io.fair_acc.math.MathBase/Math in chartfx-math; necessary to have source code of io.fair_acc.math.MathBase/Math to write customized Renderer? #645
Background: for #641, try to implement In order to avoid compile error like class cannot be cast to class ( and are in unnamed module of loader org.codehaus.mojo.exec.URLClassLoaderBuilder$ExecJavaClassLoader @17192ed3)
class io.fair_acc.chartfx.renderer.CandleStickWithMALocalMaxMinRenderer cannot be cast to class ( and are in unnamed module of loader org.codehaus.mojo.exec.URLClassLoaderBuilder$ExecJavaClassLoader @17192ed3)
git clone -b 11.3.0
</dependency> Then confront Question: is it necessary to have source code of io.fair_acc.math.MathBase to write customized Renderer? Can recover from Math.class, MathBase.class as following but still debugging. |
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package io.fair_acc.math;
// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by FernFlower decompiler)
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
public class Math extends MathBase {
private static final int kWorkMax = 100;
public Math() {
public double kolmogorovProb(double z) {
double[] fj = new double[]{-2.0, -8.0, -18.0, -32.0};
double[] r = new double[4];
double w = 2.50662827;
double c1 = -1.2337005501361697;
double c2 = -11.103304951225528;
double c3 = -30.842513753404244;
double u = abs(z);
double p;
if (u < 0.2) {
p = 1.0;
} else {
double v;
if (u < 0.755) {
v = 1.0 / (u * u);
p = 1.0 - 2.50662827 * (exp(-1.2337005501361697 * v) + exp(-11.103304951225528 * v) + exp(-30.842513753404244 * v)) / u;
} else if (u < 6.8116) {
r[1] = 0.0;
r[2] = 0.0;
r[3] = 0.0;
v = u * u;
int maxj = max(1, nInt(3.0 / u));
for(int j = 0; j < maxj; ++j) {
r[j] = exp(fj[j] * v);
p = 2.0 * (r[0] - r[1] + r[2] - r[3]);
} else {
p = 0.0;
return p;
public double kolmogorovTest(int na, double[] a, int nb, double[] b, String option) {
double prob = -1.0;
if (a != null && b != null && na > 2 && nb > 2) {
double rna = (double)na;
double rnb = (double)nb;
double sa = 1.0 / rna;
double sb = 1.0 / rnb;
double rdiff;
int ia;
int ib;
if (a[0] < b[0]) {
rdiff = -sa;
ia = 2;
ib = 1;
} else {
rdiff = sb;
ib = 2;
ia = 1;
double rdmax = abs(rdiff);
boolean ok = false;
for(int i = 0; i < na + nb; ++i) {
if (a[ia - 1] < b[ib - 1]) {
rdiff -= sa;
if (ia > na) {
ok = true;
} else if (a[ia - 1] > b[ib - 1]) {
rdiff += sb;
if (ib > nb) {
ok = true;
} else {
double x;
for(x = a[ia - 1]; a[ia - 1] == x && ia <= na; ++ia) {
rdiff -= sa;
while(b[ib - 1] == x && ib <= nb) {
rdiff += sb;
if (ia > na) {
ok = true;
if (ib > nb) {
ok = true;
rdmax = max(rdmax, abs(rdiff));
if (ok) {
rdmax = max(rdmax, abs(rdiff));
double z = rdmax * sqrt(rna * rnb / (rna + rnb));
prob = this.kolmogorovProb(z);
String opt = option.toUpperCase(Locale.UK);
if (opt.contains("D")) {
System.out.println(String.format(" Kolmogorov Probability = %g, Max Dist = %g", prob, rdmax));
return opt.contains("M") ? rdmax : prob;
} else {
System.err.println("KolmogorovTest(): Sets must have more than 2 points");
return prob;
double kOrdStat(int n, double[] a, int k, int[] work) {
boolean isAllocated = false;
int[] workLocal = new int[100];
int[] ind;
if (work != null) {
ind = work;
} else {
ind = workLocal;
if (n > 100) {
isAllocated = true;
ind = new int[n];
int rk;
for(rk = 0; rk < n; ind[rk] = rk++) {
rk = k;
int l = 0;
int ir = n - 1;
int temp;
while(ir > l + 1) {
int mid = l + ir >> 1;
temp = ind[mid];
ind[mid] = ind[l + 1];
ind[l + 1] = temp;
if (a[ind[l]] > a[ind[ir]]) {
temp = ind[l];
ind[l] = ind[ir];
ind[ir] = temp;
if (a[ind[l + 1]] > a[ind[ir]]) {
temp = ind[l + 1];
ind[l + 1] = ind[ir];
ind[ir] = temp;
if (a[ind[l]] > a[ind[l + 1]]) {
temp = ind[l];
ind[l] = ind[l + 1];
ind[l + 1] = temp;
int i = l + 1;
int j = ir;
int arr = ind[l + 1];
while(true) {
do {
} while(a[ind[i]] < a[arr]);
do {
} while(a[ind[j]] > a[arr]);
if (j < i) {
ind[l + 1] = ind[j];
ind[j] = arr;
if (j >= rk) {
ir = j - 1;
if (j <= rk) {
l = i;
temp = ind[i];
ind[i] = ind[j];
ind[j] = temp;
if (ir == l + 1 && a[ind[ir]] < a[ind[l]]) {
temp = ind[l];
ind[l] = ind[ir];
ind[ir] = temp;
double tmp = a[ind[rk]];
if (isAllocated) {
// int[] ind = null;
ind = null;
return tmp;
void quantiles(int n, int nprob, double[] x, double[] quantiles, double[] prob, boolean isSorted, int[] index, int type) {
if (type >= 1 && type <= 9) {
int[] ind = null;
if (!isSorted) {
if (index == null) {
ind = index;
} else {
ind = new int[n];
double npm = 0.0;
double xj;
double xjj;
int j;
int i;
if (type < 4) {
for(i = 0; i < nprob; ++i) {
npm = (double)n * prob[i];
if (npm < 1.0) {
if (isSorted) {
quantiles[i] = x[0];
} else {
quantiles[i] = this.kOrdStat(n, x, 0, ind);
} else {
j = max(floorNint(npm) - 1, 0);
if (npm - (double)j - 1.0 > 1.0E-14) {
if (isSorted) {
quantiles[i] = x[j + 1];
} else {
quantiles[i] = this.kOrdStat(n, x, j + 1, ind);
} else {
if (isSorted) {
xj = x[j];
} else {
xj = this.kOrdStat(n, x, j, ind);
if (type == 1) {
quantiles[i] = xj;
if (type == 2) {
if (isSorted) {
xjj = x[j + 1];
} else {
xjj = this.kOrdStat(n, x, j + 1, ind);
quantiles[i] = 0.5 * (xj + xjj);
if (type == 3) {
if (!even((long)(j - 1))) {
if (isSorted) {
xjj = x[j + 1];
} else {
xjj = this.kOrdStat(n, x, j + 1, ind);
quantiles[i] = xjj;
} else {
quantiles[i] = xj;
if (type > 3) {
for(i = 0; i < nprob; ++i) {
double np = (double)n * prob[i];
if (np < 1.0 && type != 7 && type != 4) {
quantiles[i] = this.kOrdStat(n, x, 0, ind);
} else {
if (type == 4) {
npm = np;
if (type == 5) {
npm = np + 0.5;
if (type == 6) {
npm = np + prob[i];
if (type == 7) {
npm = np - prob[i] + 1.0;
if (type == 8) {
npm = np + 0.3333333333333333 * (1.0 + prob[i]);
if (type == 9) {
npm = np + 0.25 * prob[i] + 0.375;
int intnpm = floorNint(npm);
j = max(intnpm - 1, 0);
double g = npm - (double)intnpm;
if (isSorted) {
xj = x[j];
xjj = x[j + 1];
} else {
xj = this.kOrdStat(n, x, j, ind);
xjj = this.kOrdStat(n, x, j + 1, ind);
quantiles[i] = (1.0 - g) * xj + g * xjj;
} else {
System.err.println("illegal value of type");
public boolean rootsCubic(double[] coef, double[] roots) {
if (coef[3] == 0.0) {
return false;
} else {
boolean complex = false;
double r = coef[2] / coef[3];
double s = coef[1] / coef[3];
double t = coef[0] / coef[3];
double p = s - r * r / 3.0;
double ps3 = p / 3.0;
double q = 2.0 * r * r * r / 27.0 - r * s / 3.0 + t;
double qs2 = q / 2.0;
double ps33 = ps3 * ps3 * ps3;
double d = ps33 + qs2 * qs2;
double tmp;
double y1;
double y2;
double y3;
double a;
double b;
double c;
if (d >= 0.0) {
complex = true;
d = sqrt(d);
double u = -qs2 + d;
double v = -qs2 - d;
tmp = 0.3333333333333333;
double lnu = log(abs(u));
double lnv = log(abs(v));
double su = sign(1.0, u);
double sv = sign(1.0, v);
u = su * exp(tmp * lnu);
v = sv * exp(tmp * lnv);
y1 = u + v;
y2 = -y1 / 2.0;
y3 = (u - v) * sqrt(3.0) / 2.0;
tmp = r / 3.0;
a = y1 - tmp;
b = y2 - tmp;
c = y3;
} else {
ps3 = -ps3;
ps33 = -ps33;
double cphi = -qs2 / sqrt(ps33);
double phi = aCos(cphi);
double phis3 = phi / 3.0;
double pis3 = 1.0471975511965976;
double c1 = cos(phis3);
double c2 = cos(pis3 + phis3);
double c3 = cos(pis3 - phis3);
tmp = sqrt(ps3);
y1 = 2.0 * tmp * c1;
y2 = -2.0 * tmp * c2;
y3 = -2.0 * tmp * c3;
tmp = r / 3.0;
a = y1 - tmp;
b = y2 - tmp;
c = y3 - tmp;
roots[0] = a;
roots[1] = b;
roots[2] = c;
return complex;
public double voigt(double xx, double sigma, double lg, int r) {
if (sigma < 0.0 || lg < 0.0 || sigma == 0.0 && lg == 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else if (sigma == 0.0) {
return lg * 0.159154943 / (xx * xx + lg * lg / 4.0);
} else if (lg == 0.0) {
return 0.39894228 / sigma * exp(-xx * xx / (2.0 * sigma * sigma));
} else {
double x = xx / sigma / 1.41421356;
double y = lg / 2.0 / sigma / 1.41421356;
int rClamped = r < 2 ? 2 : (r > 5 ? 5 : r);
double r0 = 1.51 * exp(1.144 * (double)rClamped);
double r1 = 1.6 * exp(0.554 * (double)rClamped);
double rrtpi = 0.56418958;
double y0 = 1.5;
double y0py0 = 3.0;
double y0q = 2.25;
double[] c = new double[]{1.0117281, -0.75197147, 0.012557727, 0.010022008, -2.4206814E-4, 5.0084806E-7};
double[] s = new double[]{1.393237, 0.23115241, -0.15535147, 0.0062183662, 9.1908299E-5, -6.2752596E-7};
double[] t = new double[]{0.31424038, 0.94778839, 1.5976826, 2.2795071, 3.020637, 3.8897249};
double a0 = 0.0;
double d0 = 0.0;
double d2 = 0.0;
double e0 = 0.0;
double e2 = 0.0;
double e4 = 0.0;
double h0 = 0.0;
double h2 = 0.0;
double h4 = 0.0;
double h6 = 0.0;
double p0 = 0.0;
double p2 = 0.0;
double p4 = 0.0;
double p6 = 0.0;
double p8 = 0.0;
double z0 = 0.0;
double z2 = 0.0;
double z4 = 0.0;
double z6 = 0.0;
double z8 = 0.0;
double[] xp = new double[6];
double[] xm = new double[6];
double[] yp = new double[6];
double[] ym = new double[6];
double[] mq = new double[6];
double[] pq = new double[6];
double[] mf = new double[6];
double[] pf = new double[6];
boolean rg1 = true;
boolean rg2 = true;
boolean rg3 = true;
double yq = y * y;
double yrrtpi = y * 0.56418958;
double xlim0 = r0 - y;
double xlim1 = r1 - y;
double xlim3 = 3.097 * y - 0.45;
double xlim2 = 6.8 - y;
double xlim4 = 18.1 * y + 1.65;
if (y <= 1.0E-6) {
xlim1 = xlim0;
xlim2 = xlim0;
double abx = abs(x);
double xq = abx * abx;
double k;
if (abx > xlim0) {
k = yrrtpi / (xq + yq);
} else {
double d;
if (abx > xlim1) {
if (rg1) {
rg1 = false;
a0 = yq + 0.5;
d0 = a0 * a0;
d2 = yq + yq - 1.0;
d = 0.56418958 / (d0 + xq * (d2 + xq));
k = d * y * (a0 + xq);
} else if (abx > xlim2) {
if (rg2) {
h0 = 0.5625 + yq * (4.5 + yq * (10.5 + yq * (6.0 + yq)));
h2 = -4.5 + yq * (9.0 + yq * (6.0 + yq * 4.0));
h4 = 10.5 - yq * (6.0 - yq * 6.0);
h6 = -6.0 + yq * 4.0;
e0 = 1.875 + yq * (8.25 + yq * (5.5 + yq));
e2 = 5.25 + yq * (1.0 + yq * 3.0);
e4 = 0.75 * h6;
d = 0.56418958 / (h0 + xq * (h2 + xq * (h4 + xq * (h6 + xq))));
k = d * y * (e0 + xq * (e2 + xq * (e4 + xq)));
} else if (abx < xlim3) {
if (rg3) {
z0 = 272.1014 + y * (1280.829 + y * (2802.87 + y * (3764.966 + y * (3447.629 + y * (2256.981 + y * (1074.409 + y * (369.1989 + y * (88.26741 + y * (13.3988 + y)))))))));
z2 = 211.678 + y * (902.3066 + y * (1758.336 + y * (2037.31 + y * (1549.675 + y * (793.4273 + y * (266.2987 + y * (53.59518 + y * 5.0)))))));
z4 = 78.86585 + y * (308.1852 + y * (497.3014 + y * (479.2576 + y * (269.2916 + y * (80.39278 + y * 10.0)))));
z6 = 22.03523 + y * (55.02933 + y * (92.75679 + y * (53.59518 + y * 10.0)));
z8 = 1.49646 + y * (13.3988 + y * 5.0);
p0 = 153.5168 + y * (549.3954 + y * (919.4955 + y * (946.897 + y * (662.8097 + y * (328.2151 + y * (115.3772 + y * (27.93941 + y * (4.264678 + y * 0.3183291))))))));
p2 = -34.16955 + y * (-1.322256 + y * (124.5975 + y * (189.773 + y * (139.4665 + y * (56.81652 + y * (12.79458 + y * 1.2733163))))));
p4 = 2.584042 + y * (10.46332 + y * (24.01655 + y * (29.81482 + y * (12.79568 + y * 1.9099744))));
p6 = -0.07272979 + y * (0.9377051 + y * (4.266322 + y * 1.273316));
p8 = 5.480304E-4 + y * 0.3183291;
d = 1.7724538 / (z0 + xq * (z2 + xq * (z4 + xq * (z6 + xq * (z8 + xq)))));
k = d * (p0 + xq * (p2 + xq * (p4 + xq * (p6 + xq * p8))));
} else {
double ypy0 = y + 1.5;
double ypy0q = ypy0 * ypy0;
k = 0.0;
int j;
for(j = 0; j <= 5; ++j) {
d = x - t[j];
mq[j] = d * d;
mf[j] = 1.0 / (mq[j] + ypy0q);
xm[j] = mf[j] * d;
ym[j] = mf[j] * ypy0;
d = x + t[j];
pq[j] = d * d;
pf[j] = 1.0 / (pq[j] + ypy0q);
xp[j] = pf[j] * d;
yp[j] = pf[j] * ypy0;
if (abx <= xlim4) {
for(j = 0; j <= 5; ++j) {
k = k + c[j] * (ym[j] + yp[j]) - s[j] * (xm[j] - xp[j]);
} else {
double yf = y + 3.0;
for(j = 0; j <= 5; ++j) {
k = k + (c[j] * (mq[j] * mf[j] - 1.5 * ym[j]) + s[j] * yf * xm[j]) / (mq[j] + 2.25) + (c[j] * (pq[j] * pf[j] - 1.5 * yp[j]) - s[j] * yf * xp[j]) / (pq[j] + 2.25);
k = y * k + exp(-xq);
return k / 2.506628 / sigma;
public static double besselI(int n, double x) {
if (n < 0) {
System.err.println("BesselI(): *I* Invalid argument(s) (n,x) = (" + n + ", " + x + ")");
return 0.0;
} else if (n == 0) {
return besselI0(x);
} else if (n == 1) {
return besselI1(x);
} else if (x == 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
double kBigPositive = 1.0E10;
if (abs(x) > 1.0E10) {
return 0.0;
} else {
boolean iacc = true;
double kBigNegative = 1.0E-10;
double tox = 2.0 / abs(x);
double bip = 0.0;
double bim = 0.0;
double bi = 1.0;
double result = 0.0;
int m = 2 * (n + (int)sqrt((double)(40 * n)));
for(int j = m; j >= 1; --j) {
bim = bip + (double)j * tox * bi;
bip = bi;
bi = bim;
if (abs(bim) > 1.0E10) {
result *= 1.0E-10;
bi = bim * 1.0E-10;
bip *= 1.0E-10;
if (j == n) {
result = bip;
result *= besselI0(x) / bi;
if (x < 0.0 && n % 2 == 1) {
result = -result;
return result;
public static double besselI0(double x) {
double p1 = 1.0;
double p2 = 3.5156229;
double p3 = 3.0899424;
double p4 = 1.2067492;
double p5 = 0.2659732;
double p6 = 0.0360768;
double p7 = 0.0045813;
double q1 = 0.39894228;
double q2 = 0.01328592;
double q3 = 0.00225319;
double q4 = -0.00157565;
double q5 = 0.00916281;
double q6 = -0.02057706;
double q7 = 0.02635537;
double q8 = -0.01647633;
double q9 = 0.00392377;
double k1 = 3.75;
double ax = abs(x);
double y = 0.0;
double result = 0.0;
if (ax < 3.75) {
double xx = x / 3.75;
y = xx * xx;
result = 1.0 + y * (3.5156229 + y * (3.0899424 + y * (1.2067492 + y * (0.2659732 + y * (0.0360768 + y * 0.0045813)))));
} else {
y = 3.75 / ax;
result = exp(ax) / sqrt(ax) * (0.39894228 + y * (0.01328592 + y * (0.00225319 + y * (-0.00157565 + y * (0.00916281 + y * (-0.02057706 + y * (0.02635537 + y * (-0.01647633 + y * 0.00392377))))))));
return result;
public static double besselI1(double x) {
double p1 = 0.5;
double p2 = 0.87890594;
double p3 = 0.51498869;
double p4 = 0.15084934;
double p5 = 0.02658733;
double p6 = 0.00301532;
double p7 = 3.2411E-4;
double q1 = 0.39894228;
double q2 = -0.03988024;
double q3 = -0.00362018;
double q4 = 0.00163801;
double q5 = -0.01031555;
double q6 = 0.02282967;
double q7 = -0.02895312;
double q8 = 0.01787654;
double q9 = -0.00420059;
double k1 = 3.75;
double ax = abs(x);
double y = 0.0;
double result = 0.0;
if (ax < 3.75) {
double xx = x / 3.75;
y = xx * xx;
result = x * (0.5 + y * (0.87890594 + y * (0.51498869 + y * (0.15084934 + y * (0.02658733 + y * (0.00301532 + y * 3.2411E-4))))));
} else {
y = 3.75 / ax;
result = exp(ax) / sqrt(ax) * (0.39894228 + y * (-0.03988024 + y * (-0.00362018 + y * (0.00163801 + y * (-0.01031555 + y * (0.02282967 + y * (-0.02895312 + y * (0.01787654 + y * -0.00420059))))))));
if (x < 0.0) {
result = -result;
return result;
public static double besselJ0(double x) {
double p1 = 5.7568490574E10;
double p2 = -1.3362590354E10;
double p3 = 6.516196407E8;
double p4 = -1.121442418E7;
double p5 = 77392.33017;
double p6 = -184.9052456;
double p7 = 5.7568490411E10;
double p8 = 1.029532985E9;
double p9 = 9494680.718;
double p10 = 59272.64853;
double p11 = 267.8532712;
double q1 = 0.785398164;
double q2 = -0.001098628627;
double q3 = 2.734510407E-5;
double q4 = -2.073370639E-6;
double q5 = 2.093887211E-7;
double q6 = -0.01562499995;
double q7 = 1.430488765E-4;
double q8 = -6.911147651E-6;
double q9 = 7.621095161E-7;
double q10 = 9.34935152E-8;
double q11 = 0.636619772;
double ax;
double y;
double result;
double result1;
double result2;
if ((ax = abs(x)) < 8.0) {
y = x * x;
result1 = 5.7568490574E10 + y * (-1.3362590354E10 + y * (6.516196407E8 + y * (-1.121442418E7 + y * (77392.33017 + y * -184.9052456))));
result2 = 5.7568490411E10 + y * (1.029532985E9 + y * (9494680.718 + y * (59272.64853 + y * (267.8532712 + y))));
result = result1 / result2;
} else {
double z = 8.0 / ax;
y = z * z;
double xx = ax - 0.785398164;
result1 = 1.0 + y * (-0.001098628627 + y * (2.734510407E-5 + y * (-2.073370639E-6 + y * 2.093887211E-7)));
result2 = -0.01562499995 + y * (1.430488765E-4 + y * (-6.911147651E-6 + y * (7.621095161E-7 - y * 9.34935152E-8)));
result = sqrt(0.636619772 / ax) * (cos(xx) * result1 - z * sin(xx) * result2);
return result;
public static double besselJ1(double x) {
double p1 = 7.2362614232E10;
double p2 = -7.895059235E9;
double p3 = 2.423968531E8;
double p4 = -2972611.439;
double p5 = 15704.4826;
double p6 = -30.16036606;
double p7 = 1.44725228442E11;
double p8 = 2.300535178E9;
double p9 = 1.858330474E7;
double p10 = 99447.43394;
double p11 = 376.9991397;
double q1 = 2.356194491;
double q2 = 0.00183105;
double q3 = -3.516396496E-5;
double q4 = 2.457520174E-6;
double q5 = -2.40337019E-7;
double q6 = 0.04687499995;
double q7 = -2.002690873E-4;
double q8 = 8.449199096E-6;
double q9 = -8.8228987E-7;
double q10 = 1.05787412E-7;
double q11 = 0.636619772;
double ax;
double y;
double result;
double result1;
double result2;
if ((ax = abs(x)) < 8.0) {
y = x * x;
result1 = x * (7.2362614232E10 + y * (-7.895059235E9 + y * (2.423968531E8 + y * (-2972611.439 + y * (15704.4826 + y * -30.16036606)))));
result2 = 1.44725228442E11 + y * (2.300535178E9 + y * (1.858330474E7 + y * (99447.43394 + y * (376.9991397 + y))));
result = result1 / result2;
