This section is work in progress, and we strive to learn from our experiences when onboarding team members that are completely new to app development. So far we've only done this once, for the Android platform.
What we did:
- Java Intro
- Udacity Android Basics (
- Kotlin Udacity courses (includes Room)
- Technical Challenge that we give experienced app developers for 2nd interview (For training, mention the libraries that might be relevant)
- Our standard onboarding task
Git and GitHub (guidelines, flow, etc)
Minimal app that uses flow
Learn more about structure
Introduction to agile, sprint planning, routines
Have a solution project
Have milestones or be clear on what we expect also when we finish a project
- Discuss in the Android meeting
What should I do during HackDay while in training program?
List of Slack channels
List of events or social things
Abreviation guide
Overview on areas (Ad In, Ad Out, Customer, etc)