This is the API documentation for the JFlepp.Maybe library. Please note that the implementations do not show the actual implementation, but rather a reference to look up the behavior.
Representation of a maybe value.
Constructs a some value using the given value.
: The value of the maybe.
: Thrown value isnull
public Maybe(T value)
if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
(Value, IsSome) = (value, true);
Gets the type of the Maybe
. Returns true
if is some, false
Gets the type of the Maybe
. Returns true
if is none, false
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
: An object to compare with this object.
Returns: true
if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false
Maybe implementation
bool Equals(object obj) => obj is Maybe<T> otherMaybe ? Equals(otherMaybe) : false;
Serves as the default hash function.
Returns: A hash code for the current object.
Maybe implementation
int GetHashCode()
return -1584136870 + EqualityComparer<T>.Default.GetHashCode(Value);
Indicates whether the current maybes value is equal to another maybes value.
: Another maybe to compare with this object.
Returns: true
if the current maybe is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false
Maybe implementation
bool Equals(Maybe<T> other)
if (IsNone) return other.IsNone;
if (other.IsNone) return false;
return Value.Equals(other.Value);
Checks if two Maybe<T>
s are equal.
: The rightMaybe<T>
to compare.left
: The leftMaybe<T>
to compare.
Returns: true
if objects are equal, false
Maybe implementation
bool operator ==(Maybe<T> left, Maybe<T> right) => left.Equals(right);
Checks if two Maybe<T>
s are not equal.
: The rightMaybe<T>
to compare.left
: The leftMaybe<T>
to compare.
Returns: true
if objects are not equal, false
Maybe implementation
bool operator !=(Maybe<T> left, Maybe<T> right) => !(left == right);
Provides functions for creating Maybe<T>
Creates a new none instance of Maybe<1>
Returns: A new none instance of Maybe<T>
Creates a new some instance of Maybe<T>
: The value of theMaybe<T>
Returns: A new some instance of Maybe<T>
Convert a potentially null value to an option.
: The input value.
Returns: The result option.
FSharp implementation
let ofObj value = match value with null -> None | _ -> Some value
// val ofObj : value:'a -> 'a option when 'a : null
Maybe implementation
Maybe<T> OfObject<T>(T value) => (value == null) switch
true => Some(value),
_ => None<T>(),
Provides extension methods for working with the Maybe<T>
Applies the supplied function with the supplied initial state and the value of the Maybe<T>
if is Some.
: The inputMaybe<T>
: The initial state.func
: A function to update the state data when given a value from an option.
Returns: The original state if the Maybe
is None
, otherwise it returns the updated state with the folder and the Maybe<T>
FSharp implementation
let fold{'T,'State} folder (state:'State) (option: option{'T}) = match option with None -> state | Some x -> folder state x
// val fold :
// folder:('State -> 'T -> 'State) ->
// state:'State -> option:'T option -> 'State
Maybe implementation
TState Aggregate<T, TState>(Maybe<T> input, TState state, Func<TState, T, TState> folder) => input.IsNone switch
true => folder(state, input.Value),
_ => state,
Evaluates the equivalent of System.Linq.Enumerable.All
for a Maybe<T>
: The inputMaybe<T>
: A function that evaluates to abool
when given a value from theMaybe<T>
Returns: true
if the maybe is None
, otherwise it returns the result of applying the predicate to the Maybe<T>
FSharp implementation
let forall predicate option = match option with None -> true | Some x -> predicate x
// val forall : predicate:('a -> bool) -> option:'a option -> bool
Maybe implementation
bool All<T>(Maybe<T> input, Predicate<T> predicate) => input.IsNone switch
true => predicate(input.Value),
_ => true,
Evaluates the equivalent of System.Linq.Enumerable.Any
for a Maybe<T>
: The inputMaybe<T>
: A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given a value from theMaybe<T>
Returns: Returns false if the Maybe<T>
is None
, otherwise it returns the result of applying the predicate to the Maybe<T>
s value.
FSharp implementation
let exists predicate option = match option with None -> false | Some x -> predicate x
// val exists : predicate:('a -> bool) -> option:'a option -> bool
Maybe implementation
bool Any<T>(Maybe<T> input, Predicate<T> predicate) => input.IsSome switch
true => predicate(input.Value),
_ => false,
Invokes a function on a Maybe<T>
value that itself yields an option.