} else {
double z = 8.0 / ax;
y = z * z;
double xx = ax - 2.356194491;
result1 = 1.0 + y * (0.00183105 + y * (-3.516396496E-5 + y * (2.457520174E-6 + y * -2.40337019E-7)));
result2 = 0.04687499995 + y * (-2.002690873E-4 + y * (8.449199096E-6 + y * (-8.8228987E-7 + y * 1.05787412E-7)));
result = sqrt(0.636619772 / ax) * (cos(xx) * result1 - z * sin(xx) * result2);
if (x < 0.0) {
result = -result;
return result;
public static double besselK(int n, double x) {
if (!(x <= 0.0) && n >= 0) {
if (n == 0) {
return besselK0(x);
} else if (n == 1) {
return besselK1(x);
} else {
double tox = 2.0 / x;
double bkm = besselK0(x);
double bk = besselK1(x);
double bkp = 0.0;
for(int j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
bkp = bkm + (double)j * tox * bk;
bkm = bk;
bk = bkp;
return bk;
} else {
System.err.println("BesselK(): *K* Invalid argument(s) (n,x) = (" + n + ", " + x + ")");
return 0.0;
public static double besselK0(double x) {
if (x <= 0.0) {
System.err.println("BesselK0(): *K0* Invalid argument x = " + x);
return 0.0;
} else {
double p1 = -0.57721566;
double p2 = 0.4227842;
double p3 = 0.23069756;
double p4 = 0.0348859;
double p5 = 0.00262698;
double p6 = 1.075E-4;
double p7 = 7.4E-6;
double q1 = 1.25331414;
double q2 = -0.07832358;
double q3 = 0.02189568;
double q4 = -0.01062446;
double q5 = 0.00587872;
double q6 = -0.0025154;
double q7 = 5.3208E-4;
double y = 0.0;
double result = 0.0;
if (x <= 2.0) {
y = x * x / 4.0;
result = -log(x / 2.0) * besselI0(x) + -0.57721566 + y * (0.4227842 + y * (0.23069756 + y * (0.0348859 + y * (0.00262698 + y * (1.075E-4 + y * 7.4E-6)))));
} else {
y = 2.0 / x;
result = exp(-x) / sqrt(x) * (1.25331414 + y * (-0.07832358 + y * (0.02189568 + y * (-0.01062446 + y * (0.00587872 + y * (-0.0025154 + y * 5.3208E-4))))));
return result;
public static double besselK1(double x) {
if (x <= 0.0) {
System.err.println("BesselK1(): *K1* Invalid argument x = " + x);
return 0.0;
} else {
double p1 = 1.0;
double p2 = 0.15443144;
double p3 = -0.67278579;
double p4 = -0.18156897;
double p5 = -0.01919402;
double p6 = -0.00110404;
double p7 = -4.686E-5;
double q1 = 1.25331414;
double q2 = 0.23498619;
double q3 = -0.0365562;
double q4 = 0.01504268;
double q5 = -0.00780353;
double q6 = 0.00325614;
double q7 = -6.8245E-4;
double y = 0.0;
double result = 0.0;
if (x <= 2.0) {
y = x * x / 4.0;
result = log(x / 2.0) * besselI1(x) + 1.0 / x * (1.0 + y * (0.15443144 + y * (-0.67278579 + y * (-0.18156897 + y * (-0.01919402 + y * (-0.00110404 + y * -4.686E-5))))));
} else {
y = 2.0 / x;
result = exp(-x) / sqrt(x) * (1.25331414 + y * (0.23498619 + y * (-0.0365562 + y * (0.01504268 + y * (-0.00780353 + y * (0.00325614 + y * -6.8245E-4))))));
return result;
public static double besselY0(double x) {
double p1 = -2.957821389E9;
double p2 = 7.062834065E9;
double p3 = -5.123598036E8;
double p4 = 1.087988129E7;
double p5 = -86327.92757;
double p6 = 228.4622733;
double p7 = 4.0076544269E10;
double p8 = 7.452499648E8;
double p9 = 7189466.438;
double p10 = 47447.2647;
double p11 = 226.1030244;
double p12 = 0.636619772;
double q1 = 0.785398164;
double q2 = -0.001098628627;
double q3 = 2.734510407E-5;
double q4 = -2.073370639E-6;
double q5 = 2.093887211E-7;
double q6 = -0.01562499995;
double q7 = 1.430488765E-4;
double q8 = -6.911147651E-6;
double q9 = 7.621095161E-7;
double q10 = -9.34945152E-8;
double q11 = 0.636619772;
double y;
double result;
double result1;
double result2;
if (x < 8.0) {
y = x * x;
result1 = -2.957821389E9 + y * (7.062834065E9 + y * (-5.123598036E8 + y * (1.087988129E7 + y * (-86327.92757 + y * 228.4622733))));
result2 = 4.0076544269E10 + y * (7.452499648E8 + y * (7189466.438 + y * (47447.2647 + y * (226.1030244 + y))));
result = result1 / result2 + 0.636619772 * besselJ0(x) * log(x);
} else {
double z = 8.0 / x;
y = z * z;
double xx = x - 0.785398164;
result1 = 1.0 + y * (-0.001098628627 + y * (2.734510407E-5 + y * (-2.073370639E-6 + y * 2.093887211E-7)));
result2 = -0.01562499995 + y * (1.430488765E-4 + y * (-6.911147651E-6 + y * (7.621095161E-7 + y * -9.34945152E-8)));
result = sqrt(0.636619772 / x) * (sin(xx) * result1 + z * cos(xx) * result2);
return result;
public static double besselY1(double x) {
double p1 = -4.900604943E12;
double p2 = 1.27527439E12;
double p3 = -5.153438139E10;
double p4 = 7.349264551E8;
double p5 = -4237922.726;
double p6 = 8511.937935;
double p7 = 2.49958057E13;
double p8 = 4.244419664E11;
double p9 = 3.733650367E9;
double p10 = 2.245904002E7;
double p11 = 102042.605;
double p12 = 354.9632885;
double p13 = 0.636619772;
double q1 = 2.356194491;
double q2 = 0.00183105;
double q3 = -3.516396496E-5;
double q4 = 2.457520174E-6;
double q5 = -2.40337019E-7;
double q6 = 0.04687499995;
double q7 = -2.002690873E-4;
double q8 = 8.449199096E-6;
double q9 = -8.8228987E-7;
double q10 = 1.05787412E-7;
double q11 = 0.636619772;
double y;
double result;
double result1;
double result2;
if (x < 8.0) {
y = x * x;
result1 = x * (-4.900604943E12 + y * (1.27527439E12 + y * (-5.153438139E10 + y * (7.349264551E8 + y * (-4237922.726 + y * 8511.937935)))));
result2 = 2.49958057E13 + y * (4.244419664E11 + y * (3.733650367E9 + y * (2.245904002E7 + y * (102042.605 + y * (354.9632885 + y)))));
result = result1 / result2 + 0.636619772 * (besselJ1(x) * log(x) - 1.0 / x);
} else {
double z = 8.0 / x;
y = z * z;
double xx = x - 2.356194491;
result1 = 1.0 + y * (0.00183105 + y * (-3.516396496E-5 + y * (2.457520174E-6 + y * -2.40337019E-7)));
result2 = 0.04687499995 + y * (-2.002690873E-4 + y * (8.449199096E-6 + y * (-8.8228987E-7 + y * 1.05787412E-7)));
result = sqrt(0.636619772 / x) * (sin(xx) * result1 + z * cos(xx) * result2);
return result;
public static double beta(double p, double q) {
return exp(lnGamma(p) + lnGamma(q) - lnGamma(p + q));
public static double betaCf(double x, double a, double b) {
boolean itmax = true;
double eps = 3.0E-14;
double fpmin = 1.0E-30;
double qab = a + b;
double qap = a + 1.0;
double qam = a - 1.0;
double c = 1.0;
double d = 1.0 - qab * x / qap;
if (abs(d) < 1.0E-30) {
d = 1.0E-30;
d = 1.0 / d;
double h = d;
int m;
for(m = 1; m <= 500; ++m) {
int m2 = m * 2;
double aa = (double)m * (b - (double)m) * x / ((qam + (double)m2) * (a + (double)m2));
d = 1.0 + aa * d;
if (abs(d) < 1.0E-30) {
d = 1.0E-30;
c = 1.0 + aa / c;
if (abs(c) < 1.0E-30) {
c = 1.0E-30;
d = 1.0 / d;
h *= d * c;
aa = -(a + (double)m) * (qab + (double)m) * x / ((a + (double)m2) * (qap + (double)m2));
d = 1.0 + aa * d;
if (abs(d) < 1.0E-30) {
d = 1.0E-30;
c = 1.0 + aa / c;
if (abs(c) < 1.0E-30) {
c = 1.0E-30;
d = 1.0 / d;
double del = d * c;
h *= del;
if (abs(del - 1.0) <= 3.0E-14) {
if (m > 500) {
System.err.printf("BetaCf: a or b too big, or itmax too small, a=%e, b=%e, x=%e, h=%e, itmax=%e", a, b, x, h, 500);
return h;
public static double betaDist(double x, double p, double q) {
if (!(x < 0.0) && !(x > 1.0) && !(p <= 0.0) && !(q <= 0.0)) {
double beta = beta(p, q);
double r = pow(x, p - 1.0) * pow(1.0 - x, q - 1.0) / beta;
return r;
} else {
System.err.println("BetaDist(): - parameter value outside allowed range");
return 0.0;
public static double betaDistI(double x, double p, double q) {
if (!(x < 0.0) && !(x > 1.0) && !(p <= 0.0) && !(q <= 0.0)) {
double betai = betaIncomplete(x, p, q);
return betai;
} else {
System.err.println("BetaDistI(): parameter value outside allowed range");
return 0.0;
public static double betaIncomplete(double x, double a, double b) {
if (!(x < 0.0) && !(x > 1.0)) {
double bt;
if (x != 0.0 && x != 1.0) {
bt = pow(x, a) * pow(1.0 - x, b) / beta(a, b);
} else {
bt = 0.0;
return x < (a + 1.0) / (a + b + 2.0) ? bt * betaCf(x, a, b) / a : 1.0 - bt * betaCf(1.0 - x, b, a) / b;
} else {
System.err.println("BetaIncomplete(): X must between 0 and 1");
return 0.0;
public static long binarySearch(double[] array, double value) {
return binarySearch(array, 0, array.length, value);
public static long binarySearch(double[] array, int offset, int length, double value) {
if (array != null && array.length > 0) {
int nabove = length + offset + 1;
int nbelow = offset;
while(nabove - nbelow > 1) {
int middle = (nabove + nbelow) / 2;
if (value == array[middle - 1]) {
return (long)(middle - 1);
if (value < array[middle - 1]) {
nabove = middle;
} else {
nbelow = middle;
return (long)(nbelow - 1);
} else {
return -1L;
public static long binarySearch(float[] array, float value) {
return binarySearch(array, 0, array.length, value);
public static long binarySearch(float[] array, int offset, int length, float value) {
if (array != null && array.length > 0) {
int nabove = length + offset + 1;
int nbelow = offset;
while(nabove - nbelow > 1) {
int middle = (nabove + nbelow) / 2;
if (value == array[middle - 1]) {
return (long)(middle - 1);
if (value < array[middle - 1]) {
nabove = middle;
} else {
nbelow = middle;
return (long)(nbelow - 1);
} else {
return -1L;
public static long binarySearch(int[] array, int value) {
return binarySearch((int[])array, 0, array.length, (int)value);
public static long binarySearch(int[] array, int offset, int length, int value) {
if (array != null && array.length > 0) {
int nabove = length + offset + 1;
int nbelow = offset;
while(nabove - nbelow > 1) {
int middle = (nabove + nbelow) / 2;
if (value == array[middle - 1]) {
return (long)(middle - 1);
if (value < array[middle - 1]) {
nabove = middle;
} else {
nbelow = middle;
return (long)(nbelow - 1);
} else {
return -1L;
public static long binarySearch(long[] array, long value) {
return binarySearch(array, 0, array.length, value);
public static long binarySearch(long[] array, int offset, int length, long value) {
if (array != null && array.length > 0) {
int nabove = length + offset + 1;
int nbelow = offset;
while(nabove - nbelow > 1) {
int middle = (nabove + nbelow) / 2;
if (value == array[middle - 1]) {
return (long)(middle - 1);
if (value < array[middle - 1]) {
nabove = middle;
} else {
nbelow = middle;
return (long)(nbelow - 1);
} else {
return -1L;
public static long binarySearch(short[] array, short value) {
return binarySearch((short[])array, 0, array.length, (short)value);
public static long binarySearch(short[] array, int offset, int length, short value) {
if (array != null && array.length > 0) {
int nabove = length + offset + 1;
int nbelow = offset;
while(nabove - nbelow > 1) {
int middle = (nabove + nbelow) / 2;
if (value == array[middle - 1]) {
return (long)(middle - 1);
if (value < array[middle - 1]) {
nabove = middle;
} else {
nbelow = middle;
return (long)(nbelow - 1);
} else {
return -1L;
public static double binomial(int n, int k) {
if (k != 0 && n != k) {
if (n > 0 && k >= 0 && n >= k) {
int k1 = min(k, n - k);
int k2 = n - k1;
double fact = (double)(k2 + 1);
for(int i = k1; i > 1; --i) {
fact *= (double)(k2 + i) / (double)i;
return fact;
} else {
return 0.0;
} else {
return 1.0;
public static double binomialI(double p, int n, int k) {
if (k <= 0) {
return 1.0;
} else if (k > n) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return k == n ? pow(p, (double)n) : betaIncomplete(p, (double)k, (double)(n - k + 1));
public static double breitWigner(double x, double mean, double gamma) {
double bw = gamma / ((x - mean) * (x - mean) + gamma * gamma / 4.0);
return bw / 6.283185307179586;
public static double cauchyDist(double x, double t, double s) {
double temp = (x - t) * (x - t) / (s * s);
double result = 1.0 / (s * java.lang.Math.PI * (1.0 + temp));
return result;
public static double chisquareQuantile(double p, double ndf) {
if (ndf <= 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
double[] c = new double[]{0.0, 0.01, 0.222222, 0.32, 0.4, 1.24, 2.2, 4.67, 6.66, 6.73, 13.32, 60.0, 70.0, 84.0, 105.0, 120.0, 127.0, 140.0, 175.0, 210.0, 252.0, 264.0, 294.0, 346.0, 420.0, 462.0, 606.0, 672.0, 707.0, 735.0, 889.0, 932.0, 966.0, 1141.0, 1182.0, 1278.0, 1740.0, 2520.0, 5040.0};
double e = 5.0E-7;
double aa = 0.6931471806;
double g = lnGamma(0.5 * ndf);
double xx = 0.5 * ndf;
double cp = xx - 1.0;
double ch;
double p1;
double p2;
double q;
double t;
double a;
if (ndf >= log(p) * -c[5]) {
if (ndf > c[3]) {
double x = normQuantile(p);
p1 = c[2] / ndf;
ch = ndf * pow(x * sqrt(p1) + 1.0 - p1, 3.0);
if (ch > c[6] * ndf + 6.0) {
ch = -2.0 * (log(1.0 - p) - cp * log(0.5 * ch) + g);
} else {
ch = c[4];
a = log(1.0 - p);
do {
q = ch;
p1 = 1.0 + ch * (c[7] + ch);
p2 = ch * (c[9] + ch * (c[8] + ch));
t = -0.5 + (c[7] + 2.0 * ch) / p1 - (c[9] + ch * (c[10] + 3.0 * ch)) / p2;
ch -= (1.0 - exp(a + g + 0.5 * ch + cp * 0.6931471806) * p2 / p1) / t;
} while(abs(q / ch - 1.0) > c[1]);
} else {
ch = pow(p * xx * exp(g + xx * 0.6931471806), 1.0 / xx);
if (ch < 5.0E-7) {
return ch;
boolean maxit = true;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
q = ch;
p1 = 0.5 * ch;
p2 = p - gamma(xx, p1);
t = p2 * exp(xx * 0.6931471806 + g + p1 - cp * log(ch));
double b = t / ch;
a = 0.5 * t - b * cp;
double s1 = (c[19] + a * (c[17] + a * (c[14] + a * (c[13] + a * (c[12] + c[11] * a))))) / c[24];
double s2 = (c[24] + a * (c[29] + a * (c[32] + a * (c[33] + c[35] * a)))) / c[37];
double s3 = (c[19] + a * (c[25] + a * (c[28] + c[31] * a))) / c[37];
double s4 = (c[20] + a * (c[27] + c[34] * a) + cp * (c[22] + a * (c[30] + c[36] * a))) / c[38];
double s5 = (c[13] + c[21] * a + cp * (c[18] + c[26] * a)) / c[37];
double s6 = (c[15] + cp * (c[23] + c[16] * cp)) / c[38];
ch += t * (1.0 + 0.5 * t * s1 - b * cp * (s1 - b * (s2 - b * (s3 - b * (s4 - b * (s5 - b * s6))))));
if (abs(q / ch - 1.0) > 5.0E-7) {
return ch;
public static double correlationCoefficient(double[] x, double[] y, double[] w) {
int n = x.length;
if (y.length != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("x and y array lengths must be equal");
} else if (w.length != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("x and weight array lengths must be equal");
} else {
double sxy = covariance(x, y, w);
double sx = variance(x, w);
double sy = variance(y, w);
return sxy / sqrt(sx * sy);
public static double covariance(double[] xx, double[] yy, double[] ww) {
int n = xx.length;
if (n != yy.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of x variable array, " + n + " and length of y array, " + yy.length + " are different");
} else if (n != ww.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of x variable array, " + n + " and length of weight array, " + yy.length + " are different");
} else {
double nn = effectiveSampleNumber(ww);
double nterm = nn / (nn - 1.0);
double sumx = 0.0;
double sumy = 0.0;
double sumw = 0.0;
double[] weight = invertAndSquare(ww);
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sumx += xx[i] * weight[i];
sumy += yy[i] * weight[i];
sumw += weight[i];
double meanx = sumx / sumw;
double meany = sumy / sumw;
double sum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sum += weight[i] * (xx[i] - meanx) * (yy[i] - meany);
return sum * nterm / sumw;
public static double[] cross(double[] v1, double[] v2, double[] out) {
out[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
out[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
out[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
return out;
public static float[] cross(float[] v1, float[] v2, float[] out) {
out[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
out[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
out[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
return out;
public static double diLog(double x) {
double hf = 0.5;
double pi = java.lang.Math.PI;
double pi2 = 9.869604401089358;
double pi3 = 3.289868133696453;
double pi6 = 1.6449340668482264;
double pi12 = 0.8224670334241132;
double[] c = new double[]{0.429966935608137, 0.4097598753307711, -0.01858843665014592, 0.00145751084062268, -1.430418444234E-4, 1.58841554188E-5, -1.90784959387E-6, 2.4195180854E-7, -3.193341274E-8, 4.34545063E-9, -6.057848E-10, 8.612098E-11, -1.244332E-11, 1.82256E-12, -2.7007E-13, 4.042E-14, -6.1E-15, 9.3E-16, -1.4E-16, 2.0E-17};
double b0 = 0.0;
double h;
if (x == 1.0) {
h = 1.6449340668482264;
} else if (x == -1.0) {
h = -0.8224670334241132;
} else {
double t = -x;
double y;
double s;
double a;
double b1;
double b2;
if (t <= -2.0) {
y = -1.0 / (1.0 + t);
s = 1.0;
b1 = log(-t);
b2 = log(1.0 + 1.0 / t);
a = -3.289868133696453 + 0.5 * (b1 * b1 - b2 * b2);
} else if (t < -1.0) {
y = -1.0 - t;
s = -1.0;
a = log(-t);
a = -1.6449340668482264 + a * (a + log(1.0 + 1.0 / t));
} else if (t <= -0.5) {
y = -(1.0 + t) / t;
s = 1.0;
a = log(-t);
a = -1.6449340668482264 + a * (-0.5 * a + log(1.0 + t));
} else if (t < 0.0) {
y = -t / (1.0 + t);
s = -1.0;
b1 = log(1.0 + t);
a = 0.5 * b1 * b1;
} else if (t <= 1.0) {
y = t;
s = 1.0;
a = 0.0;
} else {
y = 1.0 / t;
s = -1.0;
b1 = log(t);
a = 1.6449340668482264 + 0.5 * b1 * b1;
h = y + y - 1.0;
double alfa = h + h;
b1 = 0.0;
b2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 19; i >= 0; --i) {
b0 = c[i] + alfa * b1 - b2;
b2 = b1;
b1 = b0;
h = -(s * (b0 - h * b2) + a);
return h;
