The figURL is of the form<view_uri>&d=<data_uri>&label=<label>&s=<url_state_string>&zone=<zone>
The figure is embedded in an iframe in one of two ways
Method 1:
<iframe src={`${srcUrl}?parentOrigin=${parentOrigin}>&figureId=${figureId}&s=<url_state_string>`}>
const srcUrl = '<obtained-from-view-uri>'
const parentOrigin = window.location.protocol + '//' +
const figureId = '<random-figure-id>'
Method 2:
<iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" srcdoc="<html_source>">
where the html source is obtained from downloading the content at the view URI. Note the sandbox attribute should be used for security reasons, giving minimal permissions to the child window. For example, we don't want the child window to access the parent's DOM or the parent's local storage.
For method 2, a message is posted immediately after iframe.onload to the iframe as follows:
const msg = {
type: 'initializeFigure',
parentOrigin: '*',
figureId: '<figure_id>',
s?: <url_state_string>
iframe.postMessage(msg, '*')
The child posts messages to the parent as follows:
const request: FigurlRequest = ... // defined below
const msgToParent = {
type: 'figurlRequest',
figureId: '<figure_id>',
requestId: '<random_request_id>',
request: request
window.parent.postMessage(msgToParent, '<parent_origin>')
The parent sends messages to the child as follows:
const msgToChild: FigurlResponseMessage | FileDownloadProgressMessage | SetCurrentUserMessage = ... // defined below
// For method 1, origin is origin of <src_url>
// For method 2, origin is *
iframe.postMessage(msgToChild, origin)
// request message to parent
type FigurlRequest =
GetFigureDataRequest |
GetFileDataRequest |
GetFileDataUrlRequest |
StoreFileRequest |
StoreGithubFileRequest |
type GetFigureDataRequest = {
type: 'getFigureData'
type GetFileDataRequest = {
type: 'getFileData'
uri: string
responseType?: string // 'text', 'json', 'json-deserialized': default is 'json-deserialized'
type GetFileDataUrlRequest = {
type: 'getFileDataUrl'
uri: string
type StoreFileRequest = {
type: 'storeFile'
fileData: string
type StoreGithubFileRequest = {
type: 'storeGithubFile'
fileData: string
uri: string
type SetUrlStateRequest = {
type: 'setUrlState'
state: {[key: string]: any}
// response message to child
type FigurlResponseMessage = {
type: 'figurlResponse',
requestId: string,
response: FigurlResponse
type FigurlResponse =
GetFigureDataResponse |
GetFileDataResponse |
GetFileDataUrlResponse |
StoreFileResponse |
StoreGithubFileResponse |
type GetFigureDataResponse = {
type: 'getFigureData'
figureData: any
type GetFileDataResponse = {
type: 'getFileData'
fileData?: any
errorMessage?: string
type GetFileDataUrlResponse = {
type: 'getFileDataUrl'
fileDataUrl?: string
errorMessage?: string
type StoreFileResponse = {
type: 'storeFile'
uri?: string
error?: string
type StoreGithubFileResponse = {
type: 'storeGithubFile'
success: boolean
error?: string
type SetUrlStateResponse = {
type: 'setUrlState'
// other messages to child
type FileDownloadProgressMessage = {
type: 'fileDownloadProgress'
uri: string
loaded: number
total: number
type SetCurrentUserMessage = {
type: 'setCurrentUser',
userId: string