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Universal Robot UR/URe

UR3e & Robotiq Hand-eUR3 & Robotiq 85

Custom ROS packages for the UR3 Robot with a gripper Robotiq 85 and the UR3e robot with a gripper Robotiq Hand-e. Tested on ROS Melodic Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 3.6.



Visualization of UR3 in RViz

To visualize the model of the robot with a gripper, launch the following:

$ roslaunch ur3_description display_with_gripper.launch

You can then use the sliders to change the joint values and the gripper values.

Simulation in Gazebo 7/9

To simulate the robot launch the following:

$ roslaunch ur3_gazebo ur_cubes.launch ur_robot:=ur3 grasp_plugin:=1

or using ur3e:

$ roslaunch ur3_gazebo ur_e_cubes.launch ur_robot:=ur3e grasp_plugin:=1

By default the simulation starts paused. Unpause the simulation. You can then send commands to the joints or to the gripper.

An example of sending joints values to the robot can be executed as follows:

$ rosrun ur_control -m

To change the values of the joints, the file must be modified.

Similarly, the script include examples to control the robot's end-effector position, gripper and an example of performing grasping. Execute the following command to see the available examples.

$ rosrun ur_control --help

An easy way to control the robot using the keyboard can be found in the script:

$ rosrun ur_control

Press SPACE to get a list of all valid commands to control either each independent joint or the end effector position x,y,z and rotations. To have access to the gripper controller include the option --gripper

Another option of easy control is using rqt


To test the MoveIt configuration with any UR/URe robot, start one of the gazebo environments, such as:

roslaunch ur3_gazebo ur_e_cubes.launch ur_robot:=ur3e

Then load the MoveIt configuration

roslaunch ur3e_hande_moveit_config start_moveit.launch

Then execute the tutorial

rosrun ur_control --tutorial