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File metadata and controls

699 lines (567 loc) · 37.8 KB

Module 0: Setting up a feature repo, sharing features, batch predictions

Welcome! Here we use a basic example to explain key concepts and user flows in Feast.

We focus on a specific example (that does not include online features or realtime models):

  • Goal: build a platform for data scientists and engineers to share features for training offline models
  • Use case: Predicting churn for drivers in a ride-sharing application.
  • Stack: you have data in a combination of data warehouses (to be explored in a future module) and data lakes (e.g. S3)

Table of Contents

Installing Feast

Before we get started, first install Feast with AWS or GCP dependencies:

  • AWS
    pip install "feast[aws]"
  • GCP
    pip install "feast[gcp]"

Exploring the data

We've made some dummy data for this workshop in infra/driver_stats.parquet. Let's dive into what the data looks like. You can follow along in explore_data.ipynb:

import pandas as pd

This is a set of time-series data with driver_id as the primary key (representing the driver entity) and event_timestamp as showing when the event happened.

Reviewing Feast concepts

Let's quickly review some Feast concepts needed to build this ML platform / use case. Don't worry about committing all this to heart. We explore these concepts by example throughout the workshop.

Concept             Description
Data source We need a FileSource (with an S3 path and endpoint override) to represent the driver_stats.parquet which will be hosted in S3. Data sources can generally be files or tables in data warehouses.

Note: data sources in Feast need timestamps for now. For data that doesn't change, unfortunately this will require you to supply a dummy timestamp.
Entity The main entity we need here is a driver entity (with driver_id as the join key). Entities are used to construct composite keys to join feature views together. Typically, they map to the unique ids that you will have available at training / inference time.
Feature view We'll have various feature views corresponding to different logical groups of features and transformations from data sources keyed on entities. These can be shared / re-used by data scientists and engineers and are registered with feast apply.

Feast also supports reusable last mile transformations with OnDemandFeatureViews. We explore this in Module 2
Feature service We build different model versions with different sets of features using feature services (model_v1, model_v2). Feature services group features a given model version depends on. It allows retrieving all necessary model features by using a feature service name.
Registry Where Feast tracks registered features, data sources, entities, feature services and metadata. Users + model servers will pull from this to discover registered features.

This is by default a single file which is not human readable (it's serialized protocol buffer). In the upcoming release, you can use SQLAlchemy to store this in a database like Postgres / MySQL.
Provider We use the AWS provider here. A provider is a customizable interface that Feast uses to orchestrate feature generation / retrieval.

Specifying a built-in provider (e.g. aws) ensures your registry can be stored in S3 (and also specifies default offline / online stores)
Offline store What Feast will use to execute point in time joins (typically a data warehouse). Here we use file
Online store Low-latency data store that Feast uses to power online inference. Feast ingests offline feature values and streaming features into the online store. In this module, we do not need one.

A quick primer on feature views

Let's look at a feature view we have in this module:

driver_hourly_stats_view = FeatureView(
    description="Hourly features",
        Field(name="conv_rate", dtype=Float32),
        Field(name="acc_rate", dtype=Float32),
    tags={"production": "True"},
    owner="[email protected]",

Feature views are one of the most important concepts in Feast.

They represent a group of features that should be physically colocated (e.g. in the offline or online stores). More specifically:

  • The above feature view comes from a single batch source (a FileSource).
  • If we wanted to also use an online store, the above feature view would be colocated in e.g. a Redis hash or a DynamoDB table.
  • A common need is to have both a batch and stream source for a single set of features. You'd thus have a FeatureView that essentially can have two different sources but map to the same physical location in the online store.

It's worth noting that there are multiple types of feature views. OnDemandFeatureViews for example enable row-level transformations on data sources and request data, with the output features described in the schema parameter.

User groups

There are three user groups here worth considering. The ML platform team, the ML engineers running batch inference on models, and the data scientists building models.

