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Configuring LinguiJS translations in Next.js

This is an example repo showing how LinguiJS can be integrated into a hello world Next.js app to provide translations using .po files.

1) Set up Next.js

  • run $ yarn create next-app
  • Run your app using $ yarn dev
  • Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser

2) Configure Next.js internationalization

Set the conents of your next.config.js file to:

const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  i18n: {
    locales: ['en', 'fr', 'pt'],
    defaultLocale: 'en',

module.exports = nextConfig

You should now be able to access /fr and /pt locales.

Going to /en should automatically redirect to / as that's our default locale.

3) Install and configure LinguiJS

  • All changes for this step can be found here
  • Install LinguiJS.

Let's set all our locale settings in locales/config.js

const enLocale = {
    id: 'en',
    name: 'English',
    emoji: '🇬🇧'

const frLocale = {
    id: 'fr',
    name: 'Français',
    emoji: '🇫🇷'

const ptLocale = {
    id: 'pt',
    name: 'Português',
    emoji: '🇵🇹'

const supportedLocales = [enLocale, frLocale];
const unsupportedLocales = [ptLocale];
const defaultLocale = supportedLocales[0];

module.exports = {
    i18n: {
        locales: =>,

Now we need to configure Next.js to using our locales by updating next.config.js file:

const localesConfig = require('./locales/config');

const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,

module.exports = nextConfig

LinguiJS also needs to import our locale config, create a lingui.config.js file with:

const { i18n } = require('./locales/config');

module.exports = {
    locales: i18n.locales,
    catalogs: [
            path: 'locales/{locale}/messages',
            include: ['pages', 'components', 'lib']
    format: 'po'

Now we need Next.js to inform LinguiJS which locale to set the page content to when the url changes. Create a lib/i18n.js file with the following:

import { i18n } from '@lingui/core';
import * as pluralsLibrary from 'make-plural/plurals';
import * as localesConfig from '../locales/config'; => {
    const plurals = pluralsLibrary[locale];
    if (plurals) {
        i18n.loadLocaleData({ [`${locale}`]: { plurals } });
    } else {
        const error = `Cannot find plurals for ${locale}`;
        throw new Error([error]);

export async function activateLocale(locale) {
    const { messages } = await import(`../locales/${locale}/messages`);
    i18n.load(locale, messages);

Finally update the pages/_app.js file to use the I18nProvider and import our activateLocale which updates the active LinguiJS catalog:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import '../styles/globals.css'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { i18n } from '@lingui/core';
import { I18nProvider } from '@lingui/react';
import { activateLocale } from '../lib/i18n';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  const { locale } = useRouter();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [locale])

  return (
    <I18nProvider i18n={i18n}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />

4) Adding a Locale Selector

  • All changes for this step can be found here
  • $ yarn add react-cookie so that we can presist the user's locale between sessions

Create a simple locale selector like so:

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { useCookies } from 'react-cookie';
import { supportedLocales } from '../locales/config';

export default function LocaleSelector() {
    const router = useRouter();
    const { pathname, asPath, query, locale } = router;
    const [cookies, setCookie] = useCookies(['NEXT_LOCALE']);

    const currentLocale = supportedLocales.filter(
        x => === locale

    const updateLocale = locale => {
        setCookie('NEXT_LOCALE', locale, { path: '/' });
        router.push({ pathname, query }, asPath, { locale })

    return (
            onChange={e => updateLocale(}
            { =>
                <option key={} value={}>
                    {locale.emoji + ' ' +}


5) All done

  • Run $ yarn extract to generate /locales/<LOCALE>/messages.po for each configured locale.
  • Update the .po files with your desired translations.
  • Run $ yarn compile to convert all messages.po files to messages.js and your app is ready to go!

Optional Extras

Automatically compile .po files to .js files

When running $ yarn compile, a messages.js is generted off each .po file which is then used by the Nextjs app. The only catch is that there isn't a need to commit the .js files to git and it could lead to confusion. This is why we have done the following:

  • Add $ yarn compile to the build process
  • Add locales/*/messages.js to the .gitignore

Sending the locale in API requests

You can also send the locale info as a Accept-Language header to all axios api requests:

export function baseAxiosConfig(locale) {
    return {
        axios: axios.create({
            baseURL: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL,
            headers: {
                'Accept-Language': locale

Get Jest tests working by mocking the locale

If you have Jest tests set up with the app, they are very likely to fail after adding the I18nProvider to pages/_app.js as it requires an i18n provider. This can be solved by creating a tests/i18nProvider.js file:

import { i18n } from '@lingui/core';
import { I18nProvider } from '@lingui/react';
import { en } from 'make-plural/plurals';
import { messages } from '../locales/en/messages';

i18n.load({ en: messages })
i18n.loadLocaleData({ en: { plurals: en } });


export default function wrapper({ children }) {
    return (
        <I18nProvider i18n={i18n}>

Then update all tests with:

import wrapper from '../../i18nProvider';


render(<h1>hello world</h1>, { wrapper });