These are scripts from others or from official documentation
- hack.js - very standard hack script from official doco i think.
- break.js - very standard break script, derivative of a script found on BB reddit, happy to give credit if someone knows to whom credit is due.
- hacknet.js - purchase hacknet nodes & upgrades efficiently.
These are some BitBurner scripts most of which i've written, none of them super complicated or ground breaking.
- sx.js - Stock Market Long Position Script that Buys and Sells stock long market positions based on price forecast.
- purchase.js - purchase 25 servers with the most memory possible with the players current money (or amount specified in millions).
- delete.js - remove all purchased servers.
- deployhack.js - recursive deployment script that will deploy and execute hack.js to and on all servers where scripts can be run by the user.
- deploybreak.js - a script desperately in need of the same tlc applied to deployhack.jsm, a work in progress.