home directory
+- C. Home and ceph are the only options for storing data during a job
+- D. Files stored in my home directory are backed up while ones on ceph are not
## Environment management
@@ -302,6 +332,7 @@ python pi.py 100000 0
- We could make our code more efficient...
- But let's throw some power at it, some options are:
- `MPI` (message passing interface) using `openmpi`
+ - `srun` to run multiple copies
- multiple serial jobs via `disBatch`
- could loop through calls to python in sbatch script, but hard to balance and error prone
- could use small jobs or job array with slurm, but this angers the compute gods