1.3.0 (2018-04-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Upgrade Tooling (Virtualbox 5.2.8, Vagrant 2.0.3, Packer 1.2.1) #130
- Upgrade InSpec to 2.1.21 #129
- Upgrade Vagrant to 2.0.3 #128
- Upgrade Atom to 1.25.0 #127
- Use bento/ubuntu-17.10 as a source #126
- Do not check for apt updates on startup #125
- Point changelog-generator to ferrarimarco/github-changelog-generator #124
- Prepare Release 1.3.0 #123
- Add a Vagrantfile that automatically mounts config from the host #122
- Remove JasperSoft Studio CE #121
- Use infOpen.locales to configure locales #120
- Switch to geerlingguy.java to install java #119
- Upgrade Packer to 1.2.1 #118
- Upgrade InSpec to 2.0.45 #117
- Upgrade Vagrant to 2.0.2 #116
- Upgrade Atom to 1.24.1 #115
- Remove Vagrantfile #114
- Upgrade to SQL Developer #113
- Increase disk size to 81920 #112
- Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 #111
- Build with VirtualBox 5.2.8 #110
- Install pip3 #109
1.2.0 (2018-02-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- Configure a testing infrastructure #108
- Install sort-lines Atom package #107
- Modularize Ansible roles application #106
- Install packer 1.1.3 #105
- Set the name for the first (OS installation) packer builder #103
- Upgrade to Ubuntu 17.10.1 #102
- Install cookiecutter 1.6.0 #101
- Upgrade pip to 9.0.1 #100
- Install Tomcat 8.5 #99
- Install JasperSoft Studio CE #98
- Upgrade ferrarimarco.xfce role to 1.1.0 #97
- Install pgAdmin4 #96
- Upgrade ferrarimarco.oracle-sql-developer to 1.2.0 #95
Closed issues:
- Reduce the number of builders using interpolation #104
1.1.0 (2018-01-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Test Ansible role installation #94
- Update ferrarimarco.nano to 1.0.3 #93
- Update ferrarimarco.vagrant to 1.0.3 #92
- Upgrade to ferrarimarco.vagrant 1.0.2 #91
- Upgrade to ferrarimarco.nano 1.0.2 #90
- Upgrade to ferrarimarco.eclipse 1.2.0 #89
- Install nethogs package #88
- Configure Dockerfile linters #87
- Install InSpec #86
- Automatically setup Oracle SQL Developer #85
- Set PSScriptAnalyzer alias #84
- Set shellcheck alias #83
- Install language-powershell Atom package #82
1.0.1 (2017-07-07)
Fixed bugs:
- Remove config.vm.name setting from Vagrantfile and README #80
1.0.0 (2017-06-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Implement an automated test mechanism #42
- Set Github changelog generator aliases #14
- Install Docker #13
- Upgrade to ferrarimarco.atom 1.2.2 #79
- Remove note about Eclipse path in README #78
- Install linter dependencies #77
- Install libreoffice-calc #76
- Install glogg #75
- Don't add the OpenJDK PPA #74
- Install Liquibase #73
- Install Oracle SQL Developer #72
- Create menu entries #71
- Install sqlparse #70
- Install imagemagick package #69
- Install bmon #68
- Install bridge-utils package #67
- Install Virtualbox #65
- Install Vagrant #64
- Install Atom packages #63
- Remove ansible-devbox-base role #61
- Delete Oracle SQL Developer installation tasks #60
- Update the base image to boxcutter/ubuntu 2.0.26 #59
- Move XFCE installation to a dedicated role #58
- Use a dedicated role to generate locales #57
- Move Nano configuration and installation to a dedicated role #54
- Use the system-wide configuration file for Nano #53
- Don't be too explicit about the installed Ansible version #52
- Use a requirements file for Ansible role dependencies #51
- Use ferrarimarco.bash-aliases role #50
- Move Eclipse installation to a dedicated Ansible role #49
- Advise on which Oracle SQL developer version to download #48
- Install Ansible using a shell script #47
- Updated Ansible to #46
- Install a Ruby environment #45
- Install Atom #44
- Document the password of the vagrant user #43
- Update bash aliases to open-development-environment-git:1.0.1 #41
- Reduce the number of tasks used to setup facts during Eclipse installation #40
- Use a single task to download dependencies in setup-eclipse.yml #37
- Move locale setup and bash aliases configuration to their own playbooks #34
- Reduce the number of playbooks used to install and configure Eclipse #33
- Document how to start installed tools #32
- Prepare 1.0.0 release #31
- Update README: dependencies section #30
- Add box version to Vagrantfile #29
- Setup nano to display line number #26
- Install docker-clean #25
- Document bash aliases in README #23
- Add the Vagrant user to the docker group #22
- Install Oracle SQL Developer #21
- Install Apache JMeter #20
- Install Maven #19
- Implement an automated build mechanism using Packer #18
- Update the hostname in Vagrantfile #17
- Update open-development-environment-java playbook name #16
- Set open-development-environment-git aliases #15
- Publish a changelog #12
- Use boxcutter/ubuntu-1604 as a base #11
- Add log files to .gitignore #10
- Merge ansible-role-xfce with ansible-role-devbox-base #9
- Write a README #8
- Configure default Eclipse Workspace #5
- Merge ansible-role-eclipse with ansible-role-devbox #2
Fixed bugs:
- ruby-install and chruby installation fails due to insufficient privileges #56
- Don't be too explicit about the installed Ansible version #52
- Unable to add vagrant user to docker group during the first provisioning #39
- Avoid installing Virtualbox Guest Additions during the provisioning process #38
- Use super user privileges to add vagrant user to docker group #36
- Install Eclipse plugins task may not be idempotent for all plugins #35
- Avoid expansions when evaluating bash aliases #24
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator