#Smoothslides A simple, lightweight, and responsive jQuery slideshow by Kevin Thornbloom that features Ken Burns type animations.
New- Added user customizable settings along with pan up & pan down effects
##Demo http://kthornbloom.com/smoothslides
- Lightweight [6Kb]
- Choose between six animation types, or let it randomize
- Easily add captions
- CSS3 transitions for smoother effects
- Responsive image sizes
- Set various defaults
- Include smoothslides.css in the header
- Include jQuery and smoothslides.min.js in the footer
- Create a div with a class of "ss-slides". Create each slide within as a div called "ss-slide" and place your image inside. Images should be the same size.
- Want a caption? Add a title attribute to your "ss-slide" div.
- Call your script:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load( function() {
- Or, to specify options, call your script like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load( function() {
/* milliseconds */
playTimer: 4000,
/* CSS easing type */
animEasing: 'ease-in-out',
/* Options are: none, random, zoomIn, zoomOut, panLeft, panRight, panUp, panDown */
autoanimType: 'random',
nextText: 'Next',
prevText: 'Prev',
captions: 'true',
navigation: 'true'
##Browser Support
- Full support: Chrome, Safari, Firefox (16+), Internet Explorer (9+)
- Supported without transitions: Internet Explorer 7-8, Firefox (-16)
- Unsupported: Internet Explorer 6
##Licensing Free to use and modify personally or commercially. Not for resale.
##Help & Feedback Connect with me on twitter.