public static double effectiveSampleNumber(double[] ww) {
double[] weight = (double[])ww.clone();
int n;
for(n = 0; n < weight.length; ++n) {
weight[n] = 1.0 / MathBase.sqr(weight[n]);
n = weight.length;
double sum2w = 0.0;
double sumw2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sum2w += weight[i];
sumw2 += weight[i] * weight[i];
sum2w *= sum2w;
double nEff = sum2w / sumw2;
return nEff;
public static double erf(double x) {
return 1.0 - erfc(x);
public static double erfc(double x) {
double v = 1.0;
double z = abs(x);
if (z <= 0.0) {
return v;
} else {
double a1 = -1.26551223;
double a2 = 1.00002368;
double a3 = 0.37409196;
double a4 = 0.09678418;
double a5 = -0.18628806;
double a6 = 0.27886807;
double a7 = -1.13520398;
double a8 = 1.48851587;
double a9 = -0.82215223;
double a10 = 0.17087277;
double t = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * z);
v = t * exp(-z * z + -1.26551223 + t * (1.00002368 + t * (0.37409196 + t * (0.09678418 + t * (-0.18628806 + t * (0.27886807 + t * (-1.13520398 + t * (1.48851587 + t * (-0.82215223 + t * 0.17087277)))))))));
if (x < 0.0) {
v = 2.0 - v;
return v;
public static double erfInverse(double x) {
double kEps = 1.0E-14;
double kConst = 0.8862269254527579;
if (abs(x) <= 1.0E-14) {
return 0.8862269254527579 * x;
} else {
boolean kMaxit = true;
if (abs(x) < 1.0) {
double erfi = 0.8862269254527579 * abs(x);
double y0 = erf(0.9 * erfi);
double derfi = 0.1 * erfi;
for(int iter = 0; iter < 50; ++iter) {
double y1 = 1.0 - erfc(erfi);
double dy1 = abs(x) - y1;
if (abs(dy1) < 1.0E-14) {
if (x < 0.0) {
return -erfi;
return erfi;
double dy0 = y1 - y0;
derfi *= dy1 / dy0;
y0 = y1;
erfi += derfi;
if (abs(derfi / erfi) < 1.0E-14) {
if (x < 0.0) {
return -erfi;
return erfi;
return Double.NaN;
public static double factorial(int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return 1.0;
} else {
double x = 1.0;
int b = 0;
do {
x *= (double)b;
} while(b != n);
return x;
public static double fDist(double F, double N, double M) {
if (!(F < 0.0) && !(N < 1.0) && !(M < 1.0)) {
double denom = gamma(N / 2.0) * gamma(M / 2.0) * pow(M + N * F, (N + M) / 2.0);
double div = gamma((N + M) / 2.0) * pow(N, N / 2.0) * pow(M, M / 2.0) * pow(F, 0.5 * N - 1.0);
return div / denom;
} else {
return 0.0;
public static double fDistI(double F, double N, double M) {
double fi = 1.0 - betaIncomplete(M / (M + N * F), M * 0.5, N * 0.5);
return fi;
public static double freq(double x) {
double c1 = 0.5641895835477563;
double w2 = 1.4142135623730951;
double p10 = 242.66795523053176;
double q10 = 215.0588758698612;
double p11 = 21.979261618294153;
double q11 = 91.1649054045149;
double p12 = 6.996383488619135;
double q12 = 15.082797630407788;
double p13 = -0.035609843701815386;
double q13 = 1.0;
double p20 = 300.4592610201616;
double q20 = 300.4592609569833;
double p21 = 451.9189537118729;
double q21 = 790.9509253278981;
double p22 = 339.3208167343437;
double q22 = 931.3540948506096;
double p23 = 152.9892850469404;
double q23 = 638.9802644656312;
double p24 = 43.162227222056735;
double q24 = 277.58544474398764;
double p25 = 7.2117582508830935;
double q25 = 77.00015293522948;
double p26 = 0.564195517478974;
double q26 = 12.782727319629423;
double p27 = -1.368648573827167E-7;
double q27 = 1.0;
double p30 = -0.002996107077035422;
double q30 = 0.010620923052846792;
double p31 = -0.04947309106232507;
double q31 = 0.19130892610782985;
double p32 = -0.22695659353968692;
double q32 = 1.051675107067932;
double p33 = -0.2786613086096478;
double q33 = 1.9873320181713525;
double p34 = -0.02231924597341847;
double q34 = 1.0;
double v = abs(x) / 1.4142135623730951;
double vv = v * v;
double ap;
double aq;
double h;
double hc;
if (v < 0.5) {
ap = -0.035609843701815386;
aq = 1.0;
ap = 6.996383488619135 + vv * ap;
ap = 21.979261618294153 + vv * ap;
ap = 242.66795523053176 + vv * ap;
aq = 15.082797630407788 + vv * aq;
aq = 91.1649054045149 + vv * aq;
aq = 215.0588758698612 + vv * aq;
h = v * ap / aq;
hc = 1.0 - h;
} else if (v < 4.0) {
ap = -1.368648573827167E-7;
aq = 1.0;
ap = 0.564195517478974 + v * ap;
ap = 7.2117582508830935 + v * ap;
ap = 43.162227222056735 + v * ap;
ap = 152.9892850469404 + v * ap;
ap = 339.3208167343437 + v * ap;
ap = 451.9189537118729 + v * ap;
ap = 300.4592610201616 + v * ap;
aq = 12.782727319629423 + v * aq;
aq = 77.00015293522948 + v * aq;
aq = 277.58544474398764 + v * aq;
aq = 638.9802644656312 + v * aq;
aq = 931.3540948506096 + v * aq;
aq = 790.9509253278981 + v * aq;
aq = 300.4592609569833 + v * aq;
hc = exp(-vv) * ap / aq;
h = 1.0 - hc;
} else {
double y = 1.0 / vv;
ap = -0.02231924597341847;
aq = 1.0;
ap = -0.2786613086096478 + y * ap;
ap = -0.22695659353968692 + y * ap;
ap = -0.04947309106232507 + y * ap;
ap = -0.002996107077035422 + y * ap;
aq = 1.9873320181713525 + y * aq;
aq = 1.051675107067932 + y * aq;
aq = 0.19130892610782985 + y * aq;
aq = 0.010620923052846792 + y * aq;
hc = exp(-vv) * (0.5641895835477563 + y * ap / aq) / v;
h = 1.0 - hc;
return x > 0.0 ? 0.5 + 0.5 * h : 0.5 * hc;
public static double gamCf(double a, double x) {
if (!(a <= 0.0) && !(x <= 0.0)) {
boolean itmax = true;
double eps = 3.0E-14;
double fpmin = 1.0E-30;
double gln = lnGamma(a);
double b = x + 1.0 - a;
double c = 9.999999999999999E29;
double d = 1.0 / b;
double h = d;
for(int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
double an = (double)(-i) * ((double)i - a);
b += 2.0;
d = an * d + b;
if (abs(d) < 1.0E-30) {
d = 1.0E-30;
c = b + an / c;
if (abs(c) < 1.0E-30) {
c = 1.0E-30;
d = 1.0 / d;
double del = d * c;
h *= del;
if (abs(del - 1.0) < 3.0E-14) {
double v = exp(-x + a * log(x) - gln) * h;
return 1.0 - v;
} else {
return 0.0;
public static double gamma(double z) {
if (z <= 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
double v = lnGamma(z);
return exp(v);
public static double gamma(double a, double x) {
if (!(a <= 0.0) && !(x <= 0.0)) {
return x < a + 1.0 ? gamSer(a, x) : gamCf(a, x);
} else {
return 0.0;
public static double gammaDist(double x, double gamma, double mu, double beta) {
if (!(x < mu) && !(gamma <= 0.0) && !(beta <= 0.0)) {
double temp = (x - mu) / beta;
double temp2 = beta * gamma(gamma);
double result = pow(temp, gamma - 1.0) * exp(-temp) / temp2;
return result;
} else {
System.err.println("GammaDist(): illegal parameter values");
return 0.0;
public static double gamSer(double a, double x) {
if (!(a <= 0.0) && !(x <= 0.0)) {
boolean itmax = true;
double eps = 3.0E-14;
double gln = lnGamma(a);
double ap = a;
double sum = 1.0 / a;
double del = sum;
for(int n = 1; n <= 100; ++n) {
del = del * x / ap;
sum += del;
if (abs(del) < abs(sum * 3.0E-14)) {
double v = sum * exp(-x + a * log(x) - gln);
return v;
} else {
return 0.0;
public static double gauss(double x, double mean, double sigma, boolean norm) {
if (sigma == 0.0) {
return 1.0E30;
} else {
double arg = (x - mean) / sigma;
double res = exp(-0.5 * arg * arg);
return !norm ? res : res / (2.5066282746310002 * sigma);
public static double geometricMean(double[] a, int offset, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
double logsum = 0.0;
for(int i = offset; i < length + offset; ++i) {
if (a[i] == 0.0) {
return 0.0;
double absa = abs(a[i]);
logsum += log(absa);
return exp(logsum / (double)length);
} else {
return -1.0;
public static double geometricMean(double[] data) {
return geometricMean((double[])data, 0, data.length);
public static float geometricMean(float[] a, int offset, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
double logsum = 0.0;
for(int i = offset; i < length + offset; ++i) {
if (a[i] == 0.0F) {
return 0.0F;
double absa = (double)abs(a[i]);
logsum += log(absa);
return (float)exp(logsum / (double)length);
} else {
return -1.0F;
public static float geometricMean(float[] data) {
return geometricMean((float[])data, 0, data.length);
public static int geometricMean(int[] a, int offset, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
double logsum = 0.0;
for(int i = offset; i < length + offset; ++i) {
if (a[i] == 0) {
return 0;
double absa = (double)abs(a[i]);
logsum += log(absa);
return (int)exp(logsum / (double)length);
} else {
return -1;
public static int geometricMean(int[] data) {
return geometricMean((int[])data, 0, data.length);
public static long geometricMean(long[] a, int offset, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
double logsum = 0.0;
for(int i = offset; i < length + offset; ++i) {
if (a[i] == 0L) {
return 0L;
double absa = (double)abs(a[i]);
logsum += log(absa);
return (long)exp(logsum / (double)length);
} else {
return -1L;
public static long geometricMean(long[] data) {
return geometricMean((long[])data, 0, data.length);
public static short geometricMean(short[] a, int offset, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
double logsum = 0.0;
for(int i = offset; i < length + offset; ++i) {
if (a[i] == 0) {
return 0;
double absa = (double)abs(a[i]);
logsum += log(absa);
return (short)((int)exp(logsum / (double)length));
} else {
return -1;
public static short geometricMean(short[] data) {
return geometricMean((short[])data, 0, data.length);
private static double[] invertAndSquare(double[] values) {
double[] ret = new double[values.length];
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
double val = values[i];
if (val == 0.0) {
ret[i] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
} else if (Double.isNaN(val)) {
ret[i] = Double.NaN;
} else if (Double.isInfinite(val)) {
ret[i] = 0.0;
} else {
ret[i] = 1.0 / MathBase.pow(val, 2.0);
return ret;
public static boolean isInside(double xp, double yp, int np, double[] x, double[] y) {
int inter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
double xn;
double yn;
if (i < np - 1) {
xn = x[i + 1];
yn = y[i + 1];
} else {
xn = x[0];
yn = y[0];
if (y[i] != yn && (!(yp <= y[i]) || !(yp <= yn)) && (!(y[i] < yp) || !(yn < yp))) {
double xint = x[i] + (yp - y[i]) * (xn - x[i]) / (yn - y[i]);
if (xp < xint) {
return inter % 2 > 0;
public static boolean isInside(float xp, float yp, int np, float[] x, float[] y) {
int inter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
float xn;
float yn;
if (i < np - 1) {
xn = x[i + 1];
yn = y[i + 1];
} else {
xn = x[0];
yn = y[0];
if (y[i] != yn && (!(yp <= y[i]) || !(yp <= yn)) && (!(y[i] < yp) || !(yn < yp))) {
double xint = (double)(x[i] + (yp - y[i]) * (xn - x[i]) / (yn - y[i]));
if ((double)xp < xint) {
return inter % 2 > 0;
public static boolean isInside(int xp, int yp, int np, int[] x, int[] y) {
int inter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < np; ++i) {
int xn;
int yn;
if (i < np - 1) {
xn = x[i + 1];
yn = y[i + 1];
} else {
xn = x[0];
yn = y[0];
if (y[i] != yn && (yp > y[i] || yp > yn) && (y[i] >= yp || yn >= yp)) {
double xint = (double)x[i] + (double)((yp - y[i]) * (xn - x[i])) / (double)(yn - y[i]);
if ((double)xp < xint) {
return inter % 2 > 0;
public static double landau(double x, double mpv, double sigma, boolean norm) {
if (sigma <= 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
double[] p1 = new double[]{0.4259894875, -0.124976255, 0.039842437, -0.006298287635, 0.001511162253};
double[] q1 = new double[]{1.0, -0.3388260629, 0.09594393323, -0.01608042283, 0.003778942063};
double[] p2 = new double[]{0.1788541609, 0.1173957403, 0.01488850518, -0.001394989411, 1.283617211E-4};
double[] q2 = new double[]{1.0, 0.7428795082, 0.3153932961, 0.06694219548, 0.008790609714};
double[] p3 = new double[]{0.1788544503, 0.09359161662, 0.006325387654, 6.611667319E-5, -2.031049101E-6};
double[] q3 = new double[]{1.0, 0.6097809921, 0.2560616665, 0.04746722384, 0.006957301675};
double[] p4 = new double[]{0.9874054407, 118.6723273, 849.279436, -743.7792444, 427.0262186};
double[] q4 = new double[]{1.0, 106.8615961, 337.6496214, 2016.712389, 1597.063511};
double[] p5 = new double[]{1.003675074, 167.5702434, 4789.711289, 21217.86767, -22324.9491};
double[] q5 = new double[]{1.0, 156.9424537, 3745.310488, 9834.698876, 66924.28357};
double[] p6 = new double[]{1.000827619, 664.9143136, 62972.92665, 475554.6998, -5743609.109};
double[] q6 = new double[]{1.0, 651.4101098, 56974.73333, 165917.4725, -2815759.939};
double[] a1 = new double[]{0.04166666667, -0.01996527778, 0.02709538966};
double[] a2 = new double[]{-1.84556867, -4.284640743};
double v = (x - mpv) / sigma;
double u;
double den;
if (v < -5.5) {
u = exp(v + 1.0);
if (u < 1.0E-10) {
return 0.0;
double ue = exp(-1.0 / u);
double us = sqrt(u);
den = 0.3989422803 * (ue / us) * (1.0 + (a1[0] + (a1[1] + a1[2] * u) * u) * u);
} else if (v < -1.0) {
u = exp(-v - 1.0);
den = exp(-u) * sqrt(u) * (p1[0] + (p1[1] + (p1[2] + (p1[3] + p1[4] * v) * v) * v) * v) / (q1[0] + (q1[1] + (q1[2] + (q1[3] + q1[4] * v) * v) * v) * v);
} else if (v < 1.0) {
den = (p2[0] + (p2[1] + (p2[2] + (p2[3] + p2[4] * v) * v) * v) * v) / (q2[0] + (q2[1] + (q2[2] + (q2[3] + q2[4] * v) * v) * v) * v);
} else if (v < 5.0) {
den = (p3[0] + (p3[1] + (p3[2] + (p3[3] + p3[4] * v) * v) * v) * v) / (q3[0] + (q3[1] + (q3[2] + (q3[3] + q3[4] * v) * v) * v) * v);
} else if (v < 12.0) {
u = 1.0 / v;
den = u * u * (p4[0] + (p4[1] + (p4[2] + (p4[3] + p4[4] * u) * u) * u) * u) / (q4[0] + (q4[1] + (q4[2] + (q4[3] + q4[4] * u) * u) * u) * u);
} else if (v < 50.0) {
u = 1.0 / v;
den = u * u * (p5[0] + (p5[1] + (p5[2] + (p5[3] + p5[4] * u) * u) * u) * u) / (q5[0] + (q5[1] + (q5[2] + (q5[3] + q5[4] * u) * u) * u) * u);
} else if (v < 300.0) {
u = 1.0 / v;
den = u * u * (p6[0] + (p6[1] + (p6[2] + (p6[3] + p6[4] * u) * u) * u) * u) / (q6[0] + (q6[1] + (q6[2] + (q6[3] + q6[4] * u) * u) * u) * u);
} else {
u = 1.0 / (v - v * log(v) / (v + 1.0));
den = u * u * (1.0 + (a2[0] + a2[1] * u) * u);
return !norm ? den : den / sigma;
public static double landauI(double x) {
double[] p1 = new double[]{0.2514091491, -0.06250580444, 0.0145838123, -0.002108817737, 7.41124729E-4};
double[] q1 = new double[]{1.0, -0.005571175625, 0.06225310236, -0.003137378427, 0.001931496439};
double[] p2 = new double[]{0.2868328584, 0.3564363231, 0.1523518695, 0.02251304883};
double[] q2 = new double[]{1.0, 0.6191136137, 0.1720721448, 0.02278594771};
double[] p3 = new double[]{0.2868329066, 0.3003828436, 0.09950951941, 0.008733827185};
double[] q3 = new double[]{1.0, 0.4237190502, 0.1095631512, 0.008693851567};
double[] p4 = new double[]{1.00035163, 4.503592498, 10.8588388, 7.536052269};
double[] q4 = new double[]{1.0, 5.539969678, 19.33581111, 27.21321508};
double[] p5 = new double[]{1.000006517, 49.09414111, 85.05544753, 153.2153455};
double[] q5 = new double[]{1.0, 50.09928881, 139.9819104, 420.0002909};
double[] p6 = new double[]{1.000000983, 132.9868456, 916.2149244, -960.5054274};
double[] q6 = new double[]{1.0, 133.9887843, 1055.990413, 553.2224619};
double[] a1 = new double[]{0.0, -0.4583333333, 0.6675347222, -1.641741416};
double[] a2 = new double[]{0.0, 1.0, -0.4227843351, -2.043403138};
double u;
double lan;
if (x < -5.5) {
u = exp(x + 1.0);
lan = 0.3989422803 * exp(-1.0 / u) * sqrt(u) * (1.0 + (a1[1] + (a1[2] + a1[3] * u) * u) * u);
} else if (x < -1.0) {
u = exp(-x - 1.0);
lan = exp(-u) / sqrt(u) * (p1[0] + (p1[1] + (p1[2] + (p1[3] + p1[4] * x) * x) * x) * x) / (q1[0] + (q1[1] + (q1[2] + (q1[3] + q1[4] * x) * x) * x) * x);
} else if (x < 1.0) {
lan = (p2[0] + (p2[1] + (p2[2] + p2[3] * x) * x) * x) / (q2[0] + (q2[1] + (q2[2] + q2[3] * x) * x) * x);
} else if (x < 4.0) {
lan = (p3[0] + (p3[1] + (p3[2] + p3[3] * x) * x) * x) / (q3[0] + (q3[1] + (q3[2] + q3[3] * x) * x) * x);
} else if (x < 12.0) {
u = 1.0 / x;
lan = (p4[0] + (p4[1] + (p4[2] + p4[3] * u) * u) * u) / (q4[0] + (q4[1] + (q4[2] + q4[3] * u) * u) * u);
} else if (x < 50.0) {
u = 1.0 / x;
lan = (p5[0] + (p5[1] + (p5[2] + p5[3] * u) * u) * u) / (q5[0] + (q5[1] + (q5[2] + q5[3] * u) * u) * u);
} else if (x < 300.0) {
u = 1.0 / x;
lan = (p6[0] + (p6[1] + (p6[2] + p6[3] * u) * u) * u) / (q6[0] + (q6[1] + (q6[2] + q6[3] * u) * u) * u);
} else {
u = 1.0 / (x - x * log(x) / (x + 1.0));
lan = 1.0 - (a2[1] + (a2[2] + a2[3] * u) * u) * u;
return lan;
public static double laplaceDist(double x, double alpha, double beta) {
double temp = exp(-abs((x - alpha) / beta));
temp /= 2.0 * beta;
return temp;
public static double laplaceDistI(double x, double alpha, double beta) {
double temp;
if (x <= alpha) {
temp = 0.5 * exp(-abs((x - alpha) / beta));
} else {
temp = 1.0 - 0.5 * exp(-abs((x - alpha) / beta));
return temp;
public static double lnGamma(double z) {
if (z <= 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
double[] c = new double[]{2.5066282746310007, 76.18009172947146, -86.50532032941678, 24.01409824083091, -1.231739572450155, 0.001208650973866179, -5.395239384953E-6};
double y = z;
double tmp = z + 5.5;
tmp = (z + 0.5) * log(tmp) - tmp;
double ser = 1.000000000190015;
for(int i = 1; i < 7; ++i) {
ser += c[i] / y;
return tmp + log(c[0] * ser / z);
public static long locationMaximum(double[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
