This repository contains instructions for building a Docker image that can be ran in a container that exposes an instance of JupyterHub on port 8443 that redirects users to a collaborative instance of JupyterLab.
A single JupyterLab instance is started as a JupyterHub managed service. When a user authenticates the user is redirected to the JupyterHub managed JupyterLab service, as opposed to being redirected to their own instance.
This implementation could be used for tutoring or collaborative "office hours".
The configuration assumes GitHub OAuth.
JupyterLab permits remote data access and remote code execution. Security should be implemented in accordance with your requirements.
Copy the SSL certificate file for your domain to ./secrets/ssl.crt
Copy the SSL key file for your domain to ./secrets/ssl.key
Copy the ./
file to ./
. Open the configuration file in an editor.
The GitHub users in this list will be allowed to authenticate with the GitHub Authenticator i.e., c.Authenticator.allowed_users = USERS
For example:
USERS = ["a-github-user-name", "another-github-user-name"]
Configure OAuth.
c.GitHubOAuthenticator.oauth_callback_url = ""
c.GitHubOAuthenticator.client_id = ""
c.GitHubOAuthenticator.client_secret = ""
docker build --build-arg CACHE_INVALIDATE=$(date +%s) -t collaborative_jupyterlab .
docker run -p 8443:8443 collaborative_jupyterlab
Configure iptables/nftables in order to prevent outgoing connections.