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- https://docs.firebolt.io/godocs/sql_reference/functions-reference/array/reduce.html
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-layout: default
-title: REDUCE
-description: Reference material for REDUCE function
-grand_parent: SQL functions
-parent: Array functions
-great_grand_parent: SQL reference
-Applies an aggregate function on the elements of the array and returns its result. The name of the aggregation function is passed as a string in single quotes - for example: `'max'`, `'sum'`.
-## Syntax
-{: .no_toc}
-## Parameters
-{: .no_toc}
-| Parameter | Description | Supported input types |
-| :--------- | :------------------------------------------------- | :----------|
-| `` | The name of an aggregation function in the form of a quoted string. | Any [aggregation function](../aggregation/) |
-| `` | The array to aggregate. | `ARRAY` |
-## Return Types
-Same as the element data type of the input array
-## Examples
-{: .no_toc}
- REDUCE('max', [ 1, 2, 3, 6 ]) AS levels;
-**Returns**: `6`
-When using aggregation functions that take a constant as a parameter, the parameter should be specified after the function name in parentheses. This example below uses `REDUCE` with the `APPROX_PERCENTILE` function, which requires a percentile as a parameter.
- REDUCE('approx_percentile(0.3)', [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]) AS levels;
-**Returns**: `2.5`
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/functions-reference/functions-glossary.md b/docs/sql_reference/functions-reference/functions-glossary.md
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--- a/docs/sql_reference/functions-reference/functions-glossary.md
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/functions-reference/functions-glossary.md
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ All Firebolt functions in alphabetical order.
| [RADIANS](./numeric/radians.md) | Converts degrees to radians as a `REAL` value. | Numeric |
| [RANDOM](./numeric/random.md) | Returns a pseudo-random unsigned value greater than 0 and less than 1 of type `DOUBLE PRECISION`. | Numeric |
| [RANK](./window/rank.md) | Rank the current row within the requested window with gaps. | Window |
-| [REDUCE](./array/reduce.md) | Applies an aggregate function on the elements of the array and returns its result. | Array |
| [REGEXP_EXTRACT](./string/regexp-extract.md) | Returns the first match of a pattern within the input expression. If the pattern does not match, returns NULL. | String |
| [REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL](./string/regexp-extract-all.md) | Returns an array that contains all matches of a pattern within the given input expression. If the pattern does not match, returns an empty array. | String |
| [REGEXP_LIKE](./string/regexp-like.md) | Checks whether a text pattern matches a regular expression string. Returns 0 if it doesn’t match, or 1 if it matches. | String |
@@ -155,4 +154,4 @@ All Firebolt functions in alphabetical order.
| [UPPER](./string/upper.md) | Converts the input string to uppercase characters. | String |
| [URL_DECODE](./string/url_decode.md) | Decodes percent-encoded characters and replaces them with their binary value. | String |
| [URL_ENCODE](./string/url_encode.md) | Encodes all characters that are not unreserved using percent-encoding. | String |
-| [VERSION](./conditional-and-miscellaneous/version.md) | Returns the version number information for the Firebolt engine. | Conditional & miscellaneous |
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+| [VERSION](./conditional-and-miscellaneous/version.md) | Returns the version number information for the Firebolt engine. | Conditional & miscellaneous |