double xmax = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmax < a[i]) {
xmax = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMinimum(double[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
double xmin = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmin > a[i]) {
xmin = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMaximum(float[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
float xmax = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmax < a[i]) {
xmax = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMinimum(float[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
float xmin = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmin > a[i]) {
xmin = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMaximum(int[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
int xmax = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmax < a[i]) {
xmax = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMinimum(int[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
int xmin = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmin > a[i]) {
xmin = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMaximum(long[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
long xmax = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmax < a[i]) {
xmax = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMinimum(long[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
long xmin = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmin > a[i]) {
xmin = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMaximum(short[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
short xmax = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmax < a[i]) {
xmax = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static long locationMinimum(short[] a, int length) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
short xmin = a[0];
long location = 0L;
for(int i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (xmin > a[i]) {
xmin = a[i];
location = (long)i;
return location;
} else {
return -1L;
public static double logNormal(double x, double sigma, double theta, double m) {
if (!(x < theta) && !(sigma <= 0.0) && !(m <= 0.0)) {
double templog2 = log((x - theta) / m) * log((x - theta) / m);
double temp1 = exp(-templog2 / (2.0 * sigma * sigma));
double temp2 = (x - theta) * sigma * sqrt(6.283185307179586);
return temp1 / temp2;
} else {
System.err.println("Lognormal(): illegal parameter values");
return 0.0;
public static double maximum(double[] data) {
return maximum(data, data.length);
public static double maximum(double[] data, int length) {
double val = -1.7976931348623157E308;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = max(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static double mean(double[] data) {
return mean(data, data.length);
public static double mean(double[] data, int length) {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val += norm * data[i];
return val;
public static double median(double[] data) {
return median(data, data.length);
public static double median(double[] data, int length) {
double[] temp = sort(data, length, false);
return length % 2 == 0 ? 0.5 * (temp[length / 2] + temp[length / 2 + 1]) : temp[length / 2];
public static double minimum(double[] data) {
return minimum(data, data.length);
public static double minimum(double[] data, int length) {
double val = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = min(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static float maximum(float[] data) {
return maximum(data, data.length);
public static float maximum(float[] data, int length) {
float val = -3.4028235E38F;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = max(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static float mean(float[] data) {
return mean(data, data.length);
public static float mean(float[] data, int length) {
float norm = 1.0F / (float)length;
float val = 0.0F;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val += norm * data[i];
return val;
public static float median(float[] data) {
return median(data, data.length);
public static float median(float[] data, int length) {
float[] temp = sort(data, length, false);
return length % 2 == 0 ? (float)(0.5 * (double)(temp[length / 2] + temp[length / 2 + 1])) : temp[length / 2];
public static float minimum(float[] data) {
return minimum(data, data.length);
public static float minimum(float[] data, int length) {
float val = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = min(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static int maximum(int[] data) {
return maximum(data, data.length);
public static int maximum(int[] data, int length) {
int val = -2147483647;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = max(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static int mean(int[] data) {
return mean(data, data.length);
public static int mean(int[] data, int length) {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val += norm * (double)data[i];
return (int)val;
public static int median(int[] data) {
return median(data, data.length);
public static int median(int[] data, int length) {
int[] temp = sort(data, length, false);
return length % 2 == 0 ? (int)(0.5 * (double)(temp[length / 2] + temp[length / 2 + 1])) : temp[length / 2];
public static int minimum(int[] data) {
return minimum(data, data.length);
public static int minimum(int[] data, int length) {
int val = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = min(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static long maximum(long[] data) {
return maximum(data, data.length);
public static long maximum(long[] data, int length) {
long val = -9223372036854775807L;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = max(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static long mean(long[] data) {
return mean(data, data.length);
public static long mean(long[] data, int length) {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val += norm * (double)data[i];
return (long)val;
public static long median(long[] data) {
return median(data, data.length);
public static long median(long[] data, int length) {
long[] temp = sort(data, length, false);
return length % 2 == 0 ? (long)(0.5 * (double)(temp[length / 2] + temp[length / 2 + 1])) : temp[length / 2];
public static long minimum(long[] data) {
return minimum(data, data.length);
public static long minimum(long[] data, int length) {
long val = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = min(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static short maximum(short[] data) {
return maximum(data, data.length);
public static short maximum(short[] data, int length) {
short val = -32767;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = max(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static short mean(short[] data) {
return mean(data, data.length);
public static short mean(short[] data, int length) {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val += norm * (double)data[i];
return (short)((int)val);
public static short median(short[] data) {
return median(data, data.length);
public static short median(short[] data, int length) {
short[] temp = sort(data, length, false);
return length % 2 == 0 ? (short)((int)(0.5 * (double)(temp[length / 2] + temp[length / 2 + 1]))) : temp[length / 2];
public static short minimum(short[] data) {
return minimum(data, data.length);
public static short minimum(short[] data, int length) {
short val = 32767;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val = min(val, data[i]);
return val;
public static double[] normal2Plane(double[] p1, double[] p2, double[] p3, double[] normal) {
double[] v1 = new double[3];
double[] v2 = new double[3];
v1[0] = p2[0] - p1[0];
v1[1] = p2[1] - p1[1];
v1[2] = p2[2] - p1[2];
v2[0] = p3[0] - p1[0];
v2[1] = p3[1] - p1[1];
v2[2] = p3[2] - p1[2];
normCross(v1, v2, normal);
return normal;
public static float[] normal2Plane(float[] p1, float[] p2, float[] p3, float[] normal) {
float[] v1 = new float[3];
float[] v2 = new float[3];
v1[0] = p2[0] - p1[0];
v1[1] = p2[1] - p1[1];
v1[2] = p2[2] - p1[2];
v2[0] = p3[0] - p1[0];
v2[1] = p3[1] - p1[1];
v2[2] = p3[2] - p1[2];
normCross(v1, v2, normal);
return normal;
public static double normalize(double[] v) {
double av0 = abs(v[0]);
double av1 = abs(v[1]);
double av2 = abs(v[2]);
double amax;
double foo;
double bar;
if (av0 >= av1 && av0 >= av2) {
amax = av0;
foo = av1;
bar = av2;
} else if (av1 >= av0 && av1 >= av2) {
amax = av1;
foo = av0;
bar = av2;
} else {
amax = av2;
foo = av0;
bar = av1;
if (amax == 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
double foofrac = foo / amax;
double barfrac = bar / amax;
double d = amax * sqrt(1.0 + foofrac * foofrac + barfrac * barfrac);
v[0] /= d;
v[1] /= d;
v[2] /= d;
return d;
public static float normalize(float[] v) {
float d = (float)sqrt((double)(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]));
if (d != 0.0F) {
v[0] /= d;
v[1] /= d;
v[2] /= d;
return d;
public static double normCross(double[] v1, double[] v2, double[] out) {
return normalize(cross(v1, v2, out));
public static float normCross(float[] v1, float[] v2, float[] out) {
return normalize(cross(v1, v2, out));
public static double normQuantile(double p) {
if (!(p <= 0.0) && !(p >= 1.0)) {
double a0 = 3.3871328727963665;
double a1 = 133.14166789178438;
double a2 = 1971.5909503065513;
double a3 = 13731.69376550946;
double a4 = 45921.95393154987;
double a5 = 67265.7709270087;
double a6 = 33430.57558358813;
double a7 = 2509.0809287301227;
double b1 = 42.31333070160091;
double b2 = 687.1870074920579;
double b3 = 5394.196021424751;
double b4 = 21213.794301586597;
double b5 = 39307.89580009271;
double b6 = 28729.085735721943;
double b7 = 5226.495278852854;
double c0 = 1.4234371107496835;
double c1 = 4.630337846156546;
double c2 = 5.769497221460691;
double c3 = 3.6478483247632045;
double c4 = 1.2704582524523684;
double c5 = 0.2417807251774506;
double c6 = 0.022723844989269184;
double c7 = 7.745450142783414E-4;
double d1 = 2.053191626637759;
double d2 = 1.6763848301838038;
double d3 = 0.6897673349851;
double d4 = 0.14810397642748008;
double d5 = 0.015198666563616457;
double d6 = 5.475938084995345E-4;
double d7 = 1.0507500716444169E-9;
double e0 = 6.657904643501103;
double e1 = 5.463784911164114;
double e2 = 1.7848265399172913;
double e3 = 0.29656057182850487;
double e4 = 0.026532189526576124;
double e5 = 0.0012426609473880784;
double e6 = 2.7115555687434876E-5;
double e7 = 2.0103343992922881E-7;
double f1 = 0.599832206555888;
double f2 = 0.1369298809227358;
double f3 = 0.014875361290850615;
double f4 = 7.868691311456133E-4;
double f5 = 1.8463183175100548E-5;
double f6 = 1.421511758316446E-7;
double f7 = 2.0442631033899397E-15;
double split1 = 0.425;
double split2 = 5.0;
double konst1 = 0.180625;
double konst2 = 1.6;
double q = p - 0.5;
double r;
double quantile;
if (abs(q) < 0.425) {
r = 0.180625 - q * q;
quantile = q * (((((((2509.0809287301227 * r + 33430.57558358813) * r + 67265.7709270087) * r + 45921.95393154987) * r + 13731.69376550946) * r + 1971.5909503065513) * r + 133.14166789178438) * r + 3.3871328727963665) / (((((((5226.495278852854 * r + 28729.085735721943) * r + 39307.89580009271) * r + 21213.794301586597) * r + 5394.196021424751) * r + 687.1870074920579) * r + 42.31333070160091) * r + 1.0);
} else {
if (q < 0.0) {
r = p;
} else {
r = 1.0 - p;
if (r <= 0.0) {
quantile = 0.0;
} else {
r = sqrt(-log(r));
if (r <= 5.0) {
quantile = (((((((7.745450142783414E-4 * r + 0.022723844989269184) * r + 0.2417807251774506) * r + 1.2704582524523684) * r + 3.6478483247632045) * r + 5.769497221460691) * r + 4.630337846156546) * r + 1.4234371107496835) / (((((((1.0507500716444169E-9 * r + 5.475938084995345E-4) * r + 0.015198666563616457) * r + 0.14810397642748008) * r + 0.6897673349851) * r + 1.6763848301838038) * r + 2.053191626637759) * r + 1.0);
} else {
r -= 5.0;
quantile = (((((((2.0103343992922881E-7 * r + 2.7115555687434876E-5) * r + 0.0012426609473880784) * r + 0.026532189526576124) * r + 0.29656057182850487) * r + 1.7848265399172913) * r + 5.463784911164114) * r + 6.657904643501103) / (((((((2.0442631033899397E-15 * r + 1.421511758316446E-7) * r + 1.8463183175100548E-5) * r + 7.868691311456133E-4) * r + 0.014875361290850615) * r + 0.1369298809227358) * r + 0.599832206555888) * r + 1.0);
if (q < 0.0) {
quantile = -quantile;
return quantile;
} else {
System.err.println("NormQuantile(): probability outside (0, 1)");
return 0.0;
public static double peakToPeak(double[] data) {
return peakToPeak(data, data.length);
public static double peakToPeak(double[] data, int length) {
return abs(maximum(data, length) - minimum(data, length));
public static float peakToPeak(float[] data) {
return peakToPeak(data, data.length);
public static float peakToPeak(float[] data, int length) {
return abs(maximum(data, length) - minimum(data, length));
public static int peakToPeak(int[] data) {
return peakToPeak(data, data.length);
public static int peakToPeak(int[] data, int length) {
return abs(maximum(data, length) - minimum(data, length));
public static long peakToPeak(long[] data) {
return peakToPeak(data, data.length);
public static long peakToPeak(long[] data, int length) {
return abs(maximum(data, length) - minimum(data, length));
public static short peakToPeak(short[] data) {
return peakToPeak(data, data.length);
public static short peakToPeak(short[] data, int length) {
return (short)abs(maximum(data, length) - minimum(data, length));
public static boolean permute(int n, int[] a) {
int i1 = -1;
int i;
for(i = n - 2; i > -1; --i) {
if (a[i] < a[i + 1]) {
i1 = i;
if (i1 == -1) {
return false;
} else {
int itmp;
for(i = n - 1; i > i1; --i) {
if (a[i] > a[i1]) {
itmp = a[i1];
a[i1] = a[i];
a[i] = itmp;
for(i = 0; i < (n - i1 - 1) / 2; ++i) {
itmp = a[i1 + i + 1];
a[i1 + i + 1] = a[n - i - 1];
a[n - i - 1] = itmp;
return true;
public static double poisson(double x, double par) {
if (x < 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else if (x == 0.0) {
return 1.0 / exp(par);
} else {
double lnpoisson = x * log(par) - par - lnGamma(x + 1.0);
return exp(lnpoisson);
public static double poissonI(double x, double par) {
if (x < 0.0) {
return 0.0;
} else if (x < 1.0) {
return exp(-par);
} else {
int ix = (int)x;
double kMaxInt = 2000000.0;
double gam;
if (x < 2000000.0) {
gam = pow(par, (double)ix) / gamma((double)(ix + 1));
} else {
gam = pow(par, x) / gamma(x + 1.0);
return gam / exp(par);
public static double prob(double chi2, int ndf) {
if (ndf <= 0) {
return 0.0;
} else if (chi2 <= 0.0) {
return chi2 < 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
} else if (ndf == 1) {
return 1.0 - erf(sqrt(chi2) / sqrt(2.0));
} else {
double q = sqrt(2.0 * chi2) - sqrt((double)(2 * ndf - 1));
return ndf > 30 && q > 5.0 ? 0.5 * (1.0 - erf(q / sqrt(2.0))) : 1.0 - gamma(0.5 * (double)ndf, 0.5 * chi2);
public static double rms(double[] data) {
return rms(data, data.length);
public static double rms(double[] data, int length) {
if (length <= 0) {
return -1.0;
} else {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val1 = 0.0;
double val2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val1 += data[i];
val2 += data[i] * data[i];
val1 *= norm;
val2 *= norm;
return sqrt(abs(val2 - val1 * val1));
public static float rms(float[] data) {
return rms(data, data.length);
public static float rms(float[] data, int length) {
if (length <= 0) {
return -1.0F;
} else {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val1 = 0.0;
double val2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val1 += (double)data[i];
val2 += (double)(data[i] * data[i]);
val1 *= norm;
val2 *= norm;
return (float)sqrt(abs(val2 - val1 * val1));
public static int rms(int[] data) {
return rms(data, data.length);
public static int rms(int[] data, int length) {
if (length <= 0) {
return -1;
} else {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val1 = 0.0;
double val2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val1 += (double)data[i];
val2 += (double)(data[i] * data[i]);
val1 *= norm;
val2 *= norm;
return (int)sqrt(abs(val2 - val1 * val1));
public static long rms(long[] data) {
return rms(data, data.length);
public static long rms(long[] data, int length) {
if (length <= 0) {
return -1L;
} else {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val1 = 0.0;
double val2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val1 += (double)data[i];
val2 += (double)(data[i] * data[i]);
val1 *= norm;
val2 *= norm;
return (long)sqrt(abs(val2 - val1 * val1));
public static short rms(short[] data) {
return rms(data, data.length);
public static short rms(short[] data, int length) {
if (length <= 0) {
return -1;
} else {
double norm = 1.0 / (double)length;
double val1 = 0.0;
double val2 = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
