Homepage: http://magarena.github.io
Forum : http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=82
Requires: Java Runtime Environment 8 (http://java.com) or above must be installed on your computer
Starting Magarena:
- On Windows, double click on Magarena.exe
- On Linux, execute ./Magarena.sh.
- On Mac, double click the Magarena icon
- Escape : pauses game and displays options for current screen. if no options associated with screen then closes screen.
- F11 : toggle full screen mode.
- F12 : hide UI so you can admire the background art in all its glory!
- Right arrow, Space : action button
- Shift+Right arrow, Shift+Space : skip until end of turn
- Left arrow, Backspace, Delete : undo button
- Y key : yes button
- N key : no button
- S key : switch between player and AI view
Selecting the AI to play against: The desired AI can be selected in the "New duel" dialog (Arena -> New duel). The difficulty level is the maximum number of seconds the AI has to make a move.
- ubeefx for creating such a great game
- epiko for creating the first Magarena splash screen and the amazing color themes
- Salasnet, pedro1973, and elias for creating beautiful themes, http://www.slightlymagic.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=89
- IcoJoy, http://www.icojoy.com/blogs/, for the nice free mage logo and icon
- singularita for creating the scripts to add over 300 additional creature cards
- glorfindel, Old Nick, David, Grundomu, jeffwadsworth, Kuno, LSK, sponeta,
- day5ive, and Excedrin for contributing premade decks
- mtgrares for the publicity
- Goblin Hero for providing the images for some of the symbols
- Melvin Zhang for implementing the Monte Carlo Tree Search AI and general code cleanup/bug fixes
- IanGrainger for contributing a patch to allow text search in the Card Explorer
- Rachel for making it possible to cancel image download and fixing incorrect images
- beholder for implementing new cards and general usability improvements
- johncpatterson for helping to test the Mac startup script
- wait321 for creating a deck editor and other UI improvements
- missalexis for creating an application bundle to improve Mac installation
- goonjamin for contributing a patch that makes Magarena easier to use on touchscreens
- Lodici for improving the duel screen and general UI enhancements
- frank for extensive play testing and bug reporting
- PalladiaMors, PhazedOut, Aunukia, nado18, Erkcan Özcan, kdesmond, a.benedict balbuena, spartan vi, Braullynn, mecheng, pcastellazzi, rasdel, Tyrael, hong yie, ember hauler, Hector Marin, drooone, jericho.pumpkin, Mike, and Guest for implementing new cards
- ShawnieBoy for implementing new cards, the M logo, and general image enhancements
- PalladiaMors for the Portuguese UI translation
- kannikkiy for the Russian UI translation
- Pichoro, Acorntail and all at http://magicseteditor.sourceforge.net for CardBuilder components.
- XMage for the ArrowBuilder code
- http://mtgjson.com for card script data
- http://magiccards.info for card images
- http://game-icons.net for UI icons
- http://soundbible.com for sound effects.
- everyone on the CCGHQ forum, http://slightlymagic.net/forum/
Thank you for your support and have fun!