Releases: faucetsdn/poseidon
Releases · faucetsdn/poseidon
- Updated versions of urllib3, pytest, grafana, cmd2, and pylint
- Now uses the auto revert feature of Faucet when using the helper run script
- Endpoints are now a dictionary instead of a list to prevent duplicates
- Fixed an issue where messages from ncapture weren't being handled correctly
- Fixed an issue where the investigations count could be wrong
- Resets the debconf response for collector_nics when not in use
- Debconf option for setting the reinvestigation frequency
- Fixed viz command for Poseidon script
- Handle IP addresses being None
- Better diff of when endpoints change
- Added type entries to history
- Fixed an issue where queue was being triggered on inactive endpoints
- Fixed the IP for the run helper Faucet script
- Fixed some instances of the wrong member being called in main
- Force triggering a transition when ncaptures complete
- Add metrics to Prometheus
- Allow span-fabric name to be configured
- Update pytest version
- Update gunicorn version
- Update API version of Alpine Linux
- Add additional metadata for active or inactive (expired hosts)
- Stores state changes to external systems (Vent)
- Includes an additional endpoint to the API for extra details of the network (/network_full)
- When unmirroring, it ensures that all captures on that port are finished first
- Listens to FAUCET PORT_CHANGE and L2_EXPIRE events now
- Updates known endpoints when they go away
v0.6.6 (2019-08-02)
- Updated versions of cmd2, redis, pip, and pytest
- updated for new NetworkML message format
- Removed Support for Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish)
v0.6.5 (2019-08-02)
- Updated versions of cmd2, pika, redis, and pyyaml
- introduced release scripts
- Updated versions of cmd2, pytest, flask, and texttable