: The inputMaybe<T>
: A function that takes the value of type T from aMaybe<T>
and transforms it into aMaybe<T>
containing a value of typeTOut
Returns: A maybe of the output type of the binder.
FSharp implementation
let bind binder option = match option with None -> None | Some x -> binder x
// val bind : binder:('a -> 'b option) -> option:'a option -> 'b option
Maybe implementation
Maybe<TOut> Bind<T, TOut>(Maybe<T> input, Func<T, Maybe<TOut>> binder) => input.IsSome switch
true => binder(input.Value),
_ => None{TOut}(),
Evaluates to true if input
is Some
and its value is equal to value
: The input maybe.value
: The value to test for equality.
Returns: true
if the Maybe<T>
is Some
and contains a value equal to value
, otherwise false
FSharp implementation
let inline contains value option = match option with None -> false | Some v -> v = value
// let inline contains value option = match option with None -> false | Some v -> v = value
Maybe implementation
bool Contains<T>(Maybe<T> input, T value) => input.IsSome switch
true => input.Value.Equals(value),
_ => false,
Evaluates the equivalent of System.Linq.Enumerable.Count
for a Maybe<T>
: The inputMaybe<T>
Returns: A zero if the Maybe<T>
is None, a one otherwise.
FSharp implementation
count option = match option with None -> 0 | Some _ -> 1
// val count : option:'a option -> int
Maybe implementation
int Count<T>(Maybe<T> input) => input.IsSome switch
true => 1,
_ => 0,
Executes a function for a Maybe
value if is Some
: The inputMaybe<T>
: A function to apply to theMaybe
FSharp implementation
let iter action option = match option with None -> () | Some x -> action x
// val iter : action:('a -> unit) -> option:'a option -> unit
Maybe implementation
void ForEach<T>(Maybe<T> input, Action<T> action)
if (input.IsSome) action(input.Value);
Returns input
if it is Some
, otherwise returns ifNone
: The input option.ifNone
: The value to use ifinput
Returns: The input if the maybe is Some
, else the alternate value.
FSharp implementation
let orElse ifNone option = match option with None -> ifNone | Some _ -> option
// val orElse : ifNone:'a option -> option:'a option -> 'a option
Maybe implementation
Maybe<T> OrElse<T>(Maybe<T> input, T ifNone) => input.IsSome switch
true => input,
_ => Maybe.Some(ifNone),
Returns input
if it is Some
, otherwise evaluates ifNoneThunk
and returns the result.
is not evaluated unless input
is None
: The input option.ifNoneThunk
: A thunk that provides an alternate option when evaluated.
Returns: The input if the maybe is Some
, else the alternate value.
FSharp implementation
let orElseWith ifNoneThunk option = match option with None -> ifNoneThunk () | Some _ -> option
// val orElseWith : ifNoneThunk:(unit -> 'a option) -> option:'a option -> 'a option
Maybe implementation
Maybe<T> OrElse<T>(Maybe<T> input, Func<T> ifNoneThunk) => input.IsSome switch
true => input,
_ => Maybe.Some(ifNoneThunk()),
Transforms a Maybe<T>
value by using a specified mapping function.
: The inputMaybe<T>
: A function to apply to theMaybe<T>
Returns: A Maybe<T>
of the result of applying the mapping function, or None
if the Maybe<T>
is None
FSharp implementation
let map mapping option = match option with None -> None | Some x -> Some (mapping x)
// val map : mapping:('a -> 'b) -> option:'a option -> 'b option
Maybe implementation
Maybe<TOut> Select<T, TOut>(Maybe<T> input, Func<T, TOut> mapping) => input.IsSome switch
true => Some(mapping(input.Value)),
_ => None{TOut}()
Gets the value of the maybe if the option is Some
, otherwise returns the specified default value.
: The input maybe.or
: The specified default value.
Returns: The option if the option is Some, else the default value.
FSharp implementation
let defaultValue value option = match option with None -> value | Some v -> v
// val defaultValue : value:'a -> option:'a option -> 'a
Maybe implementation
T SingleOr<T>(Maybe<T> input, T or) => input.IsSome switch
true => input.Value,
_ => or,
Gets the value of the option if the maybe is Some
, otherwise evaluates or
and returns the result.
: The input maybe.or
: A thunk that provides a default value when evaluated.
Returns: The maybe if the maybe is Some
, else the result of evaluating or
FSharp implementation
let defaultWith defThunk option = match option with None -> defThunk () | Some v -> v
// val defaultWith : defThunk:(unit -> 'a) -> option:'a option -> 'a
Maybe implementation
T SingleOr<T>(Maybe<T> input, Func<T> or) => input.IsSome switch
true => input.Value,
_ => or.ThrowIfNull(nameof(or))(),
Convert the Maybe<T>
to an array of length 0 or 1.
: The inputMaybe<T>
Returns: The result array.
FSharp implementation
let toArray option = match option with None -> [| |] | Some x -> [| x |]
// val toArray : option:'a option -> 'a []
Maybe implementation
T[] ToArray<T>(Maybe<T> input) => input.IsSome switch
true => new[] { input.Value },
_ => Array.Empty{T}(),
Convert the Maybe<T>
to a list of length 0
or 1
: The inputMaybe<T>
Returns: The result list.
FSharp implementation
let toList option = match option with None -> [ ] | Some x -> [ x ]
// let toList option = match option with None -> [ ] | Some x -> [ x ]
Maybe implementation
List<T> ToList<T>(Maybe<T> input) => input.IsSome switch
true => new List{T} { input.Value },
_ => new List{T}(),
Convert an Maybe<T>
to a potentially null value.
The input value.
Returns: The result value, which is null if the input was None
FSharp implementation
let toObj value = match value with None -> null | Some x -> x
// val toObj : value:'a option -> 'a when 'a : null
Maybe implementation
object ToObject<T>(Maybe<T> input) => input.IsSome switch
true => input.Value,
_ => null,
Invokes a function on a Maybe<T>
that itself yields an option.
: The inputMaybe<T>
A function that evaluates whether the value contained in theMaybe<T>
should remain, or be filtered out.
Returns: The input if the predicate evaluates to true
; otherwise, None
FSharp implementation
let filter predicate option = match option with None -> None | Some x -> if predicate x then Some x else None
// val filter : predicate:('a -> bool) -> option:'a option -> 'a option
Maybe implementation
Maybe<T> Where<T>(Maybe<T> input, Predicate<T> predicate) => input.IsSome switch
true => predicate(input.Value) ? input : None{T}(),
_ => None{T}(),
Provides extensions for struct Maybe
Convert the Maybe<T>
to a Nullable value.
Returns: null
if the Maybe<T>
is None
, the value otherwise.
FSharp implementation
let toNullable option = match option with None -> System.Nullable() | Some v -> System.Nullable(v)
// val toNullable :
// option:'a option -> System.Nullable{'a}
// when 'a : (new : unit -> 'a) and 'a : struct and 'a :> System.ValueType
Maybe implementation
T? ToNullable<T>(Maybe<T> input) where T : struct => input.IsSome switch
true => input.Value,
_ => null,
Provides extensions for reference Maybe
Convert the Maybe<T>
to a Nullable value.
Returns: null
if the Maybe<T>
is None
, the value otherwise.
FSharp implementation
let toNullable option = match option with None -> System.Nullable() | Some v -> System.Nullable(v)
// val toNullable :
// option:'a option -> System.Nullable{'a}
// when 'a : (new : unit -> 'a) and 'a : struct and 'a :> System.ValueType
Maybe implementation
T ToNullable<T>(Maybe<T> input) where T : class => input.IsSome switch
true => input.Value,
_ => null,
Provides unsafe extensions for Maybe<T>
Gets the value of the maybe if is Some
: TheMaybe<T>
to get the value from.
Returns: The value of the Maybe<T>
if is Some
: If the maybe isNone
FSharp implementation
let get option = match option with None -> invalidArg "option" (SR.GetString(SR.optionValueWasNone)) | Some x -> x
// val get: option:'T option -> 'T
Maybe implementation
T GetValue<T>(Maybe<T> input) => input.IsSome switch
true => input.Value,
_ => throw new NullReferenceException(),