val1 += (double)data[i];
val2 += (double)(data[i] * data[i]);
val1 *= norm;
val2 *= norm;
return (short)((int)sqrt(abs(val2 - val1 * val1)));
public static double sinc(double x, boolean norm) {
if (x == 0.0) {
return 1.0;
} else {
double val = norm ? java.lang.Math.PI : 1.0;
return MathBase.sin(val * x) / (val * x);
public static double[] sort(double[] a, int length, boolean down) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
double[] index = Arrays.copyOf(a, length);
if (down) {
int nlast = length - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < length / 2; ++i) {
double temp = index[i];
index[i] = index[nlast - i];
index[nlast - i] = temp;
return index;
} else {
return new double[0];
public static float[] sort(float[] a, int length, boolean down) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
float[] index = Arrays.copyOf(a, length);
if (down) {
int nlast = length - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < length / 2; ++i) {
float temp = index[i];
index[i] = index[nlast - i];
index[nlast - i] = temp;
return index;
} else {
return new float[0];
public static int[] sort(int[] a, int length, boolean down) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
int[] index = Arrays.copyOf(a, length);
if (down) {
int nlast = length - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < length / 2; ++i) {
int temp = index[i];
index[i] = index[nlast - i];
index[nlast - i] = temp;
return index;
} else {
return new int[0];
public static long[] sort(long[] a, int length, boolean down) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
long[] index = Arrays.copyOf(a, length);
if (down) {
int nlast = length - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < length / 2; ++i) {
long temp = index[i];
index[i] = index[nlast - i];
index[nlast - i] = temp;
return index;
} else {
return new long[0];
public static short[] sort(short[] a, int length, boolean down) {
if (a != null && a.length > 0) {
short[] index = Arrays.copyOf(a, length);
if (down) {
int nlast = length - 1;
for(int i = 0; i < length / 2; ++i) {
short temp = index[i];
index[i] = index[nlast - i];
index[nlast - i] = temp;
return index;
} else {
return new short[0];
public static double struveH0(double x) {
boolean n1 = true;
boolean n2 = true;
double[] c1 = new double[]{1.00215845609912, -1.6396929268130915, 1.502369396182928, -0.7248511530212187, 0.18955327371093136, -0.03067052022988, 0.00337561447375194, -2.6965014312602E-4, 1.637461692612E-5, -7.8244408508E-7, 3.021593188E-8, -9.6326645E-10, 2.579337E-11, -5.8854E-13, 1.158E-14, -2.0E-16};
double[] c2 = new double[]{0.9928372757642394, -0.00696891281138625, 1.8205103787037E-4, -1.063258252844E-5, 9.8198294287E-7, -1.2250645445E-7, 1.894083312E-8, -3.44358226E-9, 7.1119102E-10, -1.6288744E-10, 4.065681E-11, -1.091505E-11, 3.12005E-12, -9.4202E-13, 2.9848E-13, -9.872E-14, 3.394E-14, -1.208E-14, 4.44E-15, -1.68E-15, 6.5E-16, -2.6E-16, 1.1E-16, -4.0E-17, 2.0E-17, -1.0E-17};
double c0 = 0.6366197723675814;
double v = abs(x);
v = abs(x);
int i;
double alfa;
double h;
double b0;
double b1;
double b2;
if (v < 8.0) {
double y = v / 8.0;
h = 2.0 * y * y - 1.0;
alfa = h + h;
b0 = 0.0;
b1 = 0.0;
b2 = 0.0;
for(i = 15; i >= 0; --i) {
b0 = c1[i] + alfa * b1 - b2;
b2 = b1;
b1 = b0;
h = y * (b0 - h * b2);
} else {
double r = 1.0 / v;
h = 128.0 * r * r - 1.0;
alfa = h + h;
b0 = 0.0;
b1 = 0.0;
b2 = 0.0;
for(i = 25; i >= 0; --i) {
b0 = c2[i] + alfa * b1 - b2;
b2 = b1;
b1 = b0;
h = besselY0(v) + r * 0.6366197723675814 * (b0 - h * b2);
if (x < 0.0) {
h = -h;
return h;
public static double struveH1(double x) {
boolean n3 = true;
boolean n4 = true;
double[] c3 = new double[]{0.5578891446481605, -0.11188325726569816, -0.16337958125200938, 0.322569320724059, -0.14581632367244243, 0.03292677399374035, -0.00460372142093573, 4.434706163314E-4, -3.142099529341E-5, 1.7123719938E-6, -7.416987005E-8, 2.61837671E-9, -7.685839E-11, 1.9067E-12, -4.052E-14, 7.5E-16, -1.0E-17};
double[] c4 = new double[]{1.0075764729386565, 0.00750316051248257, -7.043933264519E-5, 2.66205393382E-6, -1.8841157753E-7, 1.949014958E-8, -2.6126199E-9, 4.236269E-10, -7.955156E-11, 1.679973E-11, -3.9072E-12, 9.8543E-13, -2.6636E-13, 7.645E-14, -2.313E-14, 7.33E-15, -2.42E-15, 8.3E-16, -3.0E-16, 1.1E-16, -4.0E-17, 2.0E-17, -1.0E-17};
double c0 = 0.6366197723675814;
double cc = 0.2122065907891938;
double v = abs(x);
double h;
if (v == 0.0) {
h = 0.0;
} else {
int i;
if (v <= 0.3) {
double y = v * v;
double r = 1.0;
h = 1.0;
int i1 = (int)(-8.0 / log10(v));
for(i = 1; i <= i1; ++i) {
h = -h * y / (double)((2 * i + 1) * (2 * i + 3));
r += h;
h = 0.2122065907891938 * y * r;
} else {
double alfa;
double b0;
double b1;
double b2;
if (v < 8.0) {
h = v * v / 32.0 - 1.0;
alfa = h + h;
b0 = 0.0;
b1 = 0.0;
b2 = 0.0;
for(i = 16; i >= 0; --i) {
b0 = c3[i] + alfa * b1 - b2;
b2 = b1;
b1 = b0;
h = b0 - h * b2;
} else {
h = 128.0 / (v * v) - 1.0;
alfa = h + h;
b0 = 0.0;
b1 = 0.0;
b2 = 0.0;
for(i = 22; i >= 0; --i) {
b0 = c4[i] + alfa * b1 - b2;
b2 = b1;
b1 = b0;
h = besselY1(v) + 0.6366197723675814 * (b0 - h * b2);
return h;
public static double struveL0(double x) {
double pi = java.lang.Math.PI;
double s = 1.0;
double r = 1.0;
int i;
double sl0;
if (x <= 20.0) {
double a0 = 2.0 * x / java.lang.Math.PI;
for(i = 1; i <= 60; ++i) {
r *= x / (double)(2 * i + 1) * (x / (double)(2 * i + 1));
s += r;
if (abs(r / s) < 1.0E-12) {
sl0 = a0 * s;
} else {
int km = (int)(5.0 * (x + 1.0));
if (x >= 50.0) {
km = 25;
for(i = 1; i <= km; ++i) {
r *= (double)((2 * i - 1) * (2 * i - 1)) / x / x;
s += r;
if (abs(r / s) < 1.0E-12) {
double a1 = exp(x) / sqrt(6.283185307179586 * x);
r = 1.0;
double bi0 = 1.0;
for(i = 1; i <= 16; ++i) {
r = 0.125 * r * (2.0 * (double)i - 1.0) * (2.0 * (double)i - 1.0) / ((double)i * x);
bi0 += r;
if (abs(r / bi0) < 1.0E-12) {
bi0 *= a1;
sl0 = -2.0 / (java.lang.Math.PI * x) * s + bi0;
return sl0;
public static double struveL1(double x) {
double pi = java.lang.Math.PI;
double r = 1.0;
double sl1;
double s;
int i;
if (x <= 20.0) {
s = 0.0;
for(i = 1; i <= 60; ++i) {
r *= x * x / (4.0 * (double)i * (double)i - 1.0);
s += r;
if (abs(r) < abs(s) * 1.0E-12) {
sl1 = 0.6366197723675814 * s;
} else {
s = 1.0;
int km = (int)(0.5 * x);
if (x > 50.0) {
km = 25;
for(i = 1; i <= km; ++i) {
r *= (double)((2 * i + 3) * (2 * i + 1)) / x / x;
s += r;
if (abs(r / s) < 1.0E-12) {
sl1 = 0.6366197723675814 * (-1.0 + 1.0 / (x * x) + 3.0 * s / (x * x * x * x));
double a1 = exp(x) / sqrt(6.283185307179586 * x);
r = 1.0;
double bi1 = 1.0;
for(i = 1; i <= 16; ++i) {
r = -0.125 * r * (4.0 - (2.0 * (double)i - 1.0) * (2.0 * (double)i - 1.0)) / ((double)i * x);
bi1 += r;
if (abs(r / bi1) < 1.0E-12) {
sl1 += a1 * bi1;
return sl1;
public static double student(double T, double ndf) {
if (ndf < 1.0) {
return 0.0;
} else {
double rh = 0.5 * ndf;
double rh1 = rh + 0.5;
double denom = sqrt(ndf * java.lang.Math.PI) * gamma(rh) * pow(1.0 + T * T / ndf, rh1);
return gamma(rh1) / denom;
public static double studentI(double T, double ndf) {
double si = T > 0.0 ? 1.0 - 0.5 * betaIncomplete(ndf / (ndf + T * T), ndf * 0.5, 0.5) : 0.5 * betaIncomplete(ndf / (ndf + T * T), ndf * 0.5, 0.5);
return si;
public static double studentQuantile(double p, double ndf, boolean lower_tail) {
if (!(ndf < 1.0) && !(p >= 1.0) && !(p <= 0.0)) {
boolean neg;
double q;
if ((!lower_tail || !(p > 0.5)) && (lower_tail || !(p < 0.5))) {
neg = true;
q = 2.0 * (lower_tail ? p : 1.0 - p);
} else {
neg = false;
q = 2.0 * (lower_tail ? 1.0 - p : p);
double quantile;
if (ndf - 1.0 < 1.0E-8) {
double temp = 1.5707963267948966 * q;
quantile = cos(temp) / sin(temp);
} else if (ndf - 2.0 < 1.0E-8) {
quantile = sqrt(2.0 / (q * (2.0 - q)) - 2.0);
} else {
double a = 1.0 / (ndf - 0.5);
double b = 48.0 / (a * a);
double c = ((20700.0 * a / b - 98.0) * a - 16.0) * a + 96.36;
double d = ((94.5 / (b + c) - 3.0) / b + 1.0) * sqrt(a * 1.5707963267948966) * ndf;
double x = q * d;
double y = pow(x, 2.0 / ndf);
if (y > 0.05 + a) {
x = normQuantile(q * 0.5);
y = x * x;
if (ndf < 5.0) {
c += 0.3 * (ndf - 4.5) * (x + 0.6);
c += (((0.05 * d * x - 5.0) * x - 7.0) * x - 2.0) * x + b;
y = (((((0.4 * y + 6.3) * y + 36.0) * y + 94.5) / c - y - 3.0) / b + 1.0) * x;
y = a * y * y;
if (y > 0.002) {
y = exp(y) - 1.0;
} else {
y += 0.5 * y * y;
} else {
y = ((1.0 / (((ndf + 6.0) / (ndf * y) - 0.089 * d - 0.822) * (ndf + 2.0) * 3.0) + 0.5 / (ndf + 4.0)) * y - 1.0) * (ndf + 1.0) / (ndf + 2.0) + 1.0 / y;
quantile = sqrt(ndf * y);
if (neg) {
quantile = -quantile;
return quantile;
} else {
System.err.println("StudentQuantile() - illegal parameter values");
return 0.0;
public static double variance(double[] aa, double[] ww) {
int n = aa.length;
if (n != ww.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("length of variable array, " + n + " and length of weight array, " + ww.length + " are different");
} else {
double nn = effectiveSampleNumber(ww);
double nterm = nn / (nn - 1.0);
double sumx = 0.0;
double sumw = 0.0;
double mean = 0.0;
double[] weight = invertAndSquare(ww);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sumx += aa[i] * weight[i];
sumw += weight[i];
mean = sumx / sumw;
sumx = 0.0;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sumx += weight[i] * MathBase.sqr(aa[i] - mean);
return sumx * nterm / sumw;
public static double vavilov(double x, double kappa, double beta2) {
double[] ac = new double[14];
double[] hc = new double[9];
int[] itype = new int[1];
int[] npt = new int[1];
vavilovSet(kappa, beta2, false, (double[])null, ac, hc, itype, npt);
double v = vavilovDenEval(x, ac, hc, itype[0]);
return v;
protected static double vavilovDenEval(double rlam, double[] AC, double[] HC, int itype) {
if (!(rlam < AC[0]) && !(rlam > AC[8])) {
double v = 0.0;
double[] h = new double[10];
double x;
if (itype == 1) {
double fn = 1.0;
x = (rlam + HC[0]) * HC[1];
h[1] = x;
h[2] = x * x - 1.0;
int k;
for(k = 2; k <= 8; ++k) {
h[k + 1] = x * h[k] - fn * h[k - 1];
double s = 1.0 + HC[7] * h[9];
for(k = 2; k <= 6; ++k) {
s += HC[k] * h[k + 1];
v = HC[8] * exp(-0.5 * x * x) * max(s, 0.0);
} else if (itype == 2) {
x = rlam * rlam;
v = AC[1] * exp(-AC[2] * (rlam + AC[5] * x) - AC[3] * exp(-AC[4] * (rlam + AC[6] * x)));
} else if (itype == 3) {
if (rlam < AC[7]) {
x = rlam * rlam;
v = AC[1] * exp(-AC[2] * (rlam + AC[5] * x) - AC[3] * exp(-AC[4] * (rlam + AC[6] * x)));
} else {
x = 1.0 / rlam;
v = (AC[11] * x + AC[12]) * x;
} else if (itype == 4) {
return v;
} else {
return 0.0;
public static double vavilovI(double x, double kappa, double beta2) {
double[] ac = new double[14];
double[] hc = new double[9];
double[] wcm = new double[200];
int[] itype = new int[0];
int[] npt = new int[0];
vavilovSet(kappa, beta2, true, wcm, ac, hc, itype, npt);
double v;
if (x < ac[0]) {
v = 0.0;
} else if (x >= ac[8]) {
v = 1.0;
} else {
double xx = x - ac[0];
int k = (int)(xx * ac[10]);
v = min(wcm[k] + (xx - (double)k * ac[9]) * (wcm[k + 1] - wcm[k]) * ac[10], 1.0);
return v;
public static void vavilovSet(double rkappa, double beta2, boolean mode, double[] WCM, double[] AC, double[] HC, int[] itype, int[] npt) {
if (!(rkappa < 0.01) && !(rkappa > 12.0)) {
double BKMNX1 = 0.02;
double BKMNY1 = 0.05;
double BKMNX2 = 0.12;
double BKMNY2 = 0.05;
double BKMNX3 = 0.22;
double BKMNY3 = 0.05;
double BKMXX1 = 0.1;
double BKMXY1 = 1.0;
double BKMXX2 = 0.2;
double BKMXY2 = 1.0;
double BKMXX3 = 0.3;
double BKMXY3 = 1.0;
double FBKX1 = 25.0;
double FBKX2 = 24.999999999999996;
double FBKX3 = 25.000000000000004;
double FBKY1 = 2.1052631578947367;
double FBKY2 = 2.1052631578947367;
double FBKY3 = 2.1052631578947367;
double[] FNINV = new double[]{0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.33333333, 0.25, 0.2};
double[] EDGEC = new double[]{0.0, 0.0, 0.16666667, 0.041666667, 0.0083333333, 0.013888889, 0.0069444444, 7.7160493E-4};
double[] U1 = new double[]{0.0, 0.25850868, 0.032477982, -0.0059020496, 0.0, 0.024880692, 0.0047404356, -7.444513E-4, 0.0073225731, 0.0, 0.0011668284, 0.0, -0.0015727318, -0.0011210142};
double[] U2 = new double[]{0.0, 0.43142611, 0.040797543, -0.0091490215, 0.0, 0.042127077, 0.0073167928, -0.0014026047, 0.016195241, 0.0024714789, 0.0020751278, 0.0, -0.0025141668, -0.0014064022};
double[] U3 = new double[]{0.0, 0.25225955, 0.064820468, -0.023615759, 0.0, 0.023834176, 0.0021624675, -0.0026865597, -0.0054891384, 0.0039800522, 0.0048447456, -0.0089439554, -0.0062756944, -0.0024655436};
double[] U4 = new double[]{0.0, 1.2593231, -0.20374501, 0.095055662, -0.020771531, -0.04686518, -0.0077222986, 0.0032241039, 0.008988292, -0.0067167236, -0.013049241, 0.018786468, 0.014484097};
double[] U5 = new double[]{0.0, -0.024864376, -0.0010368495, 0.0014330117, 2.005273E-4, 0.0018751903, 0.0012668869, 4.8736023E-4, 0.0034850854, 0.0, -3.6597173E-4, 0.0019372124, 7.0761825E-4, 4.6898375E-4};
double[] U6 = new double[]{0.0, 0.035855696, -0.027542114, 0.012631023, -0.0030188807, -8.4479939E-4, 0.0, 4.5675843E-4, -0.0069836141, 0.0039876546, -0.0036055679, 0.0, 0.0015298434, 0.0019247256};
double[] U7 = new double[]{0.0, 10.234691, -3.5619655, 0.69387764, -0.14047599, -1.995239, -0.45679694, 0.0, 0.50505298};
double[] U8 = new double[]{0.0, 21.487518, -11.825253, 4.3133087, -1.4500543, -3.4343169, -1.1063164, -0.21000819, 1.7891643, -0.89601916, 0.39120793, 0.73410606, 0.0, -0.32454506};
double[] V1 = new double[]{0.0, 0.27827257, -0.0014227603, 0.0024848327, 0.0, 0.045091424, 0.0080559636, -0.0038974523, 0.0, -0.0030634124, 7.5633702E-4, 0.0054730726, 0.0019792507};
double[] V2 = new double[]{0.0, 0.41421789, -0.030061649, 0.0052249697, 0.0, 0.12693873, 0.022999801, -0.0086792801, 0.031875584, -0.0061757928, 0.0, 0.019716857, 0.0032596742};
double[] V3 = new double[]{0.0, 0.20191056, -0.046831422, 0.0096777473, -0.0017995317, 0.053921588, 0.003506874, -0.012621494, -0.0054996531, -0.0090029985, 0.0034958743, 0.018513506, 0.0068332334, -0.0012940502};
double[] V4 = new double[]{0.0, 1.3206081, 0.10036618, -0.022015201, 0.0061667091, -0.14986093, -0.012720568, 0.024972042, -0.0097751962, 0.026087455, -0.011399062, -0.048282515, -0.0098552378};
double[] V5 = new double[]{0.0, 0.016435243, 0.0360514, 0.002303652, -6.1666343E-4, -0.010775802, 0.0051476061, 0.0056856517, -0.013438433, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0025421507, 0.0020169108, -0.0015144931};
double[] V6 = new double[]{0.0, 0.033432405, 0.0060583916, -0.0023381379, 8.3846081E-4, -0.013346861, -0.0017402116, 0.0021052496, 0.0015528195, 0.002190067, -0.0013202847, -0.0045124157, -0.0015629454, 2.2499176E-4};
double[] V7 = new double[]{0.0, 5.4529572, -0.90906096, 0.086122438, 0.0, -1.2218009, -0.3232412, -0.027373591, 0.12173464, 0.0, 0.0, 0.040917471};
double[] V8 = new double[]{0.0, 9.3841352, -1.6276904, 0.16571423, 0.0, -1.8160479, -0.50919193, -0.051384654, 0.21413992, 0.0, 0.0, 0.066596366};
double[] W1 = new double[]{0.0, 0.29712951, 0.0097572934, 0.0, -0.0015291686, 0.035707399, 0.0096221631, -0.0018402821, -0.0049821585, 0.0018831112, 0.0043541673, 0.0020301312, -0.0018723311, -7.3403108E-4};
double[] W2 = new double[]{0.0, 0.40882635, 0.014474912, 0.0025023704, -0.0037707379, 0.18719727, 0.056954987, 0.0, 0.023020158, 0.0050574313, 0.009455014, 0.019300232};
double[] W3 = new double[]{0.0, 0.16861629, 0.0, 0.0036317285, -0.0043657818, 0.030144338, 0.013891826, -0.0058030495, -0.0038717547, 0.0085359607, 0.014507659, 0.0082387775, -0.010116105, -0.005513567};
double[] W4 = new double[]{0.0, 1.3493891, -0.0026863185, -0.003521604, 0.024434909, -0.083447911, -0.04806136, 0.0076473951, 0.02449443, -0.0162092, -0.037768479, -0.047890063, 0.017778596, 0.013179324};
double[] W5 = new double[]{0.0, 0.10264945, 0.032738857, 0.0, 0.0043608779, -0.043097757, -0.0022647176, 0.009453129, -0.012442571, -0.0032283517, -0.0075640352, -0.0088293329, 0.0052537299, 0.0013340546};
double[] W6 = new double[]{0.0, 0.029568177, -0.001630006, -2.1119745E-4, 0.0023599053, -0.0048515387, -0.0040797531, 4.0403265E-4, 0.0018200105, -0.0014346306, -0.0039165276, -0.0037432073, 0.001995038, 0.0012222675};
double[] W8 = new double[]{0.0, 6.6184645, -0.73866379, 0.044693973, 0.0, -1.4540925, -0.39529833, -0.044293243, 0.088741049};
itype[0] = 0;
double[] DRK = new double[6];
double[] DSIGM = new double[6];
double[] ALFA = new double[8];
double x;
double y;
double p2;
double fl;
if (rkappa >= 0.29) {
itype[0] = 1;
npt[0] = 100;
fl = 1.0 / sqrt(rkappa);
AC[0] = (-0.032227 * beta2 - 0.074275) * rkappa + (0.24533 * beta2 + 0.070152) * fl + (-0.5561 * beta2 - 3.1579);
AC[8] = (-0.013483 * beta2 - 0.048801) * rkappa + (-1.6921 * beta2 + 8.3656) * fl + (-0.73275 * beta2 - 3.5226);
DRK[1] = fl * fl;
DSIGM[1] = sqrt(rkappa / (1.0 - 0.5 * beta2));
int j;
for(j = 1; j <= 4; ++j) {
DRK[j + 1] = DRK[1] * DRK[j];
DSIGM[j + 1] = DSIGM[1] * DSIGM[j];
ALFA[j + 1] = (FNINV[j] - beta2 * FNINV[j + 1]) * DRK[j];
HC[0] = log(rkappa) + beta2 + 0.42278434;