User group 1: ML Platform Team

The team here sets up the centralized Feast feature repository and CI/CD in GitHub. This is what's seen in feature_repo_aws/ or feature_repo_gcp/.

Step 0 (AWS): Setup S3 bucket for registry and file sources

This assumes you have an AWS account & Terraform setup. If you don't:

We've made a simple Terraform project to help with S3 bucket creation (and uploading the test data we need):

$ cd infra/aws
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

  The project identifier is used to uniquely namespace resources

  Enter a value: danny


aws_s3_bucket.feast_bucket: Creating...
aws_s3_bucket.feast_bucket: Creation complete after 3s [id=feast-workshop-danny]
aws_s3_bucket_acl.feast_bucket_acl: Creating...
aws_s3_object.driver_stats_upload: Creating...
aws_s3_bucket_acl.feast_bucket_acl: Creation complete after 0s [id=feast-workshop-danny,private]
aws_s3_object.driver_stats_upload: Creation complete after 1s [id=driver_stats.parquet]

Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


project_bucket = "s3://feast-workshop-danny"
project_name = "danny"

Step 0 (GCP): Setup GCS bucket for registry and file sources

This assumes you have an GCP account & Terraform setup. If you don't:

  • Set up an GCP account, install the gcloud CLI
  • Install Terraform

We've made a simple Terraform project to help with GCS bucket creation (and uploading the test data we need). We'll also need a service account here which the GitHub CI can later use as well to manage resources.

  1. Create a project in GCP (, we use feast-workshop as the name below)
  2. Setup credentials (e.g. install gcloud, then do)
    gcloud config configurations create personal
    gcloud config set project feast-workshop
    gcloud auth login
  3. Create service account and let terraform know where your credentials are
    $ gcloud iam service-accounts create feast-workshop-sa  --display-name "Terraform and GitHub CI account"
    Created service account [feast-workshop-sa].
  4. Grant the service account access to your project:
    $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding feast-workshop --member serviceAccount:[email protected] --role roles/editor
    Updated IAM policy for project [feast-workshop].
  5. Generate keys
    $ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/.config/gcloud/feast-workshop.json --iam-account [email protected]
    created key [YOUR PRIVATE KEY] of type [json] as [/Users/dannychiao/.config/gcloud/feast-workshop.json] for [[email protected]]
  6. Let terraform know where your credentials are:
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/.config/gcloud/feast-workshop.json
  7. Run the logic in infra/gcp
    $ cd infra/gcp
    $ terraform init
    $ terraform apply
      The GCP project id
      Enter a value: feast-workshop
      The project identifier is used to uniquely namespace resources
      Enter a value: danny
    google_storage_bucket.feast_bucket: Creating...
    google_storage_bucket.feast_bucket: Creation complete after 1s [id=feast-workshop-danny]
    google_storage_bucket_object.driver_stats_upload: Creating...
    google_storage_bucket_object.driver_stats_upload: Creation complete after 0s [id=feast-workshop-danny-driver_stats.parquet]
    Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    project_bucket = "gs://feast-workshop-danny"
    project_name = "danny"

Step 1: Setup the feature repo

The first thing a platform team needs to do is setup a feature_store.yaml file within a version controlled repo like GitHub. feature_store.yaml is the primary way to configure an overall Feast project. We've setup a sample feature repository in feature_repo_aws/ or feature_repo_gcp/

Step 1a: Use your configured bucket

There are two files in feature_repo_aws or feature_repo_gcp you need to change to point to your bucket:

# AWS version
driver_stats = FileSource(
    path="s3://[INSERT YOUR BUCKET]/driver_stats.parquet",
    s3_endpoint_override="",  # Needed since s3fs defaults to us-east-1
    description="A table describing the stats of a driver based on hourly logs",
    owner="[email protected]",

# GCP version
driver_stats = FileSource(
    path="gs://feast-workshop-danny/driver_stats.parquet",  # TODO: Replace with your bucket
    description="A table describing the stats of a driver based on hourly logs",
    owner="[email protected]",


