This ansible role creates proxmox VMs from cloudinit-capable templates, such as the ones created by h3po.proxmox_debian_cloudimage. It can edit basic parameters of the resulting VM such as CPU cores, memory and disk size and may add a freshly created ssh key for the initial connection.
Required variables
variable | default value | description/alternatives |
proxmox_vm_storage | local | the storage that the VM is cloned onto |
proxmox_bootstrap_user | bootstrap | the name of the user that is added to the VM |
proxmox_bootstrap_sshkey | random | the ssh key of the bootstrap user. if this is "random", a new key will be created for the first connection |
proxmox_cloudimage_template_vmid | the id of the template to be cloned, usually set by the proxmox_debian_cloudimage role |
Optional variables
variable | default value | description/alternatives |
proxmox_vm_pool | the pool that the VM is added to | |
proxmox_vm_node | the node that the VM is cloned to. Only works when proxmox_vm_storage is a shared storage | |
proxmox_cores_spec | the number of cores | |
proxmox_cputype_spec | the KVM cpu model | |
proxmox_cpuunits_spec | the cpu shares | |
proxmox_memory_spec | the memory size in MB | |
proxmox_balloon_spec | the minimum memory size in MB with ballooning | |
proxmox_memory_shares_spec | the memory shares for ballooning | |
proxmox_bridge_device_spec | the bridge for the net0 interface | |
proxmox_bridge_device_ipaddr | the ip address for the net0 interface | |
proxmox_bridge_device_gw | the default gateway for the net0 interface | |
proxmox_bridge_vlan_spec | the vlan tag for the net0 interface | |
proxmox_disk_spec | the disk size in proxmox notation, e.g. '10G'. The role will grow the root partition and filesystem to fill the enlarged disk | |
proxmox_nameserver | DNS server IP address for the VM. | |
proxmox_searchdomain | DNS search domain for the VM. |
If the optional variables are not defined, then no change is made to the VM and it will keep the inherited settings of the template.
Here's an example including the h3po.proxmox_debian_cloudimage role to create the template and then clone it to 'new-debian-vm'. The detection of wether the VM already exists or not depends on the variable proxmox_vmid
set by the proxmox inventory plugin from the community.general collection.
- name: create a debian vm
hosts: new-debian-vm
become: true
gather_facts: false
proxmox_template_pool: template
proxmox_cloudimage_repo_subdir: bullseye
proxmox_cloudimage_keep: true
proxmox_cloudimage_qemuagent: true
proxmox_bootstrap_user: test
proxmox_bootstrap_sshkey: ssh-ed25519 AAAAxyzkkMN test
proxmox_cloudimage_template_node: pve1 # the node that the template is on
- block:
# the proxmox_debian_cloudimage role needs the virt-customize
# command to add qemu-guest-agent to the template VM
- name: install libguestfs-tools on the proxmox host
name: libguestfs-tools
state: present
delegate_to: "{{ proxmox_cloudimage_template_node }}"
become: true
- name: create the debian template
name: h3po.proxmox_debian_cloudimage
delegate_to: "{{ proxmox_cloudimage_template_node }}"
become: true
- name: bootstrap the vm
name: h3po.proxmox_cloudinit_bootstrap
delegate_to: "{{ proxmox_cloudimage_template_node }}"
become: true
# this is a variable defined by the proxmox inventory plugin if the vm exists
when: proxmox_vmid is not defined
# the vm should now exist, but it may not be started if it wasn't just created
- name: gather facts
# the debian cloud image does something on first boot that keeps the dpkg
# cache locked for some time, we need to wait for the lock before ansible
# can install things
- name: wait for dpkg lock
command: fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend
register: tmp
until: tmp.rc != 0
ignore_errors: true
delay: 5
retries: 60
# example task
- name: install updates
upgrade: full
# if you're using the "random" ssh key feature, you'll need to add tasks here
# to create your permanent user and maybe also delete the bootstrap user