There are a couple of potential “gotchas” with creating and direct editing hotkey layouts on Windows. Hopefully these issues will be addressed in future firmware versions but for now, here are some guidelines when sharing custom layouts and macros:
- You CANNOT just drag and drop a “foreign" .txt file on to the v-drive and rename it either Qwerty.txt, Dvorak.txt, or an appropriate hotkey layout name. The keyboard has to initially create all .txt layout files via the onboard programming shortcut (Program + F2).
- Once the keyboard has created a new hotkey layout, that .txt file must be "conditioned" via any onboard programming command before it can be direct edited by accessing the v-drive. The simplest way to condition a new layout file is to just toggle thumb key modes immediately after creating it (the layout file to be conditioned must be active). Then you can access the v-drive and direct-edit the hotkey layout file or cut and paste another person's remaps/macros as normal.