4chan client on Flutter.
In development. You can run the app on Android or iOS but current build may be slow on some screens and UI is not finally approved.
You can track a next test app version development status on GitHub Projects page for this repository.
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If you have a feature request or an issue, you can create report on this page.
Just clone or download the project from GitHub and run it from your IDE. How to start with Flutter on your IDE search here.
You can build the app for Android from terminal on your machine without installing any IDE. Follow this steps:
- install Flutter and dependencies for it;
- in terminal change current directory (by command
) to theandroid
folder int the project folder and run:
flutter pub run build_runner build
flutter build apk --profile --split-per-abi
- find created
Just clone or download the project from GitHub and run it from your IDE. How to start with Flutter search here.
Read Commit Convention. Make sure your build is green before you contribute your pull request. Then:
$ flutter pub global activate dart_enum_to_string_check
$ flutter pub global run dart_enum_to_string_check
$ flutter pub global activate dart_code_metrics
$ flutter pub global run dart_code_metrics:metrics lib
$ flutter format -n -set-exit-if-changed -l 120 lib
$ flutter analyze
$ flutter test test
- @fartem as Artem Fomchenkov
- @GeorgeOblomov as Egor Grischenkov