Example : https://felixmariotto.github.io/from_indexed_texture
The aim is to make 2D animations in Three.js simple : load the texture including the frames of your animation, give the animation's parameters, and you get an extended THREE.Sprite object, that you can use as a normal Sprite object, but also animate with SpriteMixer's functions.
var spriteMixer = SpriteMixer();
new THREE.TextureLoader().load("./character.png", (texture)=> {
actionSprite = spriteMixer.ActionSprite( texture, 5, 2 );
action1 = spriteMixer.Action(actionSprite, 0, 4, 50);
action2 = spriteMixer.Action(actionSprite, 5, 9, 50);
scene.add( actionSprite );
SpriteMixer.ActionSprite() returns an extended THREE.Sprite.
All the parameters necessary for the animation are stored inside,
but you can still use it as any THREE.Sprite, like scale it etc..
ActionSprite( texture : THREE.Texture, tilesHoriz : integer, tilesVert : integer )
- texture : texture containing all the frames in a grid.
- tilesHoriz : number of frames on the horizontal direction.
- tilesVert : number of frames on the vertical direction.
SpriteMixer.Action returns an object containing the informations related to a specific sequence in an actionSprite. For instance, if the actionSprite contains 20 tiles, an Action could start at tile 5 and finish at tile 8.
Action( actionSprite : ActionSprite, indexStart : integer, indexEnd : integer, tileDisplayDuration : integer )
- actionSprite is a SpriteMixer.ActionSprite, containing a loaded texture with tiles
- indexStart is the starting tile of the animation, index starts at 0.
- indexEnd is the ending tile of the animation
- tileDisplayDuration is the duration of ONE FRAME in the animation
function loop() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
var delta = clock.getDelta();
// clock is a THREE.Clock object
// Make the sprite visible and play the action once
// Make the sprite visible and play the sprite animation in a loop
// stop the action and reset
// pause the action without reset
// let the action finish its current loop, then stop it
// resume the action if it was paused before its end
action.clampWhenFinished = true;
// If true, stops on its last frame. If false, it resets. Default is true.
action.hideWhenFinished = true;
// If true, hide the Sprite when action finishes. Default is false.
spriteMixer.addEventListener('finished', function(event) {
spriteMixer.addEventListener( eventName : "finished" or "loop", callback : function )
-> eventName is a string, either 'loop' or 'finished'.
If 'loop', the callback will be called every time a looping actionSprite finishes a cycle.
If 'finished', the callback is called once a non-looping actionSprite finishes its cycle.
-> callback is the function you wish to be called at the resolution of this event.
The first argument of the callback takes an object containing a 'type' argument, which is either 'loop' or 'finished', and an 'action' argument, containing the action that triggered the event.
actionSprite.setFrame( index );
Set manually a frame of the animation. Frame indexing starts at 0.