# AWS version
project: feast_demo_aws
provider: aws
registry: s3://[INSERT YOUR BUCKET]/registry.pb
online_store: null
  type: file
  alpha_features: true
  on_demand_transforms: true

# GCP version
project: feast_demo_gcp
provider: gcp
registry: gcs://feast-workshop-danny/registry.pb # TODO: Replace with your bucket
online_store: null
  type: file

A quick explanation of what's happening in this feature_store.yaml:

Key What it does Example
project Gives infrastructure isolation via namespacing (e.g. online stores + Feast objects). any unique name within your organization (e.g. feast_demo_aws)
provider Defines registry location & sets defaults for offline / online stores gcp enables a GCS-based registry and sets BigQuery + Datastore as the default offline / online stores.
registry Defines the specific path for the registry (local, gcs, s3, etc) s3://[YOUR BUCKET]/registry.pb
online_store Configures online store (if needed for supporting real-time models) null, redis, dynamodb, datastore, postgres, hbase (each have their own extra configs)
offline_store Configures offline store, which executes point in time joins bigquery, snowflake.offline, redshift, spark, trino (each have their own extra configs)
flags (legacy) Soon to be deprecated way to enable experimental functionality.

Some further notes and gotchas

  • Project
    • Users can only request features from a single project
  • Provider
    • Default offline or online store choices can be easily overriden in feature_store.yaml.
      • For example, one can use the aws provider and specify Snowflake as the offline store:
        project: feast_demo_aws
        provider: aws
        registry: s3://[INSERT YOUR BUCKET]/registry.pb
        online_store: null
            type: snowflake.offline
            account: SNOWFLAKE_DEPLOYMENT_URL
            user: SNOWFLAKE_USER
            password: SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD
            role: SNOWFLAKE_ROLE
            warehouse: SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE
            database: SNOWFLAKE_DATABASE
  • Offline store
    • We recommend users use data warehouses or Spark as their offline store for performant training dataset generation.
      • In this workshop, we use file sources for instructional purposes. This will directly read from files (local or remote) and use Dask to execute point-in-time joins.
    • A project can only support one type of offline store (cannot mix Snowflake + file for example)
    • Each offline store has its own configurations which map to YAML. (e.g. see BigQueryOfflineStoreConfig):
  • Online store
    • You only need this if you're powering real time models (e.g. inferring in response to user requests)
      • If you are precomputing predictions in batch (aka batch scoring), then the online store is optional. You should be using the offline store and running feature_store.get_historical_features. We touch on this later in this module.
    • Each online store has its own configurations which map to YAML. (e.g. RedisOnlineStoreConfig)
  • Custom offline / online stores
    • Generally, custom offline + online stores and providers are supported and can plug in.
    • e.g. see adding a new offline store, adding a new online store
    • Example way of using a custom offline store you define:
      project: test_custom
      registry: data/registry.db
      provider: local
          type: feast_custom_offline_store.CustomOfflineStore

Step 1b: Run feast plan

With the feature_store.yaml setup, you can now run feast plan to see what changes would happen with feast apply.

feast plan

Sample output:

$ feast plan

Created entity driver
Created feature view driver_hourly_stats
Created feature service model_v2
Created feature service model_v1

No changes to infrastructure

Step 1c: Run feast apply

Now run feast apply.

This will parse the feature, data source, and feature service definitions and publish them to the registry. It may also setup some tables in the online store to materialize batch features to (in this case, we set the online store to null so no online store changes will occur).

$ feast apply

Created entity driver
Created feature view driver_hourly_stats
Created feature service model_v1
Created feature service model_v2

Deploying infrastructure for driver_hourly_stats

Step 1d: Verify features are registered

You can now run Feast CLI commands to verify Feast knows about your features and data sources.

