Please read carefully the guides for contributing to this project. Before you create a Pull Request, search for already created ones so there won't be any duplicate.
Add only courses, books, softwares that you really think is awesome, don't just add any resource that contains words like "Network, Networking, etc.". It would be even better if you have personal experience with that resource, because after all, this is a list of awesome things.
If you are adding some book, software or anything else that is purchasable, DO NOT add links that leads to the illegal sites and illegal resources. Provide a link to the either official shop's/author's website, or other official sellers of that content (e.g. Book on Amazon).
- Find a link to the resource you consider is awesome.
- Add it to the proper category at the end of the list (two new).
- Use format
* [name]( - A short description ends with a period.
- If there is no section for your resource but you thing there should be, then add it right before Miscellaneous category.
- Check your spelling and grammar.
- Send a Pull Request with the proper name and description (Do not name Pull Request like "Update").
- Be patient. It may take a few days for me to review it.