HC[1] = DSIGM[1];
HC[2] = ALFA[3] * DSIGM[3];
HC[3] = (3.0 * ALFA[2] * ALFA[2] + ALFA[4]) * DSIGM[4] - 3.0;
HC[4] = (10.0 * ALFA[2] * ALFA[3] + ALFA[5]) * DSIGM[5] - 10.0 * HC[2];
HC[5] = HC[2] * HC[2];
HC[6] = HC[2] * HC[3];
HC[7] = HC[2] * HC[5];
for(j = 2; j <= 7; ++j) {
HC[j] *= EDGEC[j];
HC[8] = 0.39894228 * HC[1];
} else {
double xx;
double yy;
double x2;
double x3;
double y2;
double y3;
double xy;
double p3;
double q2;
double q3;
double pq;
if (rkappa >= 0.22) {
itype[0] = 2;
npt[0] = 150;
x = 1.0 + (rkappa - 0.3) * 25.000000000000004;
y = 1.0 + (sqrt(beta2) - 1.0) * 2.1052631578947367;
xx = 2.0 * x;
yy = 2.0 * y;
x2 = xx * x - 1.0;
x3 = xx * x2 - x;
y2 = yy * y - 1.0;
y3 = yy * y2 - y;
xy = x * y;
p2 = x2 * y;
p3 = x3 * y;
q2 = y2 * x;
q3 = y3 * x;
pq = x2 * y2;
AC[1] = W1[1] + W1[2] * x + W1[4] * x3 + W1[5] * y + W1[6] * y2 + W1[7] * y3 + W1[8] * xy + W1[9] * p2 + W1[10] * p3 + W1[11] * q2 + W1[12] * q3 + W1[13] * pq;
AC[2] = W2[1] + W2[2] * x + W2[3] * x2 + W2[4] * x3 + W2[5] * y + W2[6] * y2 + W2[8] * xy + W2[9] * p2 + W2[10] * p3 + W2[11] * q2;
AC[3] = W3[1] + W3[3] * x2 + W3[4] * x3 + W3[5] * y + W3[6] * y2 + W3[7] * y3 + W3[8] * xy + W3[9] * p2 + W3[10] * p3 + W3[11] * q2 + W3[12] * q3 + W3[13] * pq;
AC[4] = W4[1] + W4[2] * x + W4[3] * x2 + W4[4] * x3 + W4[5] * y + W4[6] * y2 + W4[7] * y3 + W4[8] * xy + W4[9] * p2 + W4[10] * p3 + W4[11] * q2 + W4[12] * q3 + W4[13] * pq;
AC[5] = W5[1] + W5[2] * x + W5[4] * x3 + W5[5] * y + W5[6] * y2 + W5[7] * y3 + W5[8] * xy + W5[9] * p2 + W5[10] * p3 + W5[11] * q2 + W5[12] * q3 + W5[13] * pq;
AC[6] = W6[1] + W6[2] * x + W6[3] * x2 + W6[4] * x3 + W6[5] * y + W6[6] * y2 + W6[7] * y3 + W6[8] * xy + W6[9] * p2 + W6[10] * p3 + W6[11] * q2 + W6[12] * q3 + W6[13] * pq;
AC[8] = W8[1] + W8[2] * x + W8[3] * x2 + W8[5] * y + W8[6] * y2 + W8[7] * y3 + W8[8] * xy;
AC[0] = -3.05;
} else if (rkappa >= 0.12) {
itype[0] = 3;
npt[0] = 200;
x = 1.0 + (rkappa - 0.2) * 24.999999999999996;
y = 1.0 + (sqrt(beta2) - 1.0) * 2.1052631578947367;
xx = 2.0 * x;
yy = 2.0 * y;
x2 = xx * x - 1.0;
x3 = xx * x2 - x;
y2 = yy * y - 1.0;
y3 = yy * y2 - y;
xy = x * y;
p2 = x2 * y;
p3 = x3 * y;
q2 = y2 * x;
q3 = y3 * x;
pq = x2 * y2;
AC[1] = V1[1] + V1[2] * x + V1[3] * x2 + V1[5] * y + V1[6] * y2 + V1[7] * y3 + V1[9] * p2 + V1[10] * p3 + V1[11] * q2 + V1[12] * q3;
AC[2] = V2[1] + V2[2] * x + V2[3] * x2 + V2[5] * y + V2[6] * y2 + V2[7] * y3 + V2[8] * xy + V2[9] * p2 + V2[11] * q2 + V2[12] * q3;
AC[3] = V3[1] + V3[2] * x + V3[3] * x2 + V3[4] * x3 + V3[5] * y + V3[6] * y2 + V3[7] * y3 + V3[8] * xy + V3[9] * p2 + V3[10] * p3 + V3[11] * q2 + V3[12] * q3 + V3[13] * pq;
AC[4] = V4[1] + V4[2] * x + V4[3] * x2 + V4[4] * x3 + V4[5] * y + V4[6] * y2 + V4[7] * y3 + V4[8] * xy + V4[9] * p2 + V4[10] * p3 + V4[11] * q2 + V4[12] * q3;
AC[5] = V5[1] + V5[2] * x + V5[3] * x2 + V5[4] * x3 + V5[5] * y + V5[6] * y2 + V5[7] * y3 + V5[8] * xy + V5[11] * q2 + V5[12] * q3 + V5[13] * pq;
AC[6] = V6[1] + V6[2] * x + V6[3] * x2 + V6[4] * x3 + V6[5] * y + V6[6] * y2 + V6[7] * y3 + V6[8] * xy + V6[9] * p2 + V6[10] * p3 + V6[11] * q2 + V6[12] * q3 + V6[13] * pq;
AC[7] = V7[1] + V7[2] * x + V7[3] * x2 + V7[5] * y + V7[6] * y2 + V7[7] * y3 + V7[8] * xy + V7[11] * q2;
AC[8] = V8[1] + V8[2] * x + V8[3] * x2 + V8[5] * y + V8[6] * y2 + V8[7] * y3 + V8[8] * xy + V8[11] * q2;
AC[0] = -3.04;
} else {
itype[0] = 4;
if (rkappa >= 0.02) {
itype[0] = 3;
npt[0] = 200;
x = 1.0 + (rkappa - 0.1) * 25.0;
y = 1.0 + (sqrt(beta2) - 1.0) * 2.1052631578947367;
xx = 2.0 * x;
yy = 2.0 * y;
x2 = xx * x - 1.0;
x3 = xx * x2 - x;
y2 = yy * y - 1.0;
y3 = yy * y2 - y;
xy = x * y;
p2 = x2 * y;
p3 = x3 * y;
q2 = y2 * x;
q3 = y3 * x;
pq = x2 * y2;
if (itype[0] == 3) {
AC[1] = U1[1] + U1[2] * x + U1[3] * x2 + U1[5] * y + U1[6] * y2 + U1[7] * y3 + U1[8] * xy + U1[10] * p3 + U1[12] * q3 + U1[13] * pq;
AC[2] = U2[1] + U2[2] * x + U2[3] * x2 + U2[5] * y + U2[6] * y2 + U2[7] * y3 + U2[8] * xy + U2[9] * p2 + U2[10] * p3 + U2[12] * q3 + U2[13] * pq;
AC[3] = U3[1] + U3[2] * x + U3[3] * x2 + U3[5] * y + U3[6] * y2 + U3[7] * y3 + U3[8] * xy + U3[9] * p2 + U3[10] * p3 + U3[11] * q2 + U3[12] * q3 + U3[13] * pq;
AC[4] = U4[1] + U4[2] * x + U4[3] * x2 + U4[4] * x3 + U4[5] * y + U4[6] * y2 + U4[7] * y3 + U4[8] * xy + U4[9] * p2 + U4[10] * p3 + U4[11] * q2 + U4[12] * q3;
AC[5] = U5[1] + U5[2] * x + U5[3] * x2 + U5[4] * x3 + U5[5] * y + U5[6] * y2 + U5[7] * y3 + U5[8] * xy + U5[10] * p3 + U5[11] * q2 + U5[12] * q3 + U5[13] * pq;
AC[6] = U6[1] + U6[2] * x + U6[3] * x2 + U6[4] * x3 + U6[5] * y + U6[7] * y3 + U6[8] * xy + U6[9] * p2 + U6[10] * p3 + U6[12] * q3 + U6[13] * pq;
AC[7] = U7[1] + U7[2] * x + U7[3] * x2 + U7[4] * x3 + U7[5] * y + U7[6] * y2 + U7[8] * xy;
AC[8] = U8[1] + U8[2] * x + U8[3] * x2 + U8[4] * x3 + U8[5] * y + U8[6] * y2 + U8[7] * y3 + U8[8] * xy + U8[9] * p2 + U8[10] * p3 + U8[11] * q2 + U8[13] * pq;
AC[0] = -3.03;
AC[9] = (AC[8] - AC[0]) / (double)npt[0];
AC[10] = 1.0 / AC[9];
if (itype[0] == 3) {
x = (AC[7] - AC[8]) / (AC[7] * AC[8]);
y = 1.0 / log(AC[8] / AC[7]);
p2 = AC[7] * AC[7];
AC[11] = p2 * (AC[1] * exp(-AC[2] * (AC[7] + AC[5] * p2) - AC[3] * exp(-AC[4] * (AC[7] + AC[6] * p2))) - 0.045 * y / AC[7]) / (1.0 + x * y * AC[7]);
AC[12] = (0.045 + x * AC[11]) * y;
if (itype[0] == 4) {
AC[13] = 0.995 / landauI(AC[8]);
if (mode) {
x = AC[0];
if (WCM != null && WCM.length != 0) {
WCM[0] = 0.0;
fl = vavilovDenEval(x, AC, HC, itype[0]);
int k;
for(k = 1; k <= npt[0]; ++k) {
x += AC[9];
double fu = vavilovDenEval(x, AC, HC, itype[0]);
WCM[k] = WCM[k - 1] + fl + fu;
fl = fu;
x = 0.5 * AC[9];
for(k = 1; k <= npt[0]; ++k) {
WCM[k] *= x;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("WCM must not be null or zero-length");
} else {
System.err.println("Vavilov distribution - illegal value of kappa");
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
package io.fair_acc.math;
import static io.fair_acc.dataset.DataSet.DIM_X;
import static io.fair_acc.dataset.DataSet.DIM_Y;
import static io.fair_acc.dataset.DataSet.DIM_Z;
import static io.fair_acc.dataset.Histogram.Boundary.LOWER;
import static io.fair_acc.dataset.Histogram.Boundary.UPPER;
import static io.fair_acc.math.DataSetMath.ErrType.EXP;
import static io.fair_acc.math.DataSetMath.ErrType.EYN;
import static io.fair_acc.math.DataSetMath.ErrType.EYP;
import static io.fair_acc.math.MathBase.max;
import static io.fair_acc.math.MathBase.min;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D;
import io.fair_acc.dataset.*;
import io.fair_acc.dataset.spi.DoubleDataSet;
import io.fair_acc.dataset.spi.DoubleErrorDataSet;
import io.fair_acc.dataset.spi.Histogram;
import io.fair_acc.dataset.spi.utils.DoublePointError;
import io.fair_acc.dataset.utils.NoDuplicatesList;
import io.fair_acc.math.spectra.Apodization;
import io.fair_acc.math.spectra.SpectrumTools;
* Some math operation on DataSet, DataSetError and Histogram
* @author rstein
public final class DataSetMath { // NOPMD - nomen est omen
private static final char INTEGRAL_SYMBOL = 0x222B;
private static final char DIFFERENTIAL_SYMBOL = 0x2202;
private static final char MULTIPLICATION_SYMBOL = 0x00B7;
public static Formatter<Number> DEFAULT_FORMATTER = new DefaultNumberFormatter(); // NOSONAR NOPMD -- explicitly not getter/setter
private DataSetMath() {
// private function, never called
public static DoubleErrorDataSet applyMathOperation(final DoubleErrorDataSet ret, final MathOp op, final double x1, final double y1, final double y2, final double eyn1, final double eyp1, final double eyn2, final double eyp2) { // NOPMD NOSONAR
// switch through math operations
switch (op) {
case ADD:
return ret.add(x1, y1 + y2, MathBase.hypot(eyn1, eyn2), MathBase.hypot(eyp1, eyp2));
return ret.add(x1, y1 - y2, MathBase.hypot(eyn1, eyn2), MathBase.hypot(eyp1, eyp2));
return ret.add(x1, y1 * y2, MathBase.hypot(y2 * eyn1, y1 * eyn2), MathBase.hypot(y2 * eyp1, y1 * eyp2));
case DIVIDE:
final double newY = y1 / y2;
final double nEYN = MathBase.hypot(eyn1 / y2, newY * eyn2 / y2);
final double nEYP = MathBase.hypot(eyp1 / y2, newY * eyp2 / y2);
return ret.add(x1, newY, nEYN, nEYP);
case SQR:
return ret.add(x1, MathBase.sqr(y1 + y2), 2 * MathBase.abs(y1 + y2) * MathBase.hypot(eyn1, eyn2), 2 * MathBase.abs(y1 + y2) * MathBase.hypot(eyp1, eyp2));
case SQRT:
return ret.add(x1, MathBase.sqrt(y1 + y2), MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.abs(y1 + y2)) * MathBase.hypot(eyn1, eyn2), MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.abs(y1 + y2)) * MathBase.hypot(eyp1, eyp2));
case LOG10:
double norm = 1.0 / MathBase.log(10);
final double nEYNLog = y1 + y2 > 0 ? norm / MathBase.abs(y1 + y2) * MathBase.hypot(eyn1, eyn2) : Double.NaN;
final double nEYPLog = y1 + y2 > 0 ? norm / MathBase.abs(y1 + y2) * MathBase.hypot(eyp1, eyp2) : Double.NaN;
return ret.add(x1, 10 * MathBase.log10(y1 + y2), nEYNLog, nEYPLog);
case DB:
final double normDb = 20.0 / MathBase.log(10);
final double nEYNDb = y1 + y2 > 0 ? normDb / MathBase.abs(y1 + y2) * MathBase.hypot(eyn1, eyn2) : Double.NaN;
final double nEYPDb = y1 + y2 > 0 ? normDb / MathBase.abs(y1 + y2) * MathBase.hypot(eyp1, eyp2) : Double.NaN;
return ret.add(x1, 20 * MathBase.log10(y1 + y2), nEYNDb, nEYPDb);
return ret.add(x1, y1 + y2, eyn1, eyp1);
// convenience short-hand notation for getting error variables (if defined for dataset)
private static double error(final DataSet dataSet, final ErrType eType, final int index, final double x,
final boolean interpolate) {
if (!(dataSet instanceof DataSetError)) {
// data set does not have any error definition
return 0.0;
final DataSetError ds = (DataSetError) dataSet;
if (interpolate) {
switch (eType) {
case EXN:
return ds.getErrorNegative(DIM_X, x);
case EXP:
return ds.getErrorPositive(DIM_X, x);
case EYN:
return ds.getErrorNegative(DIM_Y, x);
case EYP:
return ds.getErrorPositive(DIM_Y, x);
} else {
switch (eType) {
case EXN:
return ds.getErrorNegative(DIM_X, index);
case EXP:
return ds.getErrorPositive(DIM_X, index);
case EYN:
return ds.getErrorNegative(DIM_Y, index);
case EYP:
return ds.getErrorPositive(DIM_Y, index);
return 0;
public static DataSet addFunction(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function1, function2, MathOp.ADD, format);
public static DataSet addFunction(final DataSet function, final double value, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, value, MathOp.ADD, format);
public static DataSet addGaussianNoise(final DataSet function, final double sigma, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final int nLength = function.getDataCount();
final var dataSetName = getFormatter(format).format("{0}+noise({1})", function.getName(), sigma);
final var ret = new DoubleErrorDataSet(dataSetName, nLength);
for (var i = 0; i < nLength; i++) {
final double x = function.get(DIM_X, i);
final double y = function.get(DIM_Y, i) + TRandom.Gaus(0, sigma);
ret.add(x, y, sigma, sigma);
return ret;
public static DataSet averageDataSetsFIR(@NotNull final List<DataSet> dataSets, final int nUpdates, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
if (dataSets.isEmpty()) {
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(getFormatter(format).format("LP({0}, FIR)", "<empty>"));
final String functionName = getFormatter(format).format("LP({0}, FIR)", dataSets.get(0).getName());
if (dataSets.size() <= 1) {
final var newFunction = dataSets.get(0);
if (newFunction instanceof DataSetError) {
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, newFunction.getValues(DIM_X), newFunction.getValues(DIM_Y),
errors(newFunction, EYN), errors(newFunction, EYP), newFunction.getDataCount(), true);
final int ncount = newFunction.getDataCount();
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, newFunction.getValues(DIM_X), newFunction.getValues(DIM_Y),
new double[ncount], new double[ncount], ncount, true);
final int nAvg = min(nUpdates, dataSets.size());
final var newFunction = dataSets.get(dataSets.size() - 1);
final var retFunction = new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, newFunction.getDataCount() + 2);
for (var i = 0; i < newFunction.getDataCount(); i++) {
final double newX = newFunction.get(DIM_X, i);
var mean = 0.0;
var variance = 0.0;
var eyn = 0.0;
var eyp = 0.0;
var count = 0;
for (int j = max(0, dataSets.size() - nAvg); j < dataSets.size(); j++) {
final var oldFunction = dataSets.get(j);
final double oldX = oldFunction.get(DIM_X, i);
final double oldY = oldX == newX ? oldFunction.get(DIM_Y, i) : oldFunction.getValue(DIM_X, newX);
mean += oldY;
variance += oldY * oldY;
// whether we need to interpolate
final boolean inter = oldX != newX;
eyn += error(oldFunction, EYN, i, newX, inter);
eyp += error(oldFunction, EYP, i, newX, inter);
if (count == 0) {
// cannot compute average
retFunction.add(newX, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
} else {
mean /= count;
eyn /= count;
eyp /= count;
variance /= count;
final double mean2 = mean * mean;
final double diff = MathBase.abs(variance - mean2);
eyn = MathBase.sqrt(eyn * eyn + diff);
eyp = MathBase.sqrt(eyp * eyp + diff);
retFunction.add(newX, mean, eyn, eyp);
return retFunction;
public static DataSet averageDataSetsIIR(final DataSet prevAverage, final DataSet prevAverage2, final DataSet newDataSet, final int nUpdates, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final String functionName = getFormatter(format).format("LP({0}, IIR)", newDataSet.getName());
if (prevAverage == null || prevAverage2 == null || prevAverage.getDataCount() == 0 || prevAverage2.getDataCount() == 0) {
final double[] yValues = newDataSet.getValues(DIM_Y);
final double[] eyn = errors(newDataSet, EYN);
final double[] eyp = errors(newDataSet, EYP);
if (prevAverage2 instanceof DoubleErrorDataSet) {
((DoubleErrorDataSet) prevAverage2).set(newDataSet.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.sqr(yValues), ArrayMath.sqr(eyn), ArrayMath.sqr(eyp));
} else if (prevAverage2 instanceof DoubleDataSet) {
((DoubleDataSet) prevAverage2).set(newDataSet.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.sqr(yValues));
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, newDataSet.getValues(DIM_X), yValues, eyn, eyp,
newDataSet.getDataCount(), true);
final int dataCount1 = prevAverage.getDataCount();
final int dataCount2 = prevAverage2.getDataCount();
final DoubleErrorDataSet retFunction = dataCount1 == 0
? new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, newDataSet.getValues(DIM_X), newDataSet.getValues(DIM_Y),
errors(newDataSet, EYN), errors(newDataSet, EYP), newDataSet.getDataCount(), true)
: new DoubleErrorDataSet(prevAverage.getName(), prevAverage.getValues(DIM_X), prevAverage.getValues(DIM_Y),
errors(prevAverage, EYN), errors(prevAverage, EYP), newDataSet.getDataCount(), true);
final double alpha = 1.0 / (1.0 + nUpdates);
final boolean avg2Empty = dataCount2 == 0;
for (var i = 0; i < dataCount1; i++) {
final double oldX = prevAverage.get(DIM_X, i);
final double oldY = prevAverage.get(DIM_Y, i);
final double oldY2 = avg2Empty ? oldY * oldY : prevAverage2.get(DIM_Y, i);
final double newX = newDataSet.get(DIM_X, i);
// whether we need to interpolate
final boolean inter = oldX != newX;
final double y = inter ? newDataSet.getValue(DIM_Y, oldX) : newDataSet.get(DIM_Y, i);
final double newVal = (1 - alpha) * oldY + alpha * y;
final double newVal2 = (1 - alpha) * oldY2 + alpha * (y * y);
final double eyn = error(newDataSet, EYN, i, newX, inter);
final double eyp = error(newDataSet, EYP, i, newX, inter);
if (prevAverage2 instanceof DoubleErrorDataSet) {
if (avg2Empty) {
((DoubleErrorDataSet) prevAverage2).add(newX, newVal2, eyn, eyp);
} else {
((DoubleErrorDataSet) prevAverage2).set(i, newX, newVal2, eyn, eyp);
final double newEYN = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.abs(newVal2 - MathBase.pow(newVal, 2)) + eyn * eyn);
final double newEYP = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.abs(newVal2 - MathBase.pow(newVal, 2)) + eyp * eyp);
retFunction.set(i, oldX, newVal, newEYN, newEYP);
return retFunction;
public static DataSet dbFunction(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, 0.0, MathOp.DB, format);
public static DataSet dbFunction(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function1, function2, MathOp.DB, format);
public static DataSet derivativeFunction(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return derivativeFunction(function, +1.0, format);
public static DataSet derivativeFunction(final DataSet function, final double sign, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final String signAdd = sign == 1.0 ? "" : Double.toString(sign) + MULTIPLICATION_SYMBOL;
final int ncount = function.getDataCount();
final String functionName = getFormatter(format).format("{0}{1}({2})", signAdd, DIFFERENTIAL, function.getName());
final var retFunction = new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, ncount);
if (ncount <= 3) {
return retFunction;
// TODO: check error estimate for derivative ...
