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Thanks, and happy (paper) trails :)
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Testing is a little awkward because the test suite:
- contains a rails app with three databases (test, foo, and bar)
- supports three different RDBMS': sqlite, mysql, and postgres
Run tests with sqlite:
# Create the appropriate database config. file
rm test/dummy/config/database.yml
DB=sqlite bundle exec rake prepare
# If this is the first test run ever, create databases
cd test/dummy
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:setup
RAILS_ENV=foo bundle exec rake db:setup
RAILS_ENV=bar bundle exec rake db:setup
cd ../..
# Run tests
DB=sqlite bundle exec rake
Run tests with mysql:
# Create the appropriate database config. file
rm test/dummy/config/database.yml
DB=mysql bundle exec rake prepare
# If this is the first test run ever, create databases
cd test/dummy
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:setup
RAILS_ENV=foo bundle exec rake db:setup
RAILS_ENV=bar bundle exec rake db:setup
cd ../..
# Run tests
DB=mysql bundle exec rake
Run tests with postgres:
# Create the appropriate database config. file
rm test/dummy/config/database.yml
DB=postgres bundle exec rake prepare
# If this is the first test run ever, create databases.
# Unlike mysql, use create/migrate instead of setup.
cd test/dummy
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=foo bundle exec rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=foo bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=bar bundle exec rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=bar bundle exec rake db:migrate
cd ../..
# Run tests
DB=postgres bundle exec rake