- chat for [[fellowship of the link]] of [[2023-09-20]] follow :)
Samuel Klein says:love your naming scheme! Samuel Klein says:this diagram also suggests scale-free design [which is compelling; not privileging zoomed-in or z oomed-out parts of the whole] Samuel Klein says:++ Peter Kaminski says:Flask is a lightweight web application framework for Python Peter Kaminski says: Jerry Michalski says:is that like agreeing on a hashtag? Samuel Klein says:One thing I'd like to see more easily is the list of repositories in your agora, and which ones h ave a node for a given wikilink Samuel Klein says:I have to run! This was great to see, worth tuning to a 15-min pitch Samuel Klein says:❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Samuel Klein says:oho my next meeting was moved back I have 15 min 😃 Jerry Michalski says:yay! Jerry Michalski says:it's a hypertext catfish! Aram Zucker-Scharff says:I found this very useful! I have to drop Jerry Michalski says:see you! Peter Kaminski says: Samuel Klein says:there's probably room a tool like "full auto-linker" that could look through your doc + its conte xt, check your agora for entities that exist across the conjoined namespace, and autolinking concepts the first tim e they appear in your doc Peter Kaminski says: Samuel Klein says:there's probably room a tool like "full auto-linker" that could look through your doc + its conte xt, check your agora for entities that exist across the conjoined namespace, and autolinking concepts the first tim e they appear in your doc Samuel Klein says:for* Samuel Klein says:my feedback for the current default interface is: if the core agora action is about cross-namespa ce linking, that conjoined namespace should be visualized in a little infographic up at the top of every page [here are the 8 repos with a node w/ the identical name, there are N others one step removed, here's a quicklink to the node-graph, &c] Samuel Klein says:and the list of stoas could itself be more compact, so "list of stoas" and "list of nodes" could each be ~infoboxes taking up 1/3 to 1/2 of the top couple inches of a standard screen Samuel Klein says:Agora Mask Jerry Michalski says:how might Michael make Factr Agora-fluent? Jerry Michalski says:our recording is about to konk out (I think) Jerry Michalski says:ah, it went right past the hour and is still recording. oh, well 😃 Samuel Klein says:"seamlessly connect concepts [and variants] across different notebooks and wikis" Samuel Klein says:I have a visual quirk that would make this tangible