$ feast feature-views list

NAME                   ENTITIES    TYPE
driver_hourly_stats    {'driver'}  FeatureView

Step 2: Setup a Web UI endpoint

Feast comes with an experimental Web UI. Users can already spin this up locally with feast ui, but you may want to have a Web UI that is universally available. Here, you'd likely deploy a service that runs feast ui on top of a feature_store.yaml, with some configuration on how frequently the UI should be refreshing its registry.

Note: If you're using Windows, you may need to run feast ui -h localhost instead.

$ feast ui

INFO:     Started server process [10185]
05/15/2022 04:35:58 PM INFO:Started server process [10185]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
05/15/2022 04:35:58 PM INFO:Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
05/15/2022 04:35:58 PM INFO:Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
05/15/2022 04:35:58 PM INFO:Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Feast UI

Step 3: Adding the feature repo to version control & set up CI/CD

The feature repository is already created for you on GitHub.

We setup CI/CD to automatically manage the registry. You'll want e.g. a GitHub workflow that

  • on pull request, runs feast plan
  • on PR merge, runs feast apply.

Step 3a: Automatically run feast plan for new pull requests

We recommend automatically running feast plan on incoming PRs to describe what changes will occur when the PR merges.

  • This is useful for helping PR reviewers understand the effects of a change.
  • This can prevent breaking models in production (e.g. catching PRs that would change features used by an existing model version (`FeatureService)).

An example GitHub workflow that runs feast plan on PRs (See feast_plan_aws.yml or feast_plan_gcp.yml, which are setup in this workshop repo)

name: Feast plan

on: [pull_request] # Should be triggered once then manually if possible

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Setup Python
        id: setup-python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: "3.7"
          architecture: x64
      - name: Set up AWS SDK
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
          aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          aws-region: us-west-2

      # Run `feast plan`
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install feast
        run: pip install "feast[aws]"
      - name: Capture `feast plan` in a variable
        id: feast_plan
          FEAST_USAGE: "False"
          IS_TEST: "True"
        run: |
          body=$(cd module_0/feature_repo_aws; feast plan)
          echo "::set-output name=body::$body"

      # Post a comment on the PR with the results of `feast plan`
      - name: Create comment
        uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v1
        if: ${{ steps.feast_plan.outputs.body }}
          issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
          body: |
            ${{ steps.feast_plan.outputs.body }}

You'll notice the above logic reference two secrets in GitHub corresponding to your AWS credentials.

  • To make this workflow work, create GitHub secrets with your own AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • For GCP, you'll need a GCP_PROJECT_ID and GCP_SA_KEY for the service account key json (e.g. contents of ~/.config/gcloud/feast-workshop.json in the above)

See the result on a PR opened in this repo: #3

Step 3b: Automatically run feast apply when pull requests are merged

When a pull request is merged to change the repo, we configure CI/CD to automatically run feast apply.

An example GitHub workflow which runs feast apply on PR merge (See feast_apply_aws.yml, which is setup in this workshop repo)

name: Feast apply

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Setup Python
        id: setup-python
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: "3.7"
          architecture: x64
      - name: Set up AWS SDK
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
          aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          aws-region: us-west-2

      # Run `feast apply`
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install feast
        run: pip install "feast[aws]"
      - name: Run feast apply
          FEAST_USAGE: "False"
          IS_TEST: "True"
        run: |
          cd module_0/feature_repo_aws
          feast apply

Towards the end of the module, we will see this in action, but for now, we focus on understanding what Feast brings to the table.

Step 3c (optional): Access control for the registry

We won't dive into this in detail here, but you don't want to allow arbitrary users to clone the feature repository, change definitions and run feast apply.

Thus, you should lock down your registry (e.g. with an S3 bucket policy) to only allow changes from your CI/CD user and perhaps some ML engineers.

Other best practices

Many Feast users use tags on objects extensively. Some examples of how this may be used:

  • To give more detailed documentation on a FeatureView
  • To highlight what groups you need to join to gain access to certain feature views.
  • To denote whether a feature service is in production or in staging.

