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Knowledge System Catalog


  • [Trend of Mobile-app Develop](0. Trend/Trend of Mobile-app

1、Learning System Source Code

  • Components
    • Android Four Components
      • Activity
        • Launching Process of Activity
        • Launching Procedure&Mode
        • Lifecycle
        • Relationship with Window/View
        • Relationship with Fragment
      • Service
        • IPC(AIDL)、IntentService
      • Insight into ContentProvider
      • Insight into BroadcastReceiver
    • Fragment
      • Lazy Load
      • Communicate with Activity
    • Insight into Context
    • Window
      • Toast
      • Dialog
      • PopupWindow
      • Differences between PopupWindow&Dialog
    • WebView
      • [JSBridge](1. 系统源码/组件/WebView/
      • Deeplink
      • [Accelerate Method](1. 系统源码/组件/WebView/加速方案.md)
    • RecyclerView
      • Level 4 Cache + Partial Refresh
      • Comparision with ListView
    • Comparision of LinearLayout & RelativeLayout's efficiency at the Same Layer
  • System Service
    • ActivityManagerService
    • Window&WindowManager
    • WindowManagerService
    • ServiceManager
  • procedure
    • Starting Procedure in Android System
      • Starting Procedure of system_server
    • Android Apk Installation
    • Android Application Process Launch
  • Communication
    • WIFI
    • NFC
    • Bluetooth


  • [Design Patterns](2. 架构能力/设计模式/设计模式.md)
  • Architecture Pattern
    • MVP
    • MVVM
      • DataBinding
    • Flux
    • Clean Architecture
    • Android Architecture Components
    • Android Jetpack Architecture
  • App Framework
    • Package Designing
    • Layering

3. Open Source Library

  • [How to thoroughly grasp Open Source Library](3. OpenSourceLibrary/
  • ORM Frame
    • GreenDao
    • Room
  • EventBus
    • EventBus(Open Source Lib)
      • 4 mode and sticky event
      • Observer Pattern for decoupling
  • Network
    • [Retrofit](3. OpenSourceLibrary/Network/
    • OKHttp
      • Interceptor(Chain Of Responsibility Model)
      • Timeout Retransmission & Redirect
      • Http Cache
      • Reuse Of Socket Connection Pool
    • Volley
  • Image
    • [Glide](3. OpenSourceLibrary/Image/
    • [Fresco](3. OpenSourceLibrary/Image/
    • Picasso
  • Dependency Injection
    • [ButterKnife](3. OpenSourceLibrary/DependencyInjection/
    • Dagger2
  • Serialization
    • Gson
    • FastJson
  • ARouter
  • Responsive Program
    • RxJava
      • Commonly used operator
      • Thread Scheduling
      • Exception Handling
      • Flowable Back Pressure
    • RxBinding
    • RxAndroid

4. Test

  • UnitTest
    • Robolectric
    • Automated Test
    • UI Automation
    • Monkey

5. Common Mechanism

  • Thread Communication
    • Handler Principle
    • AsyncTask
    • HandlerThread
    • IntentService
    • RxJava
  • [Binder Mechanism](5. CommonMechanism/
  • Thread
    • lowmemorykiller
    • Thread Priority
  • View System
  • Android Message Mechanism
  • Local Storage
    • Sqlite, SharedPreferences and File
  • Resource Management System and Resource Loading Mechanism

6. Android Basic Skills

  • Advanced Java
    • Java Reflection
    • Dynamic Proxy
    • IO & NIO
    • [Multithreading and Concurrency](6. AndroidBasicSkills/
    • Network Protocol
    • Collection
      • [How can I master so many collections?](6. AndroidBasicSkills/Collections/
      • [HashMap](6. AndroidBasicSkills/Collections/
      • [LinkedHashMap](6. AndroidBasicSkills/Collections/
      • HashTable
      • ConcurrentHashMap
      • TreeMap
      • [SparseArray](6. AndroidBasicSkills/Collections/
  • [DataStructure & Algorithm](6. AndroidBasicSkills/
  • Operating System
  • ComputerNetwork
    • Network protocol : DNS, HTTP/1.X, HTTPS, HTTP/2, TCP UDP
    • SSL
  • [Java Virtual Machine](6. AndroidBasicSkills/
    • JVM
    • ART & Dalvik
      • AOT compilation
      • Bytecode & Dex
    • GC Mechanism