// // derivative for first point
// final double y0 = function.get(DIM_Y, 0);
// final double y1 = function.get(DIM_Y, 0);
// final double yen0 = error(function, EYN, 0);
// final double yep0 = error(function, EYP, 0);
// final double yen1 = error(function, EYN, 1);
// final double yep1 = error(function, EYP, 1);
// final double deltaY0 = y1 - y0;
// final double deltaYEN = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.pow(yen0, 2) + MathBase.pow(yen1,
// 2));
// final double deltaYEP = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.pow(yep0, 2) + MathBase.pow(yep1,
// 2));
// final double deltaX0 = function.get(DIM_X, 1) - function.get(DIM_X, 0);
// retFunction.add(function.get(DIM_X, 0), sign * (deltaY0 / deltaX0),
// deltaYEN, deltaYEP);
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
final double x0 = function.get(DIM_X, i);
retFunction.add(x0, 0, 0, 0);
for (var i = 2; i < ncount - 2; i++) {
final double x0 = function.get(DIM_X, i);
final double stepL = x0 - function.get(DIM_X, i - 1);
final double stepR = function.get(DIM_X, i + 1) - x0;
final double valL = function.get(DIM_Y, i - 1);
final double valC = function.get(DIM_Y, i);
final double valR = function.get(DIM_Y, i + 1);
final double yenL = error(function, EYN, i - 1);
final double yenC = error(function, EYN, i);
final double yenR = error(function, EYN, i + 1);
final double yen = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.sqr(yenL) + MathBase.sqr(yenC) + MathBase.sqr(yenR))
/ 4;
final double yepL = error(function, EYP, i - 1);
final double yepC = error(function, EYP, i);
final double yepR = error(function, EYP, i + 1);
final double yep = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.sqr(yepL) + MathBase.sqr(yepC) + MathBase.sqr(yepR))
/ 4;
// simple derivative computation
final double derivative = 0.5 * ((valC - valL) / stepL + (valR - valC) / stepR);
retFunction.add(x0, sign * derivative, yen, yep);
for (int i = ncount - 2; i < ncount; i++) {
final double x0 = function.get(DIM_X, i);
retFunction.add(x0, 0, 0, 0);
// // derivative for last point
// final int last = ncount - 1;
// final double deltaYN = function.get(DIM_Y, last) - function.get(DIM_Y, last - 1);
// final double deltaXN = function.get(DIM_X, last) - function.get(DIM_X, last - 1);
// retFunction.add(function.get(DIM_X, last), sign * (deltaYN / deltaXN), 0,
// 0);
return retFunction;
public static DataSet divideFunction(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function1, function2, MathOp.DIVIDE, format);
public static DataSet divideFunction(final DataSet function, final double value, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, value, MathOp.DIVIDE, format);
* convenience short-hand notation for getting error variables (if defined for dataset)
* @param dataSet the source data set
* @param eType the error type
* @param x the data set x-value for which the error should be interpolated
* @return the given interpolated error
public static double error(final DataSet dataSet, final ErrType eType, final double x) {
return error(dataSet, eType, -1, x, true);
* convenience short-hand notation for getting error variables (if defined for dataset)
* @param dataSet the source data set
* @param eType the error type
* @param index the data set index
* @return the given error
public static double error(final DataSet dataSet, final ErrType eType, final int index) {
return error(dataSet, eType, index, 0.0, false);
* convenience short-hand notation for getting error variables (if defined for dataset)
* @param dataSet the source data set
* @param eType the error type
* @return the given error array (cropped to data set length if necessary)
public static double[] errors(final DataSet dataSet, final ErrType eType) {
final int nDim = dataSet.getDataCount();
if (!(dataSet instanceof DataSetError)) {
// data set does not have any error definition
return new double[nDim];
final DataSetError ds = (DataSetError) dataSet;
switch (eType) {
case EXN:
return cropToLength(ds.getErrorsNegative(DIM_X), nDim);
case EXP:
return cropToLength(ds.getErrorsPositive(DIM_X), nDim);
case EYN:
return cropToLength(ds.getErrorsNegative(DIM_Y), nDim);
case EYP:
return cropToLength(ds.getErrorsPositive(DIM_Y), nDim);
public static DataSet filterFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, final Filter filterType, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final int n = function.getDataCount();
final String dataSetName = getFormatter(format).format("{0}({1},{2})", filterType.getTag(), function.getName(), width);
final var filteredFunction = new DoubleErrorDataSet(dataSetName, n);
for (var dim = 0; dim < filteredFunction.getDimension(); dim++) {
final var refAxisDescription = function.getAxisDescription(dim);
filteredFunction.getAxisDescription(dim).set(refAxisDescription.getName(), refAxisDescription.getUnit());
final var subArrayY = new double[n];
final var subArrayYn = new double[n];
final var subArrayYp = new double[n];
final double[] xValues = function.getValues(DIM_X);
final double[] yValues = function.getValues(DIM_Y);
final double[] yen = errors(function, EYN);
final double[] yep = errors(function, EYN);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final double time0 = xValues[i];
var count = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
final double time = xValues[j];
if (MathBase.abs(time0 - time) <= width) {
subArrayY[count] = yValues[j];
subArrayYn[count] = yen[j];
subArrayYp[count] = yep[j];
final double norm = count > 0 ? 1.0 / MathBase.sqrt(count) : 0.0;
switch (filterType) {
case MEDIAN:
filteredFunction.add(time0, Math.median(subArrayY, count), Math.median(subArrayYn, count),
Math.median(subArrayYp, count));
case MIN:
filteredFunction.add(time0, Math.minimum(subArrayY, count), Math.minimum(subArrayYn, count),
Math.minimum(subArrayYp, count));
case MAX:
filteredFunction.add(time0, Math.maximum(subArrayY, count), Math.maximum(subArrayYn, count),
Math.maximum(subArrayYp, count));
case P2P:
filteredFunction.add(time0, Math.peakToPeak(subArrayY, count), Math.peakToPeak(subArrayYn, count),
Math.peakToPeak(subArrayYp, count));
case RMS:
filteredFunction.add(time0, Math.rms(subArrayY, count), Math.rms(subArrayYn, count),
Math.rms(subArrayYp, count));
filteredFunction.add(time0, Math.geometricMean(subArrayY, 0, count),
Math.geometricMean(subArrayYn, 0, count), Math.geometricMean(subArrayYp, 0, count));
case MEAN:
filteredFunction.add(time0, Math.mean(subArrayY, count), Math.mean(subArrayYn, count) * norm,
Math.mean(subArrayYp, count) * norm);
return filteredFunction;
public static DataSet geometricMeanFilteredFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return filterFunction(function, width, Filter.GEOMMEAN, format);
public static DataSet getSubRange(final DataSet function, final double xMin, final double xMax, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final int nLength = function.getDataCount();
final String dataSetName = getFormatter(format).format("subRange({0}, {1})", xMin, xMax);
final var ret = new DoubleErrorDataSet(dataSetName, nLength);
for (var i = 0; i < nLength; i++) {
final double x = function.get(DIM_X, i);
final double y = function.get(DIM_Y, i);
final double ex = error(function, EXP, i);
final double ey = error(function, EYP, i);
if (x >= xMin && x <= xMax) {
ret.add(x, y, ex, ey);
return ret;
public static DataSet iirLowPassFilterFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final int n = function.getDataCount();
final String dataSetName = getFormatter(format).format("iir{0}({1},{2})", Filter.MEAN.getTag(), function.getName(), width);
final var filteredFunction = new DoubleErrorDataSet(dataSetName, n);
if (n <= 1) {
if (!(function instanceof GridDataSet)) {
return filteredFunction;
filteredFunction.set(function.getValues(DIM_X), function.getValues(DIM_Y), errors(function, EYN),
errors(function, EYP));
for (var index = 0; index < function.getDataCount(); index++) {
final String label = function.getDataLabel(index);
if (label != null && !label.isEmpty()) {
filteredFunction.addDataLabel(index, label);
for (var index = 0; index < function.getDataCount(); index++) {
final String style = function.getStyle(index);
if (style != null && !style.isEmpty()) {
filteredFunction.addDataStyle(index, style);
return filteredFunction;
final double[] xValues = function.getValues(DIM_X);
final double[] yValues = function.getValues(DIM_Y);
final double[] yen = errors(function, EYN);
final double[] yep = errors(function, EYN);
final var yUp = new double[n];
final var yDown = new double[n];
final var ye1 = new double[n];
final var ye2 = new double[n];
final double smoothing = 0.5 * width;
// IIR smoothing algorithm:
// smoothed += elapsedTime * ( newValue - smoothed ) / smoothing
double smoothed = yValues[0];
double smoothed2 = smoothed * smoothed;
// for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
// final double x0 = xValues[i - 1];
// final double x1 = xValues[i];
// final double y = yValues[i];
// smoothed += (x1 - x0) * (y - smoothed) / smoothing;
// smoothed2 += (x1 - x0) * (y * y - smoothed2) / smoothing;
// final double newEYN = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.abs(smoothed2 - smoothed *
// smoothed) + yen[i] * yen[i]);
// final double newEYP = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.abs(smoothed2 - smoothed *
// smoothed) + yep[i] * yep[i]);
// filteredFunction.add(x1 - smoothing, smoothed, newEYN, newEYP);
// }
// calculate forward/backward to compensate for the IIR group-delay
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
final double x0 = xValues[i - 1];
final double x1 = xValues[i];
final double y = yValues[i];
smoothed += (x1 - x0) * (y - smoothed) / smoothing;
smoothed2 += (x1 - x0) * (y * y - smoothed2) / smoothing;
yUp[i] = smoothed;
ye1[i] = smoothed2;
smoothed = yValues[n - 1];
smoothed2 = smoothed * smoothed;
for (var i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
final double x0 = xValues[i];
final double x1 = xValues[i + 1];
final double y = yValues[i];
smoothed += (x1 - x0) * (y - smoothed) / smoothing;
smoothed2 += (x1 - x0) * (y * y - smoothed2) / smoothing;
yDown[i] = smoothed;
ye2[i] = smoothed2;
filteredFunction.add(xValues[0], yValues[0], yen[0], yep[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
final double x1 = xValues[i];
final double y = 0.5 * (yUp[i] + yDown[i]);
final double mean2 = y * y;
final double y2 = 0.5 * MathBase.pow(ye1[i] + ye2[i], 1);
final double avgError2 = MathBase.abs(y2 - mean2);
final double newEYN = MathBase.sqrt(avgError2 + yen[i] * yen[i]);
final double newEYP = MathBase.sqrt(avgError2 + yep[i] * yep[i]);
filteredFunction.add(x1, y, newEYN, newEYP);
return filteredFunction;
public static DoublePointError integral(final DataSet function) {
final DataSet integratedFunction = integrateFunction(function);
final var lastPoint = integratedFunction.getDataCount() - 1;
if (lastPoint <= 0) {
return new DoublePointError(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
final double x = integratedFunction.get(DIM_X, lastPoint);
final double y = integratedFunction.get(DIM_Y, lastPoint);
final double yen = error(integratedFunction, EYN, lastPoint);
final double yep = error(integratedFunction, EYP, lastPoint);
final double ye = 0.5 * (yen + yep);
return new DoublePointError(x, y, 0.0, ye);
public static DoublePointError integral(final DataSet function, final double xMin, final double xMax) {
final DataSet integratedFunction = integrateFunction(function, xMin, xMax);
final var lastPoint = integratedFunction.getDataCount() - 1;
final double yen = error(integratedFunction, EYN, lastPoint);
final double yep = error(integratedFunction, EYP, lastPoint);
final double ye = 0.5 * (yen + yep);
return new DoublePointError(integratedFunction.get(DIM_X, lastPoint), integratedFunction.get(DIM_Y, lastPoint), 0.0, ye);
public static double integralSimple(final DataSet function) {
var integral1 = 0.0;
var integral2 = 0.0;
final int nCount = function.getDataCount();
if (nCount <= 1) {
return 0.0;
for (var i = 1; i < nCount; i++) {
final double step = function.get(DIM_X, i) - function.get(DIM_X, i - 1);
final double val1 = function.get(DIM_Y, i - 1);
final double val2 = function.get(DIM_Y, i);
integral1 += step * val1;
integral2 += step * val2;
return 0.5 * (integral1 + integral2);
public static DataSet integrateFunction(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return integrateFunction(function, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, format);
public static DataSet integrateFunction(final DataSet function, final double xMin, final double xMax, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final int nLength = function.getDataCount();
final var pattern = "{0}({1})dyn|_'{'{2}'}'^'{'{3}'}'";
final String dataSetName = getFormatter(format).format(pattern, INTEGRAL_SYMBOL, function.getName(), xMin, xMax);
if (nLength <= 0) {
if (!(function instanceof GridDataSet) || function.getDimension() > 2) {
final int ncount = function.getDataCount();
final var emptyVector = new double[ncount];
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(dataSetName, function.getValues(DIM_X), emptyVector, emptyVector,
emptyVector, ncount, true);
throw new IllegalStateException("not yet implemented for non 2D dataSets");
if (!function.getAxisDescription(DIM_X).isDefined()) {
double xMinLocal = function.getAxisDescription(DIM_X).getMin();
double xMaxLocal = function.getAxisDescription(DIM_X).getMax();
var sign = 1.0;
if (Double.isFinite(xMin) && Double.isFinite(xMax)) {
xMinLocal = min(xMin, xMax);
xMaxLocal = max(xMin, xMax);
if (xMin > xMax) {
sign = -1;
} else if (Double.isFinite(xMin)) {
xMinLocal = xMin;
} else if (Double.isFinite(xMax)) {
xMaxLocal = xMax;
final var retFunction = new DoubleErrorDataSet(dataSetName, nLength);
if (nLength <= 1) {
retFunction.add(function.get(DIM_X, 0), 0, 0, 0);
return retFunction;
var integral = 0.0;
var integralEN = 0.0;
var integralEP = 0.0;
if (Double.isFinite(xMin) && xMin <= function.get(DIM_X, 0)) {
// interpolate before range where discrete function is defined
final double val1 = function.getValue(DIM_Y, xMin);
final double x1 = function.get(DIM_X, 0);
final double val2 = function.get(DIM_Y, 0);
final double step = x1 - xMin;
integral += sign * 0.5 * step * (val1 + val2);
final double en1 = error(function, EYN, 0);
final double ep1 = error(function, EYP, 0);
// assuming uncorrelated errors between bins
integralEN = MathBase.hypot(integralEN, step * en1);
integralEP = MathBase.hypot(integralEP, step * ep1);
retFunction.add(xMin, integral, 0, 0);
retFunction.add(function.get(DIM_X, 0), integral, integralEN, integralEP);
for (var i = 1; i < nLength; i++) {
final double x0 = function.get(DIM_X, i - 1);
final double x1 = function.get(DIM_X, i);
double step = x1 - x0;
final double y0 = function.get(DIM_Y, i - 1);
final double en1 = error(function, EYN, i - 1);
final double ep1 = error(function, EYP, i - 1);
final double y1 = function.get(DIM_Y, i);
final double en2 = error(function, EYN, i);
final double ep2 = error(function, EYP, i);
// simple triangulation integration
if (x0 >= xMinLocal && x1 <= xMaxLocal) {
integral += sign * 0.5 * step * (y0 + y1);
// assuming uncorrelated errors between bins
integralEN = MathBase.hypot(integralEN, 0.5 * step * (en1 + en2));
integralEP = MathBase.hypot(integralEP, 0.5 * step * (ep1 + ep2));
} else if (x1 < xMinLocal && x0 < xMinLocal) { // NOSONAR NOPMD
// see below
} else if (x0 < xMinLocal && x1 > xMinLocal) {
retFunction.add(xMin, integral, integralEN, integralEP);
step = x1 - xMinLocal;
integral += sign * 0.5 * step * (function.getValue(DIM_Y, xMinLocal) + y1);
// assuming uncorrelated errors between bins
integralEN = MathBase.hypot(integralEN, 0.5 * step * (en1 + en2));
integralEP = MathBase.hypot(integralEP, 0.5 * step * (ep1 + ep2));
} else if (x0 < xMaxLocal && x1 > xMaxLocal) {
step = xMaxLocal - x0;
final double yAtMax = function.getValue(DIM_Y, xMaxLocal);
integral += sign * 0.5 * step * (y0 + yAtMax);
// assuming uncorrelated errors between bins
integralEN = MathBase.hypot(integralEN, 0.5 * step * (en1 + en2));
integralEP = MathBase.hypot(integralEP, 0.5 * step * (ep1 + ep2));
retFunction.add(xMaxLocal, integral, integralEN, integralEP);
retFunction.add(x1, integral, integralEN, integralEP);
if (Double.isFinite(xMax) && xMax > function.get(DIM_X, nLength - 1)) {
// interpolate after range where discrete function is defined
final double x0 = function.get(DIM_X, nLength - 1);
final double val1 = function.get(DIM_Y, nLength - 1);
final double val2 = function.getValue(DIM_Y, xMax);
final double step = xMax - x0;
final double en1 = error(function, EYN, nLength - 1);
final double ep1 = error(function, EYP, nLength - 1);
// assuming uncorrelated errors between bins
integralEN = MathBase.hypot(integralEN, step * en1);
integralEP = MathBase.hypot(integralEP, step * ep1);
