0.11.0 (2022-02-09)
- catch error in handle Error (8f10b0e)
- child process should exit on disconnect (91b9635)
- docker (05acb07)
- i18n of error message (4d632fc)
- kill child process when parent exit (2ea489a)
- minify-docker (fecc110)
- prevent duplicate url (4092851)
- remove 'socket' timeout (b730141)
- remove workaround with got@12 (ab9342f)
- type compile error (988fd93)
- workaround of jest@27 (9ac0464)
- change pool size in pg to 8 (a14c73b)
- drop got use make-fetch-happen instead (#615) (1b7606a)
- more timeout setting (9691120)
- Revert "build(deps): bump @sentry/tracing from 6.16.1 to 6.17.4 (#648)" (#651) (584b7ac), closes #648 #651
0.10.1 (2021-04-14)
- add admin right error check (88e8219)
- feed contains unorder item (5702bec)
- import tigger in group chat (150b0bd)
- query string urlencode problem (e79a7ea)
- remove useless code (925e678)
- version command (b1c3b61)
- optimize sql performance (8801682)
0.10.0 (2021-03-10)
- apply workaround of got's bug #353 (88319dd)
- datetime compare in SQLite (4366fa0)
- default http_cache to false (375addb)
- http_cache config (e24e7bf)
- reduce db pressure (e38e2f0)
- rss pagination in non private chat (7e602b4)
- even smaller docker image (deadc4b)
- HTTP 304 cache (198dfb2)
- http cache setting (60760a1)
- smaller docker image with nft (eeb0f3c)
0.9.0 (2021-03-07)
- handleRedirect (95ce860)
- sanitize text in two-key-reply (7cc596f)
- ttl NaN error (9485f83)
- ttl update error (e6620dc)
0.8.4 (2021-01-22)
- add users user_id unique index (b95a9b0)
- alertTable (fc242fe)
- ENTITIES_TOO_LONG error (e216827)
- lower db pressure (4c7c93b)
- lower db pressure and make use of type (bda982d)
- temaplte string (f90f70b)
- types (1eb9355)
- where using feed_id (61a3252)
0.8.3 (2021-01-16)
- bigger pool in sqlite (319af7c)
- eslint: fix new eslint rule (6112ace)
- findFeed && user deactiveated (d3fe70f)
- group import filename (e864040)
- urldecode of special character (c031403)
0.8.2 (2020-11-20)
- init sendItems (f815c31)
0.8.1 (2020-11-20)
- db connection pool (ff2fcc2)
- id not init in some cases (e32c79c)
- ignore following items when checking new item (a1d87f1)
- remove unuse sql (67bb0a3)
- try to fix issue reply link message in group (d7ab435)
- typo (743f444)
- camaro and gc in fetch process (080427f)
0.8.0 (2020-11-05)
0.7.1 (2020-11-04)
- exported opml should escape to valid xml (5c4d882)
0.7.0 (2020-11-03)
- update feed title when fetch feed (4d1ebd1)
0.6.1 (2020-05-01)
0.6.0 (2020-04-20)
- only change url on 301 (b8b9b38)
0.5.1 (2020-03-25)
- migrate user when new id not exist (a9e86e0)
0.5.0 (2020-03-24)
- catch err is type any (e1aeec6)
- get Option value (5910e2c)
- parseInt cb.id (848407e)
- pass the CI (9f2763f)
- path in docker (c13c6ae)
- process send err as Messager (a67c89b)
- url contain - treat as channel id (7cabb1e)
- use cross-env (f177bf6)
0.4.1 (2020-03-13)
- ctx.state.lang not set (8a725f1)
- fix update url sql error (cf326d0)
- log the string of error (6e9fb21)
- unsub keyboard only show in private chat (499eef1)
0.4.0 (2019-12-16)
- fix the logging (27fe041)
- i18n in help command (809eb6e)
- log rotate by day (a637b1d)
- number env add parseInt (85f292d)
- rotete by day also in error log (dafa04f)
- timeout only count resp (57dd897)
- update lock file as well (a07ced8)
- add request timeout configuration (38d146a)
- use better-sqlite-pool (0b96180)
- use winston-daily-rotate-file gz enable (09d23f2)
- Revert "refactor: update to [email protected]" (e28f1fc)
0.3.1 (2019-10-28)
- can import to channel with id named opml (c7c050c)
- can sub with channel id and username (6c57cc1)
- fix parese error of it.yaml (07e23c2)
- import reply with i18n (849dbdc)
- lang keyboards layout 5 item every row (f98596e)
- enable sqlite instance cache (0685939)
0.3.0 (2019-10-04)
- fix unescape html tag in telegram message (731a9d4)
- new lock file to get rid of sercuity alert (5ee7d60)
- no need to santize string type toSend (a56998c)
- sanitize text to send in telegram (9574417)
- setting ctx.state.lang everywhere (49717d9)
- optional delete subscribes on send err (b26f7d9)
- reduce sql operator (a6048f5)
0.2.2 (2019-07-11)
- correct language controller (5087460)
0.2.1 (2019-07-10)
- add Accept http header (891dbfa)
- add remove keyboard parmater in markup (082e9cd)
- fix error handling in import opml (385d1de)
- force reply set true (0908643)
0.2.0 (2019-07-09)
- unsub by keyboard (fd5257d)
0.1.1 (2019-06-15)
- error-handling: 🐛first feedUrl from array and fix lang when set handeing (ed45a20)
0.1.0 (2019-06-15)
- feed_url: ✨merge redirected url (26c3b70)
- log: remove useless log (9efa402)
- sub-multi-url sending: only send when some feed sub successfully (0d20591)
- url match cause handleing message multi-time (6d07a59)
- clean subscribes when chat not found (a87b5e6)
- config: configuration of request cocurrency (21ac509)
- error-send-ev: auto update feed url (a7adba0)
- request: handle encoding using iconv-lite (75fb8fb)
- support language switch (c8ef466)
- test-url: auto detect feed url (9adf291)
0.0.10 (2019-04-05)
- channel using (3ebc8fe)
- channel import support (013e2af)
- import support channel then reply (3addbeb)
- RSS VIEWALL Pagination (40b4f19)
0.0.9 (2019-03-10)
- no updateHashList while network error (ca4cfe8)
0.0.8 (2019-01-05)
- message undefined when button callback (a4db321)