Additionally, users will often want to have a dev/staging environment that's separate from production. In this case, once pattern that works is to have separate projects:

├── .github
│   └── workflows
│       ├── production.yml
│       └── staging.yml
├── staging
│   ├──
│   └── feature_store.yaml
└── production
    └── feature_store.yaml

User group 2: ML Engineers

Data scientists or ML engineers can use the defined FeatureService (corresponding to model versions) and schedule regular jobs that generate batch predictions (or regularly retrain).

Step 0: Understanding get_historical_features and feature services

get_historical_features is an API by which you can retrieve features (by referencing features directly or via feature services). It will under the hood manage point-in-time joins and avoid data leakage to generate training datasets or power batch scoring.

For batch scoring, you want to get the latest feature values for your entities. Feast requires timestamps in get_historical_features, so what you'll need to do is append an event timestamp of now(). Don't bother running this code right now since we'll run this in the next step.

# Get the latest feature values for unique entities
entity_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"driver_id": [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005],})
entity_df["event_timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime('now', utc=True)
# Because we're using the default FileOfflineStore, this executes on your machine
training_df = store.get_historical_features(
    entity_df=entity_df, features=store.get_feature_service("model_v2"),

# Make batch predictions
predictions = model.predict(training_df)

Note that we're using a FeatureService in this example.

A feature service is the recommended way to version a model's feature dependencies. This is useful for many reasons:

  • Data scientists can easily recall what features were used for a given model iteration, or learn what features were useful for a related model
  • Engineers can use that same feature service to retrieve features at serving time, or run A/B experiments across several feature services.
  • Data lineage. Feature services give visibility into what features are depended on in production. Thus, we can prevent accidental changes

Step 1: Fetch features for batch scoring (method 1)

Go into the module_0/client_aws or module_0/client_gcp directory and change the feature_store.yaml to use your S3/GCS bucket.

Then, run python, which runs the above code (printing out the dataframe instead of the model):

$ python

      driver_id                  event_timestamp  conv_rate  acc_rate
720        1002 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.465875  0.315721
1805       1005 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.394072  0.046118
1083       1003 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.869917  0.779562
359        1001 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.404588  0.407571
1444       1004 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.977276  0.051582

Step 2: Fetch features for batch scoring (method 2)

You can also not have a feature_store.yaml and directly instantiate a RepoConfig object in Python (which is the in memory representation of the contents of feature_store.yaml). See the module_0/client_no_yaml directory for an example of this.

We are going to run one of the two python files depending on if you're on GCP vs AWS. The output will be identical to the previous step.

A quick snippet of the AWS code:

from feast import FeatureStore, RepoConfig
from feast.repo_config import RegistryConfig

repo_config = RepoConfig(
    registry=RegistryConfig(path="s3://[YOUR BUCKET]/registry.pb"),
    offline_store="file",  # Could also be the OfflineStoreConfig e.g. FileOfflineStoreConfig
    online_store="null",  # Could also be the OnlineStoreConfig e.g. RedisOnlineStoreConfig
store = FeatureStore(config=repo_config)
training_df = store.get_historical_features(...).to_df()
$ python

      driver_id                  event_timestamp  conv_rate  acc_rate
720        1002 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.465875  0.315721
1805       1005 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.394072  0.046118
1083       1003 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.869917  0.779562
359        1001 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.404588  0.407571
1444       1004 2022-05-15 20:46:00.308163+00:00   0.977276  0.051582

Step 3 (optional): Scaling get_historical_features to large datasets

You may note that the above example uses a to_df() method to load the training dataset into memory and may be wondering how this scales if you have very large datasets.

get_historical_features actually returns a RetrievalJob object that lazily executes the point-in-time join. The RetrievalJob class is extended by each offline store to allow flushing results to e.g. the data warehouse or data lakes.