integral += 0.5 * step * (val1 + val2);
retFunction.add(xMax, integral, integralEN, integralEP);
return retFunction;
public static DataSet integrateFromCentre(@NotNull DataSet function, final double centre, final double width, final boolean normalise, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final double xMinLocal = function.getAxisDescription(DIM_X).getMin();
final double xMaxLocal = function.getAxisDescription(DIM_X).getMax();
final double centreLocal = Double.isFinite(centre) ? centre : SimpleDataSetEstimators.computeCentreOfMass(function, 0, function.getDataCount());
final var pattern = "{0}({1},c={2})dyn|_'{'c-{3}'}'^'{'c+{3}'}'";
final int nLength = function.getDataCount();
final String dataSetName = getFormatter(format).format(pattern, INTEGRAL_SYMBOL, function.getName(), centreLocal, width);
if (nLength < 2) { // need at least two
if (!(function instanceof GridDataSet) || function.getDimension() > 2) {
final int ncount = function.getDataCount();
final var emptyVector = new double[ncount];
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(dataSetName, function.getValues(DIM_X), emptyVector, emptyVector, emptyVector, ncount, true);
throw new IllegalStateException("not yet implemented for non 2D dataSets");
final var retFunction = new DoubleErrorDataSet(dataSetName, nLength / 2);
if (width <= 0.0) {
return retFunction;
if (centreLocal <= xMinLocal || centreLocal >= xMaxLocal) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("centre %f is outside DataSetRange [%f,%f]", centreLocal, xMinLocal, xMaxLocal));
final double scaleLocal = normalise ? 1.0 / integral(function, max(centreLocal - width, xMinLocal), min(centreLocal + width, xMaxLocal)).getY() : 1.0;
final var centreLocalIndex = function.getIndex(DIM_X, centreLocal);
final var maxIntIndex = min(centreLocalIndex, function.getDataCount() - 1 - centreLocalIndex);
var integral = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < maxIntIndex; i++) {
// x-values
final double xL0 = function.get(DIM_X, centreLocalIndex - i - 1);
final double xL1 = function.get(DIM_X, centreLocalIndex - i);
final double stepL = xL1 - xL0;
final double xR0 = function.get(DIM_X, centreLocalIndex + i);
final double xR1 = function.get(DIM_X, centreLocalIndex + i + 1);
final double stepR = xR1 - xR0;
// y-values
final double yL0 = function.get(DIM_Y, centreLocalIndex - i - 1);
final double yL1 = function.get(DIM_Y, centreLocalIndex - i);
final double yR0 = function.get(DIM_Y, centreLocalIndex + i);
final double yR1 = function.get(DIM_Y, centreLocalIndex + i + 1);
// simple triangulation integration
integral += scaleLocal * 0.5 * (stepL * (yL0 + yL1) + stepR * (yR0 + yR1));
final double distanceFromCentre = 0.5 * (xR1 - xL0);
retFunction.add(distanceFromCentre, integral, 0, 0);
return retFunction;
public static double integralWidth(@NotNull DataSet function, final double centre, final double maxWidth, final double threshold) {
return SimpleDataSetEstimators.getZeroCrossing(integrateFromCentre(function, centre, maxWidth, true), threshold);
public static DataSet inversedbFunction(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, 1.0, MathOp.INV_DB, format);
public static DataSet log10Function(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, 0.0, MathOp.LOG10, format);
public static DataSet log10Function(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function1, function2, MathOp.LOG10, format);
public static DataSet lowPassFilterFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return filterFunction(function, width, Filter.MEAN, format);
public static DataSet magnitudeSpectrum(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return magnitudeSpectrum(function, Apodization.Hann, false, false, format);
public static DataSet magnitudeSpectrum(final DataSet function, final Apodization apodization, final boolean dbScale, final boolean normalisedFrequency, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final String functionName = getFormatter(format).format("Mag{0}({1})", dbScale ? "[dB]" : "", function.getName());
final int n = function.getDataCount();
if (n == 0) {
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, 0);
final var fastFourierTrafo = new DoubleFFT_1D(n);
// N.B. since realForward computes the FFT in-place -> generate a copy
final var fftSpectra = new double[n];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final double window = apodization.getIndex(i, n);
fftSpectra[i] = function.get(DIM_Y, i) * window;
final var mag = dbScale ? SpectrumTools.computeMagnitudeSpectrum_dB(fftSpectra, true) : SpectrumTools.computeMagnitudeSpectrum(fftSpectra, true);
final var dt = function.get(DIM_X, function.getDataCount() - 1) - function.get(DIM_X, 0);
final var fsampling = normalisedFrequency || dt <= 0 ? 0.5 / mag.length : 1.0 / dt;
final var ret = new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, mag.length);
for (var i = 0; i < mag.length; i++) {
// TODO: consider magnitude error estimate
ret.add(i * fsampling, mag[i], 0, 0);
return ret;
public static DataSet magnitudeSpectrumComplex(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return magnitudeSpectrumComplex(function, Apodization.Hann, false, false, format);
public static DataSet magnitudeSpectrumComplex(final DataSet function, final Apodization apodization,
final boolean dbScale, final boolean normalisedFrequency, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final int n = function.getDataCount();
final var fastFourierTrafo = new DoubleFFT_1D(n);
// N.B. since realForward computes the FFT in-place -> generate a copy
final var fftSpectra = new double[2 * n];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final double window = apodization.getIndex(i, n);
fftSpectra[2 * i] = function.get(DIM_Y, i) * window;
fftSpectra[2 * i + 1] = function.get(DIM_Z, i) * window;
final var mag = dbScale ? SpectrumTools.computeMagnitudeSpectrum_dB(fftSpectra, true)
: SpectrumTools.computeMagnitudeSpectrum(fftSpectra, true);
final var dt = function.get(DIM_X, function.getDataCount() - 1) - function.get(DIM_X, 0);
final var fsampling = normalisedFrequency || dt <= 0 ? 0.5 / mag.length : 1.0 / dt;
final var functionName = getFormatter(format).format("Mag{0}({1})", dbScale ? "[dB]" : "", function.getName());
final var ret = new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, mag.length);
for (var i = 0; i < mag.length; i++) {
// TODO: consider magnitude error estimate
if (i < mag.length / 2) {
ret.add((i - mag.length / 2.0) * fsampling, mag[i + mag.length / 2], 0, 0);
} else {
ret.add((i - mag.length / 2.0) * fsampling, mag[i - mag.length / 2], 0, 0);
return ret;
public static DataSet magnitudeSpectrumDecibel(final DataSet function) {
return magnitudeSpectrum(function, Apodization.Hann, true, false);
public static boolean sameHorizontalBase(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2) {
if (function1.getDataCount() != function2.getDataCount()) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < function1.getDataCount(); i++) {
final double X1 = function1.get(DIM_X, i);
final double X2 = function2.get(DIM_X, i);
if (X1 != X2) {
return false;
return true;
public static DataSet mathFunction(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, final MathOp op, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final String newDataSetName = getFormatter(format).format("{0}{1}{2}", function1.getName(), op.getTag(), function2.getName());
final var ret = new DoubleErrorDataSet(newDataSetName, function1.getDataCount());
ret.getAxisDescription(DIM_Y).set(function1.getAxisDescription(DIM_Y).getName(), function1.getAxisDescription(DIM_Y).getUnit());
final boolean needsInterpolation = !sameHorizontalBase(function1, function2);
if (needsInterpolation) {
final List<Double> xValues = getCommonBase(function1, function2);
for (double x : xValues) {
final double Y1 = function1.getValue(DIM_Y, x);
final double Y2 = function2.getValue(DIM_Y, x);
final double eyn1 = error(function1, EYN, 0, x, needsInterpolation);
final double eyp1 = error(function1, EYP, 0, x, needsInterpolation);
final double eyn2 = error(function2, EYN, 0, x, needsInterpolation);
final double eyp2 = error(function2, EYP, 0, x, needsInterpolation);
applyMathOperation(ret, op, x, Y1, Y2, eyn1, eyp1, eyn2, eyp2);
return ret;
for (var i = 0; i < function1.getDataCount(); i++) {
final double X1 = function1.get(DIM_X, i);
// not needed : final double X2 = function1.get(DIM_X, i) ...
final double Y1 = function1.get(DIM_Y, i);
final double Y2 = function2.get(DIM_Y, i);
final double eyn1 = error(function1, EYN, i);
final double eyp1 = error(function1, EYP, i);
final double eyn2 = error(function2, EYN, i, X1, needsInterpolation);
final double eyp2 = error(function2, EYP, i, X1, needsInterpolation);
applyMathOperation(ret, op, X1, Y1, Y2, eyn1, eyp1, eyn2, eyp2);
return ret;
public static List<Double> getCommonBase(final DataSet... functions) {
final List<Double> xValues = new NoDuplicatesList<>();
for (DataSet function : functions) {
for (var i = 0; i < function.getDataCount(); i++) {
if (function instanceof Histogram) {
xValues.add(((Histogram) function).getBinLimits(DIM_X, LOWER, i));
xValues.add(((Histogram) function).getBinCenter(DIM_X, i));
xValues.add(((Histogram) function).getBinLimits(DIM_X, UPPER, i));
} else {
xValues.add(function.get(DIM_X, i));
return xValues;
public static DataSet mathFunction(final DataSet function, final double value, final MathOp op, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final String functionName = getFormatter(format).format("{0}({1})", op.getTag(), function.getName());
final double[] y = function.getValues(DIM_Y);
final double[] eyn = Arrays.copyOf(errors(function, EYN), y.length);
final double[] eyp = Arrays.copyOf(errors(function, EYP), y.length);
final int ncount = function.getDataCount();
switch (op) {
case ADD:
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.add(y, value), eyn, eyp,
ncount, true);
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.subtract(y, value), eyn, eyp,
ncount, true);
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.multiply(y, value),
ArrayMath.multiply(eyn, value), ArrayMath.multiply(eyp, value), ncount, true);
case DIVIDE:
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.divide(y, value),
ArrayMath.divide(eyn, value), ArrayMath.divide(eyp, value), ncount, true);
case SQR:
for (var i = 0; i < eyn.length; i++) {
eyn[i] = 2 * MathBase.abs(y[i] + value) * eyn[i];
eyp[i] = 2 * MathBase.abs(y[i] + value) * eyp[i];
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), value == 0.0 ? ArrayMath.sqr(y) : ArrayMath.sqr(ArrayMath.add(y, value)), eyn, eyp, ncount,
case SQRT:
for (var i = 0; i < eyn.length; i++) {
eyn[i] = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.abs(y[i] + value)) * eyn[i];
eyp[i] = MathBase.sqrt(MathBase.abs(y[i] + value)) * eyp[i];
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), value == 0.0 ? ArrayMath.sqrt(y) : ArrayMath.sqrt(ArrayMath.add(y, value)), eyn, eyp, ncount,
case LOG10:
for (var i = 0; i < eyn.length; i++) {
eyn[i] = 0.0; // 0.0 as a work-around
eyp[i] = 0.0;
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.tenLog10(y), eyn, eyp,
ncount, true);
case DB:
for (var i = 0; i < eyn.length; i++) {
eyn[i] = 0.0; // 0.0 as a work-around
eyp[i] = 0.0;
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.decibel(y), eyn, eyp, ncount,
case INV_DB:
for (var i = 0; i < eyn.length; i++) {
eyn[i] = 0.0; // 0.0 as a work-around
eyp[i] = 0.0;
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), ArrayMath.inverseDecibel(y), eyn, eyp,
ncount, true);
// return copy if nothing else matches
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), function.getValues(DIM_Y),
errors(function, EYN), errors(function, EYP), ncount, true);
public static DataSet maxFilteredFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return filterFunction(function, width, Filter.MAX, format);
public static DataSet medianFilteredFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return filterFunction(function, width, Filter.MEDIAN, format);
public static DataSet minFilteredFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return filterFunction(function, width, Filter.MIN, format);
public static DataSet multiplyFunction(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function1, function2, MathOp.MULTIPLY, format);
public static DataSet multiplyFunction(final DataSet function, final double value, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, value, MathOp.MULTIPLY, format);
public static DataSet normalisedFunction(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return normalisedFunction(function, 1.0, format);
public static DataSet normalisedFunction(final DataSet function, final double requiredIntegral, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
final DoublePointError complexInt = integral(function);
final double integral = complexInt.getY() / requiredIntegral;
final int ncount = function.getDataCount();
// final double integralErr = complexInt.getErrorY() / requiredIntegral;
// TODO: add error propagation to normalised function error estimate
final String functionName = getFormatter(format).format("{0}", function.getName());
if (integral == 0) {
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, function.getValues(DIM_X), new double[ncount],
new double[ncount], new double[ncount], ncount, true);
final var xValues = function.getValues(DIM_X);
final var yValues = ArrayMath.divide(function.getValues(DIM_Y), integral);
final var eyp = ArrayMath.divide(errors(function, EYN), integral);
final var eyn = ArrayMath.divide(errors(function, EYP), integral);
return new DoubleErrorDataSet(functionName, xValues, yValues, eyp, eyn, ncount, true);
public static DataSet normalisedMagnitudeSpectrumDecibel(final DataSet function, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return magnitudeSpectrum(function, Apodization.Hann, true, true, format);
public static DataSet peakToPeakFilteredFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return filterFunction(function, width, Filter.P2P, format);
public static DataSet rmsFilteredFunction(final DataSet function, final double width, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return filterFunction(function, width, Filter.RMS, format);
public static EditableDataSet setFunction(final EditableDataSet function, final double value, final double xMin, final double xMax) {
final int nLength = function.getDataCount();
double xMinLocal = function.get(DIM_X, 0);
double xMaxLocal = function.get(DIM_X, nLength - 1);
if (Double.isFinite(xMin) && Double.isFinite(xMax)) {
xMinLocal = min(xMin, xMax);
xMaxLocal = max(xMin, xMax);
} else if (Double.isFinite(xMin)) {
xMinLocal = xMin;
} else if (Double.isFinite(xMax)) {
xMaxLocal = xMax;
for (var i = 0; i < nLength; i++) {
final double x = function.get(DIM_X, i);
if (x >= xMinLocal && x <= xMaxLocal) {
function.set(i, x, value);
return function;
public static DataSet sqrFunction(final DataSet function, final double value, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, value, MathOp.SQR, format);
public static DataSet sqrFunction(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function1, function2, MathOp.SQR, format);
public static DataSet sqrtFunction(final DataSet function, final double value, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, value, MathOp.SQRT, format);
public static DataSet sqrtFunction(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function1, function2, MathOp.SQRT, format);
public static DataSet subtractFunction(final DataSet function1, final DataSet function2, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function1, function2, MathOp.SUBTRACT, format);
public static DataSet subtractFunction(final DataSet function, final double value, @NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return mathFunction(function, value, MathOp.SUBTRACT, format);
private static Formatter<Number> getFormatter(@NotNull final Formatter<Number>... format) {
return Objects.requireNonNull(format, "user-supplied format").length > 0 ? format[0] : DEFAULT_FORMATTER;
private static double[] cropToLength(final double[] in, final int length) {
// small helper routine to crop data array in case it's to long
if (in.length == length) {
return in;
return Arrays.copyOf(in, length);
public enum ErrType {
public enum Filter {
private final String tag;
Filter(final String tag) {
this.tag = tag;
public String getTag() {
return tag;
public enum MathOp {
private final String tag;
MathOp(final String tag) {
this.tag = tag;
public String getTag() {
return tag;
} |
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For #641, seems it suffices to have <dependency>
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For #641, seems it suffices to have
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