7. Android Advanced

  • Resource Management
    • Theme Style
    • Multi Resolution Support
    • AssertManager
    • Resource
  • Package
    • Gradle
    • Compile
    • Code Confusion
    • App Signature
  • [AOP](7. AndroidAdvanced/AOP/
  • Dynamic
    • [The development of dynamic technology](7. AndroidAdvanced/Dynamic/
    • Cross-platform
      • [Summary](7. AndroidAdvanced/Dynamic/Cross-platform/
      • React Native
      • Fuchsia+Flutter+Dart
      • weex
      • [JavaScript Engine](7. AndroidAdvanced/Dynamic/Cross-platform/
      • Render Engine
      • [Layout Engine](7. AndroidAdvanced/Dynamic/Cross-platform/
    • Android Plugin
      • class and dex
      • ClassLoader
        • Hook Activity Lifecycle
        • Parent Delegation Model
      • Plugin principle
      • Plugin Framework
    • [Hot-Fix](7. AndroidAdvanced/Dynamic/
  • Cross-platform Language
    • React
    • Vue
    • Wechat Mimi-program
  • Componentization
    • Router
  • Message Push & Keep-alive
    • Long Link 4 Keep-alive
      • Heartbeat packet
    • Progress 4 Keep-alive
  • [JNI](7. AndroidAdvanced/Dynamic/jni/
  • Safety
    • root principle
    • Binary Loophole
    • Classic Loophole(eg:cve20143153 cve20153636)
    • poc & exp
    • Android Reversing
      • arm compilation
      • smali bytecode
      • DEX and ELF structure
      • Android and Linux debug and anti-debug technique
      • apk strengthen and anti-strengthen
      • Hook
  • Multimedia
    • Image
      • Image Handler
      • Animation
      • Image Loading
    • Audio And Video
      • Audio Encode&Decode
      • AudioTrack Play
      • Video Encode&Decode
      • OpenGL Measure
      • Video Editing and Transcoding
      • Video Filter
  • Performance Optimization
    • App start time and code start time
      • Prevent white screen at startup
    • Crash collection and analysis
    • Smooth detection and optimization
      • ARR
      • Avoid frequently GC
      • ViewHolder
    • Layout optimization
      • include、merge、ViewStub
    • Thread optimization
    • Monitor
      • User behavior tracking
      • APM Performance
      • WebView performance
      • leakcanary
    • Memory optimization
      • OOM
      • Memory leak
      • Image compression
      • Memory Analysis
    • Reduce app size
    • Battery optimization
    • Network optimization
      • Network Debug
      • Low Network solution
      • API optimization
      • Optimize network data usage
  • Continuous Integration
    • Jenkins

8. Others

  • Python
  • Linux
    • kernel source code
    • SELinux
    • [Memory Map](8. Others/Linux/
  • Docker

9. Android Books

  • 入门
    • 第一行代码
    • Android群英传
    • Android编程权威指南
    • Android编程实战
  • 进阶
    • Android开发进阶从小工到专家
    • 深入理解Android
    • Android组件化架构
    • App研发录
    • Android 进阶解密
    • Android 进阶之光
  • 源码
    • Android源码设计模式解析与实战
    • Android开发艺术探索
    • Creating Dynamic UI with Android Fragments
  • 安全
    • Android安全架构深究
    • Android软件安全与逆向分析
  • 底层
    • Android系统源代码情景分析
    • Android内核剖析
    • 深入理解Android内核设计思想

10. Balance of Breadth and Depth

  • Team Management
    • Agile Development
    • Devops
    • CodeReview
    • [Code Quality and Specification](10. BalanceOfBreadthAndDepth/TeamMangement/
  • Self-management
  • Back-End
    • DDD
    • Microservice

11. Language

  • [Kotlin](11. Language/
  • [Kotlin Coroutine](11. Language/
  • C、C++(NDK)
  • SQL(DB)