Let's look at an example with BigQuery as the offline store.

project: feast_demo_gcp
provider: gcp
registry: gs://[YOUR BUCKET]/registry.pb
  type: bigquery
  location: EU

Retrieving the data with get_historical_features gives a BigQueryRetrievalJob object (reference) which exposes a to_bigquery() method. Thus, you can do:

path = store.get_historical_features(
    entity_df=entity_df, features=store.get_feature_service("model_v2"),

# Continue with distributed training or batch predictions from the BigQuery dataset.

User group 3: Data Scientists

What is the value for a data scientist?

Data scientists will be using or authoring features in Feast. By using Feast, data scientist can:

  • Re-use existing features that are already productionized
  • Gain inspiration from other related models and the features they use
  • Organize model experiments using FeatureServices
  • (in upcoming modules) Directly author features or transformations that are used at serving time (instead of having MLE have to re-engineer)

How data scientists can use Feast

They can similarly generate in memory dataframes using get_historical_features(...).to_df() or larger datasets with methods like get_historical_features(...).to_bigquery() as described above.

We don't need to do anything new here since data scientists will be doing many of the same steps you've seen in previous user flows.

There are two ways data scientists can use Feast:

  • Use Feast primarily as a way of pulling production ready features.
    • See the client_aws//client_gcp/, or client_no_yaml folders for examples of how users can pull features by only having a feature_store.yaml or instantiating a RepoConfig object
    • This is not recommended since data scientists cannot register feature services to indicate they depend on certain features in production.
  • [Recommended] Have a local copy of the feature repository (e.g. git clone) and author / iterate / re-use features.
    • Data scientist can:
      1. browse relevant features that are already productionized to re-use
      2. iterate on new features locally
      3. apply features to their own dev project with a local registry & experiment
      4. build feature services in preparation for production
      5. submit PRs to include features that should be used in production (including A/B experiments, or model training iterations)

Data scientists can also investigate other models and their dependent features / data sources / on demand transformations through the repository or through the Web UI (by running feast ui)

Exercise: merge a sample PR in your fork

In your own fork of the feast-workshop project, with the above setup (i.e. you've made GitHub secrets with your own AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or GCP_PROJECT_ID and GCP_SA_KEY), try making a change with a pull request! And then merge that pull request to see the change propagate in the registry.

Some ideas for what to try:

  • Changing metadata (owner, description, tags) on an existing FeatureView
  • Adding or removing a new Field in an existing FeatureView

You can verify the change propagated by:

  1. Running the Feast CLI (e.g. feast feature-views list)
  2. Checking in the Feast UI (i.e. via feast ui)
  3. Fetching features directly (either by referencing the feature directly in get_historical_features or by querying a modified FeatureService)


As a result:

  • You have file sources (possibly remote) and a remote registry (e.g. in S3)
  • Data scientists are able to author + reuse features based on a centrally managed registry (visible through the Feast CLI or through the Web UI).
  • ML engineers are able to use these same features with a reference to the registry to regularly generating predictions on the latest timestamp or re-train models.
  • You have CI/CD setup to automatically update the registry + online store infrastructure when changes are merged into the version controlled feature repo.

Continue with the workshop in module 1, which uses Feast (with Spark, Kafka, Redis) to generate fresh features and power online model inference.


How do I generate the entity dataframe?

We expect that there is already some way for you to retrieve labels at model training time. That same source of data should contain the relevant entities.

For example, you may have an events table like:

user_id event_timestamp action_type action_id
123 2021-12-25 12:30:00+00 add_item_to_cart 1111
123 2021-12-25 15:30:00+00 buy_item 2222
234 2022-12-25 15:30:00+00 sell_item 3333

This first two columns of this example table would constitute your entity_df.

Note: Feast, in the future, may support tracking these entity "data sources" to simplify get_historical_features calls

Can I call get_historical_features without an entity dataframe? I want features for all entities.

Not today. See GitHub Issue #1611 for discussions on how we may implement this